"Yes, this is a big fat sheep. I thought that he definitely had money in his hands, so I was moved, but I didn't want to cut him off from the family."

"Lin Guyun gave you the rest except for the money he needed to live, didn't he?"

"So what? It's just some shredded meat between his teeth. If he asked him to speak at home, I would have gone far away."

A contemptuous sneer slowly appeared on Liu Dachuan's face, and he shook his head like a drunk hooligan.

Ning Cheng has seen too many wicked people, but Liu Dachuan's appearance made his heart not even a little bit turbulent.

"and then?"

"Lin Guyun has been donating money to do good deeds and wants to atone for his sins. It's ridiculous. How could he offset his life with these little things? I'm just helping him do good deeds and atonement."

Even now, he has no intention of repenting.

"Then why did you kill him because he didn't give you money?"

"This hypocritical little boy actually wanted to speak out about this matter. I persuaded him not to make jokes about his future and his future, but he didn't listen. He thought speaking out was the best solution.

If he says it out, then I won't have any money, I can't do this kind of thing that harms myself and others. "

After coming out of the interrogation room, the expression on Ning Cheng's face was very solemn.

After Mu Xiaoyu saw it, she immediately greeted her.

She was in another room, listening to Liu Dachuan's confession, she really couldn't imagine how a person could be like this.

For nine years, Lin Guyun has been living in guilt if he guessed correctly, and Liu Dachuan used this guilt to turn Lin Guyun into her ATM.

On the other side, Tian Shu and his wife were still struggling to find their son.

How heartbroken is Liu Dachuan to be able to do such a thing?

"Captain Ning, don't be sad. Now that the case has been solved, the rest is up to the procuratorate and the court. This time he offended the Lin family and he can't escape."

"This has nothing to do with the Lin family. By the way, what happened to Song Lingfan and the others?"

"The police station has determined that Song Lingfan killed Tian He, and we will not be responsible for collecting evidence later, but Song Lingfan hangs Lin Guyun like this, and according to Lin Zhitao's current behavior, they are not better. where to go."

"The crows in the world are as black as black. If it wasn't for Lin Guyun's case, they might have forgotten the mistakes they made before."

While talking, the two returned to the office (cdbc) room.

Although the case was over, Song Lingfan did not stop.

Before the procuratorate could take action, Ning Cheng was blocked at the door by this woman.

"Ning Cheng, you went too far. You even told the procuratorate about it. Have you ever thought about my future?"

"Excessive, the case has not passed the prosecution period, why can't you say it?"

"This matter can obviously be settled with money, why are you making a fuss?"

Ning Cheng looked at the lady who had lost her mind and sighed helplessly. The daughter finally showed her true colors.

"It's not me, it's the Lin family. Don't forget that Lin Guyun is Lin Zhitao's son even if he leaves the Lin family. You hung him before, but Lin Zhitao just didn't say it. Now Lin Guyun's accident is because of you."

Ning Cheng has made his words clear enough.

But Song Lingfan looked at Ning Cheng as if he hadn't heard it, with a very crazy tone.

"It's all your fault! It's all your fault!"

Ning Cheng stopped looking at this crazy woman, and walked towards the police station door with a first glance.

Song Lingfan was quickly framed out by security.

For the rest, they don't need Ning Cheng to come to the heart, they just need to find the murderer.

Zhao Xiaoan's vacation was so short that he returned to the office the day after the case ended. Mu Xiaoyu had tears in her eyes when she saw this dull man coming back.

"Xiao An, if you don't come back, I will be exhausted by Team Ning!"

Zhao Xiaoan put down his shoulder bag: "I saw it, the case of the Lin family just ended yesterday."

"Yeah." Mu Xiaoyu said with a blank look at Ning Cheng: "Ning team ran to catch the murderer, if he didn't have a gun on him, he would have died."

Ning Cheng looked at his cell phone: "Isn't this back? Don't babble."

When Ning Cheng and Mu Xiaoyu first met, they only thought that he was a lively and lovely little girl who had only been in the police force for less than half a year. How could she be nagging like an old lady.

Zhao Xiaoan looked at the two people who were complaining about each other, but shook his head helplessly and smiled.

This time, they solved so many cases in a row. The boss said that several people had worked hard, and specifically approved them to go to the public fund to build a team.

It is said that it is a group building, but it is actually eating a barbecue at a barbecue restaurant.

After all, travel is impossible, and who knows if there will be any bizarre cases on the way?

But a few people discussed it, and waited for Zhou Ziyan to come back from vacation and get together.

Besides, Zhou Ziyan's vacation is coming to an end, and she has used up all the annual leave she has saved this time.

The Zhou sisters on the other side are not so peaceful.

Zhou Muyan lived in her sister's small apartment for a week, but she and Zhou Ziyan hardly spoke for no other reason. Zhou Ziyan revealed that she liked Ning Cheng.

The age gap between Zhou Muyan and Ning Cheng is too big, and Ning Cheng's family background is not that good. Nine times out of ten, Zhou's parents will refuse.

Holding a very embarrassing mood, Zhou Muyan didn't know how to communicate with his sister.

"I'm going to work tomorrow. If you stay in the apartment, you'll live there, but I advise you to go home first. Your parents are very worried about you."

Zhou Muyan was in the study, absent-mindedly flipping through "Hou Hei Xue", which had almost no traces of reading.

She didn't really want to answer her sister's question.

To be honest, Zhou Muyan is just an ostrich now, burying his head in the sand, he doesn't care about anything.

However, the report date for Cavendish Laboratory is approaching, and Zhou Muyan always has to make a decision whether to go or not.

Zhou Muyan struggled painfully here, but there was no flaw on the surface.

Zhou Ziyan and Zhou Muyan have lived together for so many years, and she knows everything she wants:

"This is your last time. If you don't make a decision, you can only listen to your parents obediently in the future."

Zhou Ziyan's going to be a policeman has made Zhou's parents very dissatisfied, so their minds are now on their little daughter.

Zhou Muyan is now blatantly rebellious, and he is literally dancing in the thunder field.

Zhou Ziyan doesn't want to force her sister, but if there is still no result, then Zhou Muyan can really only be dominated by the Zhou family in her life.

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