Wrong Interrogation Room, The First Cracked Case Shocked the World

Chapter 254 Qiao Qi and Andre! 【For full order, please customize】

"You are finally here. My office needs to be redecorated. How is your design?" The man also showed a pretentious smile.

Ning Cheng was still a little puzzled at first, but now he is speechless when he sees this man's smile.

He did not reveal his identity.

The man didn't care about the strange eyes of Ning Cheng and Zhao Xiaoan, and just kept talking:

"There was a man named Bai Lu in this office before. He was a bum, a country bumpkin, a person who wanted to enter the circle after graduating from high school. He developed like a nouveau riche."

Mu Xiaoyu was outside, and after hearing the man's words clearly, she walked in.

"Sorry, we are from the Jiangcheng Police Station. We came here to investigate the accidental death of Bai Lu."

The man stopped talking for a moment.

At this time, he carefully looked at the three "three nine zeros" in front of him.

This one-of-a-kind outfit really doesn't look like a designer can match it, it's probably a policeman.

Ning Cheng then took out his police card: "We are the police. You can cooperate with the investigation of Xu Ya."

It turned out that this man was called Qiao Qi, who was originally Bai Lu's competitor. After Bai Lu died, Andre promoted Qiao Qi and gave Bai Lu's office to Qiao Qi.

"You don't mind if we check here."

Qiao Qi spread her hands: "Then you check it out, I won't let you and I won't give up."

Ning Cheng kept watching inside the house.

This office looks brand new, but there are some very obvious marks near the corner.

This time, it was Mu Xiaoyu who had sharp eyes and found it at a glance.

"Captain Ning, look at the signs of fighting over there."

Ning Cheng pointed in the direction Mu Xiaoyu pointed, and there were indeed some white traces.

The eyes of several people moved down, and they saw a little red blood on the white wool felt floor stall.

With that being said, if they were a little late, all these traces would have been dealt with.

Ning Cheng couldn't help feeling a little fortunate.

"Don't move this office yet. There are important evidences in the office. If it is damaged, you need to be responsible."

Ning Cheng's eyes stared at the bloodstains and said seriously.

At this moment, Qiao Qi was so proud of herself that she didn't dare to confront the police. He swallowed and nodded.

"Where is Andre's office?"

"On the top floor, the whole floor is his office."


"Although this is only six floors, doesn't such a famous company have a staff elevator?"

"Yes, but only the boss's elevator." Ning Cheng glanced at the corridor.

Andre's office is very luxurious, it can even be said to be very spacious.

But now the office is densely packed with people.

Ning Cheng remembers a few of the famous people who often appear on TV.

They did not take the initiative to disturb Andrei, but stood in the crowd and listened to what he was saying.

"Everyone, Gao Dai can't have today's glory without your care, but if Gao Dai wants to continue to develop, there is only one way, and that is competition!"

Mu Xiaoyu curled her lips beside her: "Why does this Andre look like a MLM boss, isn't this all about making big cakes?"

"Isn't this kind of creature the boss is best at doing this kind of thing?" Zhao Xiaoan disagreed.

This kind of financial institution, in the final analysis, is to cut leeks. As for whose leeks are cut, the benevolent sees the benevolent and the wise sees the wisdom.

A few people stood behind the crowd, waiting for Andrei to finish his speech, and the crowd slowly dissipated before walking up slowly.

"Mr. Andre, we are the police."

"I know, the front desk has already told me." Andre slowly returned to his seat and put his legs on the desk.

Ning Cheng's eyes swept towards Andre's office.

Although the office is large, the walls are full of Andre's own photos.

He went climbing, diving, and surfing.

On Andre's huge desk, there are also pictures of him traveling and exploring various places.

"all these are?"

He immediately caught Ning Cheng's gaze: "These are the memories I left after my adventures around the world."

"It seems that Mr. Andrei is very interested in exploring."

"I'm a natural explorer, and what I like most is thrilling and exciting things."

Saying that, Andre squeezed his eyes at Ning Cheng, so greasy that he couldn't bear to look directly.

Ning Cheng also didn't want to talk too much nonsense with this greasy middle-aged man. After all, he came to investigate the case, not to see Andre play handsome.

"Then I want to ask, has Bai Lu had any conflicts with his clients and colleagues recently?"

Ning Cheng didn't talk nonsense with Andre, and asked directly...

"Officer Ning, relax, I'm not a man-eating den here, so there's no need to be so serious."

Ning Cheng smiled and said nothing more.

Seeing Ning Cheng's attitude, Andre knew that he didn't want to talk too much useless nonsense to himself, and he didn't want to be a fool anymore.

"I attach great importance to Bai Lu, and of course I also care about him very much. His relationship with customers is the most harmonious in the entire Gaodai, and there has never been a bad review."


"We will conduct regular return visits from guests. Bai Lu's satisfaction is one of the best in the entire Gaodai."

Saying that, Andre shrugged: "I'm sorry that Bai Lu died, and Gao Dai lost another outstanding talent, but people can't be resurrected from the dead, there's no way."

"Then you know why there are 100,000 yuan hidden under the floor of Bai Lu's house."

As a result, what Andre got was what Andrei said: "Our high generation has created a GDP comparable to that of the entire Europa."

He suddenly realized that he couldn't brag too much: "But I don't know how the people in the company are."

"Bai Lu has also been the dark horse of the company over the years, and many people are jealous of him, so he may have been hit by his competitors.

100,000 yuan is nothing, and the profit that can be created in this industry in one day is more than 100,000 yuan. As long as I want, I can spend several million to make a 1.2-minute trip. "

Ning Cheng is really indifferent to this kind of clumsy pretense, he just laughed and listened to Andre bragging here.

But Andre didn't plan to go on.

He got up and put his suit over his body: "I have something to do. I have to go first. If you ask anyone in the company, we will cooperate with the investigation."

Ning Cheng winked, Zhao Xiaoan hurriedly followed Andre's figure and chased after him.

But Ning Cheng still stayed in Gao Dai's office building. He slowly went downstairs and saw the front desk where he was carefully recording.

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