Wrong Interrogation Room, The First Cracked Case Shocked the World

Chapter 270 Don't recruit yourself! 【Seeking complete order and customized order】

Song Lingfan waited anxiously outside, and he was more afraid of Shen Honglang than Mero.

After so many years of friendship between the four of them, she can clearly recognize who they are, especially Shen Honglang.

Egoism, selfishness, eyes above the top.

If it weren't for the superior conditions, Song Lingfan would never look down on such a person. .

Even if Shen Honglang pretends to be affectionate, these people also know what kind of virtue he is.

Song Lingfan and Lin Guyun recently rekindled their old love, but Song Lingfan felt that life didn't seem to have so much fun, and he had to find something for himself to do.

The eldest son of the Lin family followed behind him like a licking dog. Thinking about it, he felt very exciting.

Song Lingfan's own family conditions were far worse than Lin Guyun's, and her parents couldn't even get a banquet ticket for the upper class.

The behavior of hanging Lin Guyun, on the other hand, is a demonstration to other people who look down on him.

But these are not important now. The important thing is whether Meruo and Shen Honglang have confessed themselves.

Once this matter is stabbed out, then his future will be ruined.

When Shen Honglang came out, he looked at Song Lingfan angrily, then turned his head and left, completely different from his usual diligent appearance.

Song Lingfan's heart skipped a beat, something was wrong.

Shen Honglang's 23 eyes are too hostile.

"Song Lingfan!"

Before Song Lingfan could react, the police outside called her name.

Song Lingfan was stunned for a moment, and entered the interrogation room in a panic.

Ning Cheng, who was inside, was sorting out the transcript, and when she saw her coming in, she just raised her head: "Do you have anything else to say?"


"Mero and Shen Honglang have said everything, what do you want to defend? The murderer."

At this moment, Song Lingfan looked as if he had been punched heavily, and stood there blankly.

"You, what did you say?"

"I said it. They all said it."

Ning Cheng raised his head, his eyes bright.

Song Lingfan opened his mouth, but still didn't say the last words.

She looked at Ning Cheng, trying to find a trace of lying in his mouth, but in fact there was nothing.

"If you have nothing to explain, you can go out."

Ning Cheng just wanted to make sure that what Shen Honglang said was true.

Song Lingfan sighed a little decadently and nodded, "It's true, it's the person I bumped into."

Now, the truth is completely revealed.

There is an old case involved here.

Four people drove the boy to death, and then buried the body. The little boy was reported missing for nine years. No matter how you look at it, it looks like the plot of a TV series.

"Okay, you can go out."

Song Lingfan was a little stunned: "Aren't you going to ask me the details?"

"Your case will be dealt with later, and now I just want a truth."

Ning Cheng exited the interrogation room and sighed heavily.

Tian Shu and his wife are still staying in Jiangcheng, for fear that they will miss a little bit of news about their son, but, but how can I tell them about Tian He?

In the end, we still have to face the reality, looking at the two people who were already crying, Ning Cheng sighed: "I'm sorry, I only told you the clues about Tian He now, but our Jiangcheng Police Station will definitely deal with it later. this case."

"Thank you, thank you, if it weren't for you, no one would know how long my child would be buried under the ground."

"By the way, do you have a photo of Tian He?"

Ning Cheng assured that it was pure curiosity that he wanted to see what the poor boy looked like.

"Yes, yes, yes."

Tian Shu took out a picture that looked crumpled from his arms.

It seems to be due to frequent rubbing, so the edges of the photo have burrs.

"This is Xiaohe's photo."

Ning Cheng took the photo and his pupils shrank.

This is a photo of Tian He's work ID. He is wearing an orange work uniform and a hat. The logo on the hat is the gas station they went to before.

"Tazuru worked in a gas station before?"

"Yes, she used to work part-time at the gas station."

Ning Cheng nodded, he seemed to know who the killer was.

"Thank you for your cooperation. If there are clues later, I will notify you."

"thanks, thanks!"

After sending the couple away, Ning Cheng immediately called Mu Xiaoyu: "Xiaoyu, go check Lin Guyun's donation record!"

"it is good."

Maybe Ning Cheng's tone was too hasty, so Mu Xiaoyu didn't have time to ask more.

The phone didn't hang up, it was quiet for a while, Mu Xiaoyu said to Ning Cheng on the other end of the phone.

"Team Ning, I have sent you Lin Guyun's donation record, you remember to take a look."


Sure enough, just as I thought, among a bunch of Red Cross and charitable organizations, there is a company that stands out:

Unicorn company.

Mu Xiaoyu attached their addresses under all company names, and the address of this unicorn was the gas station in that suburb.

It seems that I have to have a good chat with the owner of the gas station.

Tian He turned out to be an employee of the gas station, plus Lin Guyun's remittance, it would be strange if there was no relationship between them.

When the boss saw Ning Cheng coming again, the expression on his face was still as flattering as before.

"Officer, is there anything else to investigate?"

Ning Cheng looked around: "Do you sell gasoline for small boats here?"

"Certainly. That's what we sell here."

Ning Cheng looked at the gravel under his feet, the color was exactly the same as that found in Lin Guyun's room that day.

"What is your stone?"

Ning Cheng's inquiry made the boss feel a little guilty, but he quickly calmed down.

"This is a stone I bought from abroad, just make it look good."

"Where else?"

"Let's not talk about Jiangcheng, I have this stone here in the entire Huaicheng!"

"Okay." Ning Cheng nodded: "Then please show me the financial statement, we still need to investigate some things."


The boss's face became obviously wrong. He pretended to be calm, turned around slowly, and walked towards the office.

Ning Cheng followed behind him to see what he was trying to do.

"Hahaha, officer, wait a moment, I'll get the ledger."

The boss smiled dryly and entered his small room in a flash, leaving Ning Cheng to wait outside alone.

Ning Cheng was not relieved, he was afraid of what this person would do with the ledger, so he opened the door of the office.

The boss turned his back to him, squatting on the ground not knowing what he was looking for.

There was a rustling, and he didn't get up for a long time. Ning Cheng was puzzled. He was about to say something, but the boss suddenly turned around.

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