Wrong Interrogation Room, The First Cracked Case Shocked the World

Chapter 262 Clues in the room! 【Please order and customize】

Ning Cheng first observed the wound of the corpse, which appeared to be the death caused by heavy knocking.

According to Lin Guyun's own height and the location of his wound, the murderer's height is also between 179-189.

Lin Guyun's body was already stiff. Judging from this level, it was estimated that he died at eleven o'clock last night.

On his neck, there is a strange, small triangular pendant that looks very inconspicuous, and he also has a ring of the same style on his hand.

On Lin Guyun's wrist is the season's latest couple's bracelet, which is a bit inconsistent with his slightly shabby outfit.

This pattern Ning Cheng has never seen before, they are more like religious patterns than ordinary decorations.

Ning Cheng took off his glove, put it aside, and turned to look around the room.

Lin Guyun's residence does not match his identity, and it even means shabby.

After all, in a small room, apart from some necessary furniture, there are only neatly organized trophy certificates and yellowed wallpapers that have been warped.

On the carpet next to Lin Guyun's body, there were some coarse and large grains of sand, as if someone had brought them in.

As for why?

Although his room looked outdated, Lin Guyun kept the room clean and tidy. The appearance of these grains of sand was unbelievable.

Ning Cheng was lying on the ground, picking up the sand on the carpet, his face full of inquiring expressions393.

Ning Cheng didn't get up yet, when he looked up, he saw a mobile phone with a broken screen, lying quietly under the table.

He picked up the phone.

This mobile phone has been knocked into cakes. If it weren't for the screen of the mobile phone, even Ning Cheng himself would not be able to see that it was a mobile phone.

He carefully put these evidences into the bag, and then carefully sealed it.

Mu Xiaoyu wandered around the room, looking for any other clues.

"Team Ning, there was no sign of a fight at the scene, and I saw that the door of this house was damaged from the inside."

Mu Xiaoyu wrote these things down in the notebook while reporting to Ning Cheng.

Ning Cheng nodded: "It seems that an acquaintance committed the crime."

"An acquaintance committed the crime?"

The little policeman on one side was a little puzzled: "This looks like a burglary, how can you become a mature person and commit the crime?"

"There are no signs of fighting in the room, which means that the two people got along very friendly when they met, and at least there was no physical conflict."

"That door was broken?"

"What's the use of the door broken from the inside, it's just to confuse the police."

Ning Cheng sneered: "Supposedly smart is the most stupid." (cdbc)

Lin Guyun's body was soon sent to the police station and placed on a planing table.

Zhang Ke could only watch Ning Cheng beside him, but couldn't do it himself.

Ning Cheng had already greeted the police station, and Zhang Ke could not be identified for his case.

Lin Guyun was stripped of his clothes, and three Roman numerals were printed on his chest.

The tattoo is very rough, and it is estimated that the age is not short, and the color material on it has been slightly diffused and faded.

"Five, ten, six." Ning Cheng read out the three numbers one by one, and the doubts in his heart were even greater.

This Lin Guyun is really too strange, there is absolutely nothing in him that a rich boy should have.

That kind of debauchery, profligacy, and randomness, Lin Guyun did not have it at all.

"Team Ning, don't look, Lin Guyun's father is here."

"His father? Is that Lin Zhitao?"

"Aren't you talking nonsense? If Lin Guyun's father wasn't Lin Zhitao, how could he become the eldest son of the Lin family."

The Lin family was different from the Hua family and the Tian family that Ning Cheng had met before. They were real families with noble titles.

The development history of their family can be traced back to ancient times more than 500 years ago.

They have the titles of nobility conferred by the emperor, and are inextricably linked with dignitaries.

It is an exaggeration to say that their family is not only rich, but also has status.

Even now, the feudal dynasty has been wiped out, it still cannot change the fact that the Lin family is an aristocrat.

But this Lin Guyun.

To be honest, Ning Cheng really didn't see any nobility in him, at least not now.

Lin Zhitao was in the reception room, through the glass, Ning Cheng didn't feel that he had any anxious and sad feelings at all.

However, what happened in the end, as long as you ask to know.

Lin Zhitao looked about fifty years old, but looking at his face, he seemed to be a young man just over thirty, as if he had taken an elixir of life.

"Hello, I'm Ning Cheng, the captain of the criminal police."

"Hello, I'm Lin Zhitao."

Although from a prominent background, Lin Zhitao has no air: "I am Lin Guyun's father."

"Okay, I believe our colleagues must have explained the situation to you, so."

"I know that I will definitely cooperate with the police investigation, you can rest assured."

Ning Cheng felt relieved when he saw Lin Zhitao's cooperation.

"I want to ask..."

Lin Zhitao interrupted Ning Cheng's words before he could ask.

"I haven't seen Gu Yun for nearly ten years. He has been disconnected from his family since college."

"Then can you be more specific?"

"I don't know why, Gu Yun was extremely resistant to the family for a period of time, so he almost ignored the help from the care at home."

Lin Zhitao shrugged and spread out his hands, very helpless.

"Is there anything else?"

"We used to secretly donate to his school, and then we could hope that he would have a better life at school. When he found out, he went home and made a big fight with us."

Ning Cheng desperately tried to find any trace of sadness from this father, but unfortunately it backfired.

Lin Zhitao spoke as if it wasn't his son who died, but someone else.

"Our family really wants Gu Yun to come back. He is the best in the Lin family's generation, so."

Ning Cheng nodded, listening to what Lin Zhitao could say.

"But he wasn't willing, and we couldn't do anything about it. Therefore, Yun's economic situation was particularly poor. Almost all of the money he had on hand was donated to charities or to support out-of-school children."

Lin Zhitao shook his head: "I have never heard of some institutions."

"We found a tattoo on Lin Guyun's body. It was on his collarbone. There are three Roman numerals five, ten and six. Do you know what they mean?"

"Do you think I seem to know? I'm also at a loss as to why Yun passed away now."

"Okay, I see." Ning Cheng stood up and shook hands with Lin Zhitao: "Thank you very much for your cooperation."

Just as Ning Cheng was about to send Lin Zhitao out, he suddenly turned around: "By the way, tomorrow is Gu Yun's funeral. You should be able to meet people he knew at the funeral."

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