Wrong Interrogation Room, The First Cracked Case Shocked the World

Chapter 255 Quarrel in the office! 【For full order, please customize】

The front desk saw Ning Cheng and quickly stood up: "Officer Ning, is there anything else?"

"No, I just want to chat with you" Ning Cheng was standing in front of the front desk.

"Your name?"

"My name is Zhuang Xinyan, do you have any questions for the police officer?"

Ning Cheng looked at the tense look of the front desk, and waved his hand quickly: "You relax, relax, we are just chatting."

Zhuang Xinyan looked unbelievable, how could a policeman come here to handle a case and chat?

"My colleague has something to do temporarily, let me wait for him here."

Ning Cheng just made up a lie.

In fact, Zhou Ziyan and Mu Xiaoyu went to other offices to inquire, while Zhao Xiaoan went after Andre, and Ning Cheng himself wanted to know something from the front desk.

Zhuang Xinyan slowly relaxed as she watched Ning Cheng's sincere expression.

In fact, another part of the reason is Ning Cheng's appearance. After all, this world is a world that sees faces.

The Jiangcheng Police Department has few handsome guys, and the presence of Ning Cheng is simply the light of the police force. If Ning Cheng didn't become a police officer, this face would have made him debut.

"Zhuang 23, where are you from?"

"I am a native of Jiangcheng and grew up here."

"It's a coincidence that I'm also a native of Jiangcheng, but I took it outside for a long time, and I just came back this year."

Zhuang Xinyan glanced at Ning Cheng: "Officer, you are joking. You are the star police officer of the entire Jiangcheng Police Department, so don't lie to us."

"You know me?"

"Of course I know how many ladies and children in Jiangcheng's famous ladies and children are fond of your face."

She stopped typing on the keyboard: "Officer, just ask what you want to ask. It's tiring to be around the corner."

Zhao Xiaoan had already chased the door of Andre's special elevator.

"Mr. Andre, wait a second!"

Zhao Xiaoan saw that Andre was about to close the elevator door, and stopped Andre.

"Do you have anything else to ask?"

"What's the matter with the blood on the carpet in Bailu's office?"

Zhao Xiaoan finally asked the question he was most concerned about. He didn't care how Andre was showing off how successful his company was.

All he cares about is Bai Lu's affairs.

He couldn't forget Lao Ma's sad voice when he called him, and he couldn't forget the pale face when Bai Lu died.

Although he and Bai Lu have a normal relationship, they have grown up together anyway, and they still have feelings for each other.


Andrei stopped his hand: "Is there blood in his office?"

"There is blood on the stall, what's going on?"

"Some time ago, a friend of Bai Lu came to our company and looked angry."

Saying that, Andre didn't care about Zhao Xiaoan's reaction, he closed the elevator door and pressed the elevator.

Zhao Xiaoan walked downstairs in frustration. After seeing Ning Cheng, he was a little disappointed: "Ning team, I'm sorry, I didn't catch Andre."

"It's okay, I think I know who the person who clashed with Bai Lu was, Yu Jun."


"The front desk of Gao Dai said that a man named Yu Jun came to Bai Lu angrily recently, saying that he was his friend, and the two didn't know how to talk in the office, so they finally got into a fight."

Ning Cheng glanced at his watch, guessing that the remaining two would be coming out soon.

"Yu Jun was finally dragged out by security."

"Look at this key, see if you can find someone who knows this key, and see what this key opens."

Zhao Xiaoan has always been very attentive to Bai Lu's case. Hearing Ning Cheng's words, he nodded quickly.

At night, all the people were driven home by Ning Cheng, and only he stayed in the office, looking at the whiteboard with the clues written down and thinking.

Although there is now one more suspect, Yu Jun, he cannot ignore Andre.

Ning Cheng could feel that this Andre was not as simple as he appeared to be.

Although Andre was smiling when facing them, there was no smile in his eyes, and there was even a faint murderous look in his eyes.

Andre, Andre.

Ning Cheng kept chanting the name with a thoughtful expression on his face.

The next day, Ning Cheng took his team to Yu Jun's repair shop early in the morning.

Zhao Xiaoan did not follow because he was going to find a locksmith.

"Yu Jun is indeed Bai Lu's friend. When Bai Lu was the most difficult, Yu Jun helped Bai Lu a lot."

The old horse also knew the existence of this man.

Ning Cheng came to the outskirts of the city. Because of the land, Yu Jun could only put his repair shop in the outskirts to save money.

"Look, there's a river next to the repair shop."

Saying that, Ning Cheng pointed to the edge of the river: "The salt content here is similar to that of Bai Lu's corpse's lungs."

"How did you know?" Zhou Ziyan looked at Ning Cheng's confident look and was a little puzzled.

Of course, Ning Cheng couldn't say that the data was given to him by the system, he just smiled: "Of course I checked it. This small river has been killed before, so checking this kind of thing is easy."

Several people were talking, and they came to the interior of the repair shop in a blink of an eye.

The repair shop is very messy, and the mechanics are busy, all busy with their own work.

Yu Jun stood in front of a modified car, not knowing what he was talking to his subordinates.

"Hello, we are from the Jiangcheng Police Station, and we are here to investigate Bai Lu's death."

"What, are you suspicious of me now?"

"I didn't mean to doubt you, we just wanted to ask if you had some conflicts with Bai Lu some time ago."

"Yes, I went to Gaodai 390 to find him some time ago, and then the two of us had a fight."

In the face of Ning Cheng's interrogation, Yu Jun seemed very magnanimous.

He put down the blueprint in his hand and ordered his men to pour water for Ning Cheng and several others.

Ning Cheng sat in the office, quietly listening to Yu Jun's complaints.

It turned out that Yu Jun heard that Bai Lu was doing well in Gao Dai, and saw him on TV, so he was moved, so he gave Bai Lu 100,000 yuan and asked Bai Lu to help him invest.

But recently, the repair shop received a big order, so Yu Jun's hands became nervous, and he wanted to take out his 100,000 yuan.

He went to Gao Dai to find Bai Lu, but did not get the money back.

Bai Lu said that the money can be taken back, but it will take some time.

Yu Jun asked him why, but he did not say why.

Yu Jun felt that he had been deceived, so he fought with Bai Lu in the office, and the battle was very fierce.

Zhou Ziyan carefully recorded Yu Jun's words and found that there was no problem in it.

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