Chapter 121

“Wenren Xiaoxia! This is your token!”

The token handed over by this person is the credential to enter the Lunjian Conference.

Wen Renjie picked it up and weighed it.

It feels like iron contains a lot of impurities.

Except for a beautiful seal character on it-there is nothing else.

He put it in his arms and put it into the portable room.

“Thank you!”

After holding a fist, Wen Renjie is about to leave here.

These people around are too enthusiastic.

It’s as if a stubborn fan has seen his idol.

This swordsman who stood by to maintain law and order was no exception.

Seeing Wen Renjie want to leave, he slightly stepped to the side and stopped Wen Renjie.

Respectfully said: “Wen Ren Shaoxia, please reveal the name of the sword, so that everyone will have a thought in the future.”

“What’s the rule?”

Wen Renjie looked at this guy strangely. Is this an ancient version of a reporter interview?

“Hey! You don’t know what Wenren Xiaoxia! But whoever can leave the sword marks on the sword test stone, who does not have a prestigious name?”

“However, the young man became famous at a young age. How disrespectful everyone is to call you by your name!”

“So if you don’t have a nickname, everyone will generally use the weapon name.”


Only then did Wen Renjie understand the truth.

At the same time, he has only now discovered that his personal identity has been mixed with such a big name, and he really doesn’t have a nickname!

I don’t know what nickname these people will give themselves?

“The name of the sword is Wu Gou, and the sword is used for a lifetime, right?”

“Okay! OK! Please!”

Sword Servant stepped aside and watched Wen Renjie fly away frantically.

When leaving, Wen Renjie gave Lin Xian’er and Bai Qing’er a wink.

Motion to go back quickly.

As for whether the two of them can see clearly, then he doesn’t care.

No time to manage.

Because these audiences are so enthusiastic!

One after another rushed towards him.

Wen Renjie didn’t dare to touch the ground with his feet, using knights’ exercises to keep jumping in mid-air.

Escaped here quickly.

Those people are still chasing perseveringly behind.

It’s more fanatical than those in the previous life. Star fans are even scarier.

Because these people can work lightly, it’s really hard to hide!

Wen Renjie led a large group of people from the Imperial City to the north and then to the south.

Finally, taking advantage of a small gap, he took out a set of spare clothes and changed them in the portable space to get rid of these people.

Using his clumsy makeup methods, he disguised himself a bit.

Wen Renjie slipped back safely to the north of the city and returned to the small manor.

He led the group of people around the city for most of the day.

It’s already past noon.

Turning around, his stomach is a little hungry.

The two women returned to the small manor early, and they prepared lunch for Wen Renjie very tacitly.

It was just in time for dinner when he came back.

Wen Renjie, sitting at the dinner table, still has some lingering fears.

While holding the rice, he spit out in my heart.

Maybe this is a fan of the ancient version!

too frightening!

This time his impact was even more exaggerated than killing King Ning.

After all, after killing King Ning, there were still some jealous people, saying that there were other strong people to help, but it was only the final blow to Wen Renjie.

But this time to try the sword, that’s Wen Renjie’s personal ability.

And the sound and light effects at that time were almost full.

Let alone the capital.

Even other cities have seen great swords that traverse the sky.

At the same time, he heard Wen Renjie’s voice expanding the natural atmosphere between heaven and earth.

There is no need to ask about the trick of Yijian Geshi. Besides, Renjie, everyone has heard it.

When he led the big ticket people around.

What I heard along the way was all about him.

Some old things were brought up again, saying that when he watched Wen Renjie fight in the ring, he knew that he was not in the pool.

Some discuss the powerful tricks in the martial arts cheats.

Others are discussing whether Wenren can live until he grows up with such a powerful kendo talent…

It can be said that no one does not talk about Wen Renjie!

Even at the time of his turn.

His image has spread throughout the capital.

Simply outrageous!

“It seems that you should not go out for these two days! Wait for these people’s brains to calm down!”

Wen Renjie sighed.

At the dining table, Lin Xian’er and Bai Qing’er just looked at him obsessively with their heads supported.

Hearing this, he just nodded.

Then he looked at him obsessively.


Fortunately, the two of them are restrained.

Otherwise, Wen Renjie will have to consider whether to live in another place.

···········Ask for flowers·······

So in the next time today and tomorrow.

Wen Renjie did not take a step out of the manor.

Or it’s just recalling the wonderful feeling and mysterious space when I tried the sword.

Or it’s just cultivating with the two girls.

Although the effect is not as good as the first time.

But this thing is expensive to insist on!

Seeing people’s hearts for a long time, but also increasing skill…

. . .

Wen Renjie lives in the small courtyard comfortably and peacefully.

But outside the courtyard, it’s completely different.

Countless great forces set their sights on him.

Finally face up to this rising star.

Many big forces want to pull it under their own command.

He even sent a task list to the Blue Dragon Association.

.. …….. …

Want Wen Renjie’s detailed information, or get rid of it if you can’t win…

It can be said that as long as it is about Wen Renjie, there are all kinds of tasks.

Fortunately, Wen Renjie didn’t pay attention to the taskbar, otherwise he would want to sell his messages and get rewards from the system.

The palace, in a large hall.

Ye Gucheng truthfully reported what he had seen and heard and his evaluation of Wen Renjie to Emperor Xiang Wu.

Although Emperor Xiang Wu saw Wen Renjie trying his sword.

However, the professional explained to him Wen Renjie’s achievements, and he was still sitting on the dragon chair in shock.

It’s not the same as Ye Gucheng thought it was Wen Renjie’s potential.

Emperor Xiang Wu knew that Wen Renjie was the dragon head of the Qinglonghui.

How could there be only this realm!

So, this is Wen Renjie’s real state, not potential!


I have to say that this misunderstanding is a bit big.

Wen Renjie really doesn’t have that state, just that he has the potential.

Emperor Xiang Wu didn’t tell Ye Gucheng Wen Renjie’s true identity.

He is an emperor.

How could it be explained by a courtier?

So this misunderstanding happened so beautifully.

“Retreat! Get ready for the sword conference!”

“According to the purpose!”

Ye Gucheng nodded slightly and left the hall.

Thinking of the various kendo masters who came to the capital this time.

He really looked forward to this conference on swords more and more.

In the hall, Emperor Xiang Wu remained silent for a long time.

But my heart is full of thoughts.

“Qinglonghui, it’s too strong…” Zhang.

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