Wrong Interrogation Room, The First Cracked Case Shocked the World

Chapter 264 The secret entanglement of 4 people! 【Seeking full order, please customize】

The man's name was Mei Luo, and he was also one of Lin Guyun's classmates. He looked at Ning Cheng without speaking for a while, then closed his eyes again.

"You came here with medicine."

Ning Cheng said casually.

"What? How did you know I was on drugs?" Mero was a little surprised, but Ning Cheng didn't expect to see it.

"You are breathing very fast, and your pupils are dilated. If I guessed correctly, your shirt is soaked with sweat. These are all characteristics of drug use. Don't worry, I will not hold you responsible for drug use, I just want to I want to inquire about Lin Guyun."

Melo slowly opened his eyes: "What do you want to ask?"

"Everything about Lin Guyun, such as the three Roman numerals on his chest."

"I haven't seen Lin Guyun for five or six years. I haven't contacted him since he graduated from Gordon School, and I don't know what the tattoo on his body means "three nine three". ."

He looked at Ning Cheng helplessly, his face a little embarrassed: "If the Lin family hadn't notified me this time, I wouldn't know what happened to him."

Although he was on drugs, Mero didn't have a convulsion like other drug addicts, but he was very friendly to Ning Cheng.

The two were chatting when a voice interrupted them,

"Mero, what are you talking about with people?"

Ning Cheng turned around, and it was the host who was on the stage just now, Song Lingfan, a lady from Jiangcheng.

When Mei Luo saw Song Lingfan, he stood up straight at once, not at all like he was hanging around.

"This is Officer Ning, who is here to investigate Gu Yun's death."

As soon as Song Lingfan heard Meruo's words, his originally smiling face became gloomy, and his face seemed to be dripping with water.

"Officer Ning, this is Gu Yun's funeral. It's not appropriate for you to investigate here."

Ning Cheng looked at Song Lingfan's expression, and just smiled, without caring too much about her.

The funeral was held in the Lin family's mansion. I don't know if it was for decoration or what. There were many photos of Lin Guyun on the table on one side.

Ning Cheng also didn't want to be unhappy in Song Lingfan's eyes. A lady is like a cockfight, and it's funny to say it.

The man who had been following Song Lingfan said, "Lingfan, you go and see Mr. Lin first, I'll deal with it here."

Song Lingfan gave Ning Cheng a disdainful look, then left with his head raised.

"Hello, Officer Ning, my name is Shen Honglang, and I'm Gu Yun's classmate."

"Then you and Lin Guyun?"

"We haven't met since graduating from Gordon School in high school, so I only learned about Yun's news. We are just ordinary classmates."

Ning Cheng nodded, looked at the photo of Lin Guyun on the table, and walked up slowly.

One of the photos made Ning Cheng's eyes light up.

This is an enlarged crystal photograph with the date: June 10, 2005.

It was a group photo, Song Lingfan, Mei Luo, Lin Guyun, and Shen Honglang, four people wearing the graduation gowns of Cordon College, sitting together on the hood of a Land Rover, smiling brightly.

"What about this photo?"

In order to show courtesy, Shen Honglang never left and followed behind Ning Cheng.

When Shen Honglang saw the photo, the air froze and embarrassed for a moment.

"Since you and Lin Guyun are just ordinary classmates, why do you take a photo together."

In a word, Shen Honglang was speechless.

The doubts in Ning Cheng's heart began to swirl, and he seemed to have caught a little bit of a clue.

Ning Cheng carefully looked at the number on the photo: June 10, 2005.

The rough 5, 10, and 6 on Lin Guyun's body.

Corresponding to the way of writing in English, the date order in English is year, day and month, so it is right at once.

But does June 10 have any special commemorative significance for Lin Guyun?

When I asked a few of Lin Guyun's classmates about this kind of thing, they probably wouldn't tell the truth. Mei Luo was unconscious after taking the medicine, Song Lingfan hated herself, and Shen Honglang deliberately concealed it.

Ning Cheng thought about it, and he could only ask Lin Guyun, his stepmother.

Lin Guyun's stepmother was also very cooperative. After Ning Cheng finished speaking, she led Ning Cheng to the bedroom upstairs. Of course, Mu Xiaoyu followed.

Lin Zhitao likes this lover for a reason.

Gentle and thoughtful, she looks soft and weak, and has no scheming. Compared with the legendary strong Mrs. Lin, she looks a lot easier to talk to.

Ning Cheng could see that this step-wife really had no heart, and spoke in a soft voice.

"Officer Ning, just ask if you have anything."

"Mrs. Lin, I would like to ask, what does June 10, 2005 mean? Lin Guyun has these three numbers tattooed on his body."

"June 10th is when Gu Yun graduated from Gordon School. After attending the graduation ceremony that morning, they went to Huaicheng next door to spend their summer vacation..."

Speaking of which, Mrs. Lin sighed, "I can tell that Gu Yun likes that Song very much, but Song was dating Mero at the time, so I didn't like this Song very much, for fear that she would hurt Gu Yun."

"and then?"

"After about two or three weeks, Gu Yun came back by himself. After he came back, the whole person was in a bad state. I thought he had an opinion on me, so I went to talk to him specifically, but Gu Yun said no. , I just wondered if Song's incident irritated him?"

"Did he refuse the support and support from his family after that?"

"Yes, Gu Yun had already received an admission letter from the main campus of Gordon Public School abroad, but because he couldn't afford his tuition, he just went to the local university in Jiangcheng."

As Mrs. Lin spoke, there were already tears in her eyes.

"We don't understand why he became like this, Zhitao talked to him, but he didn't say anything."

"Mrs. Lin, let me say something more, how is your relationship with Lin Guyun?"

Ning Cheng looked at the woman in front of him and wanted to make sure again.

"Gu Yun's parents were a political marriage, and I was the first love of Gu Yun's father, and he kept him outside all the time.

Gu Yun's mother died when he was born, so I brought up Gu Yun. For this child, I have not given birth to my own child for so many years.

Although not his biological son, but the relationship is almost the same. "1.2

Ning Cheng wasn't sure whether what this woman said was true or not.

She may be trying to emphasize that her relationship with Lin Guyun is not as bad as the tabloids, or she may be complaining in another way.

After all, she has been the object of tabloid ridicule for so many years, and all the gossip magazines said she was a tricky stepmother, forcing Lin Guyun away.

But at this moment, these clues are no longer important, after all, Ning Cheng only asked for Mu Xiaoyu, who loves gossip.

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