Wrong Interrogation Room, The First Cracked Case Shocked the World

Chapter 271 The real murderer! 【For full order, please customize】

He was holding a pitch-black thing in his hand, Ning Cheng looked at it carefully, it turned out to be a gun!

"You hide guns!"

Ning Cheng's heart skipped a beat, and the boss's black muzzle pointed at him, like a bottomless black hole.

The expression on the boss's face also changed from flattering to fierce.

"How did you find out!"

Ning Cheng looked straight at the boss with a coldness on his face that he didn't even notice.

"Tian He works at your gas station, and Lin Guyun has been sending money to your gas station. No matter what you think, something is wrong. Thank you for your self-destruction. Otherwise, we won't find any clues."

He was telling the truth. If the owner of the gas station hadn't committed suicide, how could he have been discovered?

"So what? You came alone today. I killed you and buried you in the woods. No one will know!"

The boss had an evil smile on his already twisted face: "Just like Tian He, no one knows where you have gone."

Said he had loaded the gun.

This is not a threat, but a notification that this mad man is going to kill himself!

In Ning Cheng's brain, the system was already sounding the alarm.

"Attention! Attention! The host is life-threatening! Attention! Attention!"

Ning Cheng himself was not in a hurry, but the system began to drip continuously.

He was annoyed like a big, noisy frog calling in his ear in a pinch.

But what is important now is not how to appease the system, but to deal with the fierce-looking man in front of him.

"Idiot, do you think I came by myself? I told the bureau when I came."

Saying that, Ning Cheng pretended to look at his watch: "Five minutes later, my colleague will come to pick me up at the gas station."

The moment Ning Cheng raised his hand, the boss immediately trembled in fright. He thought that Ning Cheng was going to take the opportunity to draw a gun.

In fact, Ning Cheng didn't tell anyone that he would come to this gas station at all, but in order to temporarily calm the old man in front of him, he could only say so.

"Hahahahahaha so what? You don't need five minutes, a bullet can kill you.¨."

Ning Cheng had one hand in front, while the other hand touched his waist, with a small pistol tucked inside.

It was probably a matter of intuition, so Ning Cheng took out his pistol from the drawer as he left.

He stared at the boss, slowly turning his fingers, it's okay, it's okay, as long as he takes out his gun, this person will be solved.

In the eyes of the boss, Ning Cheng just stood there motionless, and the two of them were deadlocked.

"Are you sure you're going to kill me? Murdering a police officer is a big crime!"

"I killed Lin Guyun, you are just a policeman, what's so great about you?"

Ning Cheng has slowly pulled out his weapon. He is looking for an opportunity to knock down the boss.

There was the sound of rustling leaves in the distance, as if someone was slowly advancing in the woods.

"Little Rain, this way!"

Ning Cheng shouted abruptly, making the boss turn his head in fright, but the back was empty and there was nothing.

The boss secretly screamed badly.

But the gunshots on the opposite side had already sounded, and the boss only felt a piercing pain in his leg.

Then there was another shot, and the bullet pierced his arm, spattering warm blood on his own face.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

The next second, the boss let out a scream, and his right arm and right leg were wounded by bullets.

Ning Cheng stepped forward with a quick hand and quickly kicked away the shotgun that the boss threw on the ground, for fear that he would raise the gun again as soon as he gritted his teeth.

"Don't move, I am now arresting you on behalf of the Jiangcheng Police Station on suspicion of intentional homicide!"

Ning Cheng, who returned to the police station, almost collapsed. He touched the back of his neck, and his palms were full of sticky sweat that had cooled down.


Ning Cheng lay on the chair and exhaled heavily.

Just now, even if the boss had fallen into a coma, he was holding himself tightly. After all, he was alone. If the boss woke up in the car, wouldn't it be the same death?

"Captain Ning, you are too impulsive, how can you go to the gas station by yourself?" Mu Xiaoyu just learned what happened, and was babbling on the side.

Boss, no, it should be that the murderer has been sent to the hospital, and he will be sent back after a simple bandage.

And Ning Cheng hurried to the office without even changing his dirty clothes.

It's not because he is dedicated to his work, but his boss called him on the way back, saying that the Lin family had been putting pressure on the police station, asking Ning Cheng and the others to catch Lin Guyun's murderer.

It's just that Ning Cheng has been running around, and the boss has no chance to beat Ning Cheng. Now that Ning Cheng is free, he has to say something.

"Ning Cheng, if something goes wrong with this person, the Lin family will probably tear down our police station."

But it's just to talk about it. After all, everyone believed that Ning Cheng could solve the case, so for this kind of thing, everyone didn't take it to heart.

"¨々 Even if the Lin family doesn't say hello, I'll catch him too."

Ning Cheng's eyes were all firm, even with his phone, his boss could hear his current mood from his tone.

"That's good, as long as you can catch this person, everything is easy to say."

The Lin family will never spare this man.

It may be the problem of the Lin family. The hospital's bandaging of the murderer is far less meticulous than before, and even very sloppy.

The point is, in order to speed up the interrogation, the hospital gave the boss something he didn't know.

Looking at the miserable man across from him, Ning Cheng couldn't really feel any sympathy.

He clearly saw the truth of everything, but he still kept it a secret, and let Tian Shu and his wife find the boy for nine years. He also used Lin Guyun as an ATM for nine years.

Everything stems from greed, the greed of this man.


"Liu Dachuan."


"Forty-five tongues."

"Tell me how you killed (did) Lin Guyun."

Liu Dachuan has no strength all over his body now, but his brain is still awake, but it is between confusion and confusion.

"Lin Guyun went on vacation nine years ago and killed someone on the side of the road. Not far from my gas station, I watched them bury their bodies."

Liu Dachuan swallowed a mouthful of spit, and the expression on his face was a little dazed: "I have seen one of them who buried the body. He is the eldest son of the Lin family. I often see him in the newspapers."

"So you have a crooked mind?"

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