Wrong Interrogation Room, The First Cracked Case Shocked the World

Chapter 265 The Queen of the Sea, Song Lingfan! 【For full order, please customize】

Ning Cheng received a call from Xiao Xue in the corridor of Lin's house.

"Team Ning, the test results of the trophy are out. The stuff on it is 95% gasoline plus 5% polycycloalkanes, which are usually injected into the engines of small boats.

And on Lin Guyun's body, hair that did not belong to him was found. After DNA testing, it should be a woman. "

"You go and compare the DNA of the alumni in Le Cordon School."

"it is good."

Generally, such aristocratic schools will collect DNA for students when they enter the school to prevent students from being kidnapped.

Since the three people who took the photo with Lin Guyun were so uncooperative with the police, there were too many suspicious places, so let's start with them.

The day after the funeral, Song Lingfan, Mei Luo and Shen Honglang were all summoned to the police station.

They were interrogated separately.

The first is Song Lingfan, she is the most difficult to start, so Ning Cheng plans to start with her.

But Ning Cheng didn't plan to interrogate him himself. Mu Xiaoyu was more suitable for this kind of woman than herself.

In fact, if it wasn't for Zhou Ziyan's annual leave, Ning Cheng would probably go to Zhou Ziyan at 23.

"What's your relationship with Lin Guyun?"

Ning Cheng had greeted Mu Xiaoyu in advance, so Mu Xiaoyu didn't even have a smile on her face now.

Song Lingfan thought that Ning Cheng was just an ordinary criminal police officer, but Mero later told her that Ning Cheng was the captain of the criminal police brigade.

No matter how arrogant she was, she didn't dare to challenge the captain of the criminal police, so she seemed very well behaved at this time.

"We are just classmates. After I graduated from high school, I went to study abroad and we broke up."

"are these all?"

"But before Lin Guyun died, he gave Melo the key to his room."

"anything else?"

"I met Lin Guyun a few weeks ago, but I kept it from Shen Honglang and Melo. As for why, I was afraid that they would be jealous of Lin Guyun."

Mu Xiaoyu smelled something unusual in it.

Maybe, is it love murder?

Song Lingfan's interrogation was quick, and next came Melo.

Ning Cheng took Mero into the interrogation room. Mero was now a little addicted to drugs, and sat there yawning.

"You said it yourself or do you want me to ask?"

"Where do you want me to tell you? I've known Lin Guyun for a long time."

"Let's talk about it from June 10, nine years ago."

"That day, we both graduated from high school, and then we went on a trip together, but I don't know why, Gu Yun left early, probably because of Lingfan, I was in love with Lingfan at the time, but Gu Yun I also like Lingfan very much, by the way, Shen Honglang is also interested in Lingfan."

Guys, Ning Cheng wants to applaud.

This Song Lingfan has such a big appetite that he caught three men at once. She is simply a contemporary female sea king.

"Song Lingfan said that Lin Guyun gave you the key to his house before he died?"

"Yes, but on the day Lin Guyun died, I was not at his house, and there was no one to prove it to me."

Mello shrugged helplessly, and he was confused himself.

Lin Guyun disappeared so inexplicably, and the police still found them by fumbling, and insisted on asking for a clue.

Mello was also guilty. The man in front of him had already seen that he was taking drugs. If he was investigated, he would probably be detained.

"Don't worry, one code is one code. I can hold off on your drug use for the time being, but you have to tell the rest honestly."

"I've said everything I need to say, what else do you want me to say?"

What Mero said, just those few words, Ning Cheng knew that he couldn't ask any more questions, no matter if Mero was telling the truth or not.

When it came to Shen Honglang, this man really wanted to leave himself clean.

"Let me state in advance that everything about Lin Guyun has nothing to do with me. I'm not the same as them."

"Oh? Why isn't that kind of person?" Ning Cheng's face was full of curiosity.

"First of all, I believe you can see that Mei Luo is taking drugs, and their Mei family is not short of this son, so he is just a playboy, and Lingfan is the only daughter of the Song family, the sweet girl of the sky. After graduating from school, I can't compare to it, so I'm not the same."

"Where were you when Lin Guyun died?"

"Lingfan and I are working overtime in the office. We are both hosts of Jiangcheng TV. We are going to release a new show recently, so."

"Then before Lin Guyun died, was there anything wrong?"

"Yes, Mei Luo called me and said that he thought Ling Fan and Lin Guyun were in love. I don't know how he found out."

"Is there nothing left?"

"I've been so busy lately, how can I take care of this?"

Compared with the funeral, Shen Honglang at this time has a more domineering taste, like a condescending "superior person".

"Okay." Ning Cheng closed his notebook: "This is the end of our inquiry. You should not travel for business recently. The police car will call you again if something happens."

"it is good."

Shen Honglang walked away without turning his head, without any hesitation.

Mu Xiaoyu held her notebook, which recorded the clues she got from Song Lingfan.

Ning Cheng is sitting in the office with a gel pen in his hand.

"Now we analyze and analyze, first of all, I can be sure that Lin Guyun and Song Lingfan are dating?"

"How do you know it's a relationship, what if the female sea king is hanging Lin Guyun?"

"At first glance, you didn't observe carefully. Lin Guyun has a couple bracelet on his hand, and Song Lingfan also has one on his hand. If you can do this blatantly during the ambiguous period?"

"Good guy, is this dating 393 Lin Guyun without the knowledge of the other two?"

"You're right. When we went to Shen Honglang's office, there was a bottle of Dior Zhenwo perfume on his desk. Song Lingfan also smelled the same. It seems that the bottle of perfume was for her. Gift."

Mu Xiaoyu felt that this Song Lingfan was really powerful, he could hang three men in one breath, and the book he wrote was the legendary story of the Queen of the Sea.

"Finally, it's Meruo. Although Shen Honglang didn't mention Meruo very much, he despises this scoundrel rich second-generation, and on Song Lingfan's side, Meruo is unrequited love."

"I know this!" Mu Xiaoyu hurriedly replied: "Song Lingfan and Mei Luo concealed their relationship with the other two men, he is at best a spare tire."

"Yes, it seems that your gossip has not been overlooked."

"That is, if I resign in the future, I will become a writer and write all these things I encounter into novels, which will definitely sell well."

Yes, Ning Cheng smiled and poked Mu Xiaoyu's head.

Sometimes real life is worse than fiction.

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