Wrong Interrogation Room, The First Cracked Case Shocked the World

Chapter 263 The funeral of the eldest son of the Lin family! 【Please order and customize】

Hearing this, Ning Cheng's eyes lit up instantly.


"Yes, the Lin family plans to hold a funeral for Gu Yun, so they will invite everyone who has contact with Gu Yun."

At this moment, Lin Zhitao only showed a little bit of decadence on his face, just like an old man who has experienced world events.

"Gu Yun, why is he doing this, obviously we have already arranged for him."

Looking at Lin Zhitao's back, Ning Cheng sighed helplessly.

"Team Ning, I feel that this Lin Zhitao has no relationship with his son."

"Yes, it's not easy that their father-son relationship has deteriorated to such an extent."

Ning Cheng forcibly stopped his wild thoughts: "Tomorrow is Lin Guyun's funeral, let's go and see."

"Okay." Mu Xiaoyu nodded.

When Ning Cheng went out to eat, he was blocked by a large number of reporters.

This time, it was a gossip about a wealthy family. A large number of reporters were like flies that smelled the smell of meat, and they were all crowded at the gate of the police station.

"Captain Ning, I heard that the eldest son of the Lin family died tragically in a rented house. Is it true?"

"Captain Ning, can you tell me the details of the case?"

"Captain Ning, can you tell us something?"

Most of these reporters are from gossip magazines and tabloids. They don't come here to care about what's going on, but to dig if there are any hidden secrets.

The old man at the gate was irritated by these reporters, and his face was flushed with anger: "Don't crowd around here! This is the police station. If you stay here again, I'll be welcome!"

As if the reporter didn't hear the threat from the uncle, when they saw Ning Cheng, they frantically squeezed inside.

Ning Cheng sighed helplessly and dialed his own phone.

"Xiaoyu, you asked a few policemen to stop reporters at the door. This is too exaggerated."


Mu Xiaoyu agreed immediately after receiving the call.

It seems that I can't open a small stove today, so I can only go to the cafeteria of the police station to deal with it.

In the cafeteria, Ning Cheng looked at the "light" food on his plate with some discomfort.

Because he had missed the meal time, he could only pick and eat the food that looked edible.

This is really no appetite, and the green vegetables have already come back to life.

Ning Cheng poked at the food on the plate with his chopsticks, but his thoughts drifted elsewhere.

Lin Guyun is literally standing at the pinnacle of his life, but why did he give up his great family business to become a doctor?

Although the profession of a doctor sounds very noble, it is a little strange to put it on Lin Guyun.

He is going to inherit the Lin family, why did he choose to be a doctor? And the relationship with the family suddenly deteriorated.

Could it be that Lin Guyun really loves the profession of a doctor?

The Lin family announced the funeral to be held, but the reporters were forbidden to enter, which made Ning Cheng, who was almost blocked by the reporters and could not get out of the police station, comfort himself.

Finally no need to deal with these annoying reporters at funerals.

He and Mu Xiaoyu were driving and just "break out" from the police station.

No matter how crazy those reporters are, they will die. They don't dare to joke about their own lives.

The funeral was very grandly arranged by the Lin family. The death of their eldest son was a big deal, even if the child had a bad relationship with the family.

Ning Cheng stood bored in the crowd, watching Lin Zhitao speak on it.

Lin Guyun's posthumous photo is one of his ID photos. In Ning Cheng's view, his appearance can be called handsome.

A good young man just died at home.

Next to Lin Zhitao was a crying middle-aged woman with pear blossoms and rain, probably Lin Guyun's mother.

"Captain Ning, have you seen that woman crying so badly? That's Lin Guyun's stepmother."


Ning Cheng felt a little unbelievable, this is not his biological son, why does he feel more sad than his father?

"I specifically went to supplement the information about the Lin family. Lin Guyun's mother used to be the niece of old lady Hua, but it seems that because Lin Zhitao raised a lover outside, Mrs. Lin was unhappy and gave birth to Lin Guyun. How long ago he died."

"How many tabloids have you read?"

"Hey, Captain Ning, just listen to me. After Mrs. Lin died, Lin Zhitao took his little lover back to right him. Maybe it was retribution. This new lady has never given birth to a child, so Lin Zhitao just repaid her. There is no way to see that my son is not pleasing to the eye."

"Really? So bloody?"

"The bloody ones are still behind. Long ago, Lin Guyun didn't know whether it was for revenge on himself or for the face of the Lin family. It was very absurd, but he didn't know when he suddenly found out in his conscience and became a good doctor."

· · · Flowers · · ·

Mu Xiaoyu looked at the posthumous photo of Lin Guyun in front of her, stepped forward and bowed.

It's so sad, the great young man just disappeared.

The host on the stage is a very good-looking woman, and a black slim skirt highlights his graceful figure.

But Ning Cheng noticed that the host seemed to be wearing the same ring and necklace as Lin Guyun.

"Have you checked this necklace?"

"Of course I checked. This is the school badge of Gordon School, the oldest private school in Jiangcheng. Rings and necklaces are standard for students of Gordon School. It seems that these people are all alumni of Lin Guyun."

"The Gordon Public School you mentioned will not be the most expensive private school in Jiangcheng."

"Yes, it's old and expensive. Generally, only the children of dignitaries and dignitaries can go to school there. Almost all the senior officials in Jiangcheng's political circles are graduates of Gordon."


Ning Cheng nodded, and he saw several men and women talking with identical necklaces and rings.

It seems that a lot of Lin Guyun's alumni came today.

"The host is Song Lingfan, who is also a famous lady in Jiangcheng. His father is a high-ranking official in the center of China."

She glanced at it and immediately recognized who the host was.

But Ning Cheng caught the eye of a man.

Everyone present, even if they weren't sad, did their best on the surface, but this man was the only one who was weird.

He walked with fluttering footsteps, and the smile on his face was as if he had drunk too much, and he was a little confused.

According to Ning Cheng's own experience, this man was addicted to drugs, but not too much.

He looked at Mu Xiaoyu and asked him to look inside the arena, while he chased after the man.

The man was leaning against the wall in the corridor with his eyes closed, as if he had fallen asleep standing up.

"Hello, I'm Ning Cheng from Jiangcheng Police Station. I want to ask you about Lin Guyun."

The man opened his eyes, and there was a hint of psychedelic in his eyes.

"What? Lin Guyun?"

...................................................... ...................................................... ..................Ding.

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