Wrong Interrogation Room, The First Cracked Case Shocked the World

Chapter 261 Outstanding young man Lin Guyun! 【Please order and customize】

Therefore, "Future Daily" is the most feared existence of all Jiangcheng celebrities.

Why does this gossip daily want to inquire about the news that the police station is serious about the case?

Ning Cheng was a little confused, but then he understood.

Although Bai Lu and Andre didn't make it to the top circles in Jiangcheng, in the eyes of ordinary people, they were also the gods of the sky. If "Future Daily" digs this kind of news, maybe they can find some old secrets.

"Little girl, no one reads this kind of news even if your family is on it. You don't do what you are best at, and come over and ask about this kind of news."

"No, our family isn't so rude."

Chi Qiushuang was serious, if Ning Cheng didn't read "Future Daily", he would have believed it.

"Little girl, it's not me that you want to interview." Ning Cheng pushed Chi Qiushuang aside: "You should go and find Andre and ask him how he feels about killing."

After Chi Qiushuang heard Ning Cheng's words, her face suddenly turned white.

"You, what do you mean?"

"It means literally."

Ning Cheng walked into the community without looking back.

The property in the community is very powerful, and strange visitors like Chi Qiushuang have no chance to even enter.

She could only watch Ning Cheng swaggeringly into the community.

The security guard saw Chi Qiushuang and smiled disdainfully: "Little girl, hurry up and go back, this Ning team is a policeman, what's the matter of you following others like this?"

"I, I'm a reporter!"

Chi Qiushuang's small face was almost the same color as her mountaineering clothes.

Ning Cheng fell asleep after returning home. Andre was arrested overnight, so he was equivalent to an all-nighter.

Even a man of iron can't make a body like this.

Ning Cheng fainted as soon as his eyes were closed.

When he woke up again, it was already dark, Ning Cheng looked at the phone beside his bed, it was two o'clock in the morning.

I slept all day by myself.

In addition to the time, there are more than two dozen missed calls glittering and dazzling on the lock screen.

Who is calling me at this point?

Ning Cheng was at a loss, but there was nothing he could do.

What if someone is in a hurry to find him? Thinking of this, Ning Cheng dialed the phone.


As soon as the voice over there rang out, Ning Cheng knew who it was.

It is Chi Qiushuang.

How did this little girl get her private number?

Ning Cheng has some doubts about life. He doesn't know what magical powers this Chi Qiushuang has?

Knowing the back door of the police station, knowing her personal phone number, what else did she not know?

Is this Bai Lu and Andre case so attractive? It's outrageous fucking open the door for outrageous, outrageous home.

Forget it, regardless of this idiot, he has to go to work tomorrow.

The whole night's rest made Ning Cheng feel refreshed, and the blue and black air on his face due to staying up late also disappeared.

"Team Ning, why don't you take two days off?"

Mu Xiaoyu was jumping up and down, and Ning Cheng was very strange. Is this little girl an Iron Man? No drowsiness at all.

After all, Mu Xiaoyu spent the night with him arresting Andre.

Mu Xiaoyu held a bag of potato chips in her hand: "Aiya, it's the most comfortable day to fish in the office, you say so, Team Ning."

Ning Cheng nodded.

Indeed, fishing for fish in the office means that there is no case, it is simply hello, hello, hello everyone.

It's just the two of them in the office today.

Zhao Xiaoan went home to rest, and Zhou Ziyan went on vacation.

Rare and leisurely paddling time, not good enjoyment is simply unbearable.

In the city hall of Jiangcheng, the award ceremony is going on.

The protagonist this time is Lin Guyun, who has made great achievements in surgery.

Lin Guyun is not only a doctor, but also a very dedicated philanthropist. The poor children he has funded over the years can even start a company.

"Mr. Lin, everything you've done is worth it."

And the protagonist of the award ceremony, Lin Guyun, is standing in the backstage nervously, with an expression like swallowing a fly.

The host held a crystal trophy in his hand and shook it towards Lin Guyun.

Lin Guyun came back to his senses immediately.

He was only in his early thirties this year, and he was born in a wealthy family, but he didn't mean to depend on his family at all.

He is also a well-known good person in charity.

After all, Lin Guyun is simply perfect.

Before, some gossip magazines made a very catchy list: the man that Jiangcheng women most want to marry.

If Ning Cheng were to be ranked first, Lin Guyun would be second.

But the strange thing is that Lin Guyun has a bunch of suitors and has never been in love. What's even more funny is that those who know him know that he is a typical ascetic life.

But it is useless to say so much now, Lin Guyun is going to the Jiangcheng government podium.

The host has already stood on the stage, holding a microphone in his hand, interacting with the audience below from time to time.

"Next, we will invite our protagonist, Lin Guyun!"

There was thunderous applause from the audience, but Lin Guyun's face was full of fear.

The host looked at Lin Guyun's expression and said in his ear: "¨々You have always been doing the right thing, don't hesitate."

The good times of paddling didn't last long, and Ning Cheng received a new case.

When Ning Cheng and Mu Xiaoyu arrived at the crime scene, the forensic doctor had not come.

On the ground lay a face that both of them were very familiar with: Lin Guyun.

This Lin Guyun was a very famous person in Jiangcheng, and he was often seen on the news before.

Even if she knew that the deceased was Lin Guyun, she was still a little surprised when Mu Xiaoyu saw the young man's face.

"Lin Guyun, him?"

Next to Lin Guyun's body was a blood-stained crystal trophy, which Mu Xiaoyu recognized. It was the Jiangcheng Hero Award that was just awarded this year, and it was specially awarded to those who made contributions to Jiang.

Lin Guyun lived in the suburbs, so the police from the area first went over, and then asked for the support of the Jiangcheng Police Station.

"We preliminarily concluded that Dr. Lin's appearance was a burglary, and it happened that Lin Guyun was at home, so..."

The little policeman on the side (haonuohao) had a very relaxed tone, as if he was talking about something that had nothing to do with him.

The suburb where Lin Guyun lives is not what ordinary people understand, the suburb of rich people, but very close to the slum.

There are often violent robbery and murder cases here, so the little police are used to it.

But the key point is that Lin Guyun is not a simple doctor. He is the eldest son of the Lin family, a prominent family in Jiangcheng, which means that the Lin family wants him to inherit in the future.

Otherwise, I wouldn't bother Jiangcheng to make a special trip.

Ning Cheng looked at the corpse whose face was covered in blood, and squatted down with a sigh.

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