Wrong Interrogation Room, The First Cracked Case Shocked the World

Chapter 253 M1y under the floor! 【Please order and customize】

After talking, the old horse sighed: "He always has endless meetings and endless classes."

Ning Cheng nodded, Bai Lu's state is not surprising, after all, the pressure of work in Gao Dai is much stronger than that of a small bar.

"I didn't think about complaining. It's not easy for Bai Lu to go from a high school dropout to a senior executive, by the way."

The old horse talked as if he remembered something: "Bai Lu has a girlfriend named Cui Xi, who is also from Gao Dai. I heard that Bai Lu works with him."

Ning Cheng nodded, jotting down all the useful clues on a piece of paper.

"People in their circle all look at money, they only recognize money and not people."

This vicissitudes of life father covered his face with his hands like dead branches: "I'm sorry Bai Lu, I don't want him to live like this at all, the tavern can also support the family."

From Lao Ma, Ning Cheng knew the existence of Cui Xi, but first of all, who is this Cui Xi?

The usefulness of Mu Xiaoyu's computer is at this moment: "Cui Xi, the secretary general of the president of Gaodai Group, is a top student who graduated from Ivy League University, and his ability to handle affairs is very strong."

Saying that, Mu Xiaoyu moved the computer screen in front of Ning Cheng's eyes: "Look, this is- this is Bai Lu's girlfriend."

"Isn't Gao Dai forbidding office romances?"

"Bai Lu is different, he is the heir appointed by Andre." There was a crackling sound on Mu Xiaoyu's keyboard.

"Before Gao Dai met Bai Lu, there was actually an economic crisis, but it was never exposed. After Bai Lu came to Gao Dai, he used his own means to bring Gao Dai back to the normal track, so Andre has always been very interested. following him."

"Andrei again?"

"Andre is Gao Dai's chairman and Bai Lu's boss. Bai Lu was taken to Gao Dai by Andre after chatting with Andre in his tavern."

Mu Xiaoyu paused: "Andre is not a foreigner, his name is just Andre."

Ning Cheng touched his chin and wrote a few words on the whiteboard: Bai Lu, Cui Xi, Andre, Gao Dai Crisis.

After all, I still have to find this Bai Lu's girlfriend, Cui Xi.

Cui Xi lives in a high-end business district not far from Gaodai, where she bought a retest apartment.

Ning Cheng sat on the sofa at Cui Xi's house, looking left and right.

Sure enough, this Cui Xi was as capable and refined as she imagined.

Her house and her people are the same. It looks very concise.

Cui Xi was busy in the half-open kitchen: "Several officers, are you drinking tea or coffee?"

"Boiled water will do."

Ning Cheng held the white mug and looked at Cui Xi who was sitting opposite him: "I heard Bai Lu's father say you are Bai Lu's girlfriend?"

"Yes, but we are in a semi-public state, and the chairman turns a blind eye."

"How is Bai Lu usually?"

"He is a good person, he works actively and he is also a good person. Generally, people from Gaodai will go to Bai Lu for help with anything, and Bai Lu never makes it difficult for new employees."


"Did you buy or rent this house?"

Ning Cheng suddenly asked without end.

Cui Xi was stunned for a moment, then smiled slightly: "This is Bai Lu's house, and we have already lived together."

"Is that so." Ning Cheng's eyes swept across the floor.

"Can we walk around here? Because we need to collect evidence." Mu Xiaoyu was extraordinarily well-behaved in front of a woman like her big sister.

"Okay, you can do whatever you want."

Cui Xi's expression was flat, without a trace of sadness, as if Bai Lu's death had nothing to do with him.

Ning Cheng no longer cares about Cui Xi, but walks around the house step by step.

Suddenly, he stamped his feet under a carpet.

"It's empty in here."

Saying that, Ning Cheng asked Zhao Xiaoan to come over, and the two of them lifted the heavy wool blanket together. Sure enough, a floor against the wall was slightly raised.

Zhao Xiaoan raised his finger slightly, and the board stood up, which was a dark grid.

Cui Xi also came over, her eyes widened when she saw the dark grid.

"Bai Lu never told me about this release."

"There's money in here."

Mu Xiaoyu couldn't help sighing when she looked at the dark grid.

This secret compartment is only the size of a wooden floor, and it is filled with stacks of banknotes standing up.

Ning Cheng took out the money in bundles, and a key was glued to the seal of the last bundle of money.

"Are you sure you don't know about this sum of money and this hidden compartment?"

"How do I know? This money is taken from the bank at first glance. Ten thousand in a bundle, this is one hundred thousand yuan, which is nothing to us at all."

· · · Flowers · · ·

Cui Xi shrugged, she couldn't understand why Bai Lu would hide 100,000 yuan in the floor of his house.

Mu Xiaoyu and Zhao Xiaoan opened their mouths wide.

"How rich are you?"

"Gaodai has always been a high salary. As long as you have the ability, one million a month is a drizzle, and the salary itself in the financial circle is high."

Cui Xi looked at the money he took out: "Bai Lu can earn so much in just one day."

After Ning Cheng and Mu Xiaoyu came out of the house, Mu Xiaoyu was completely stupid.

"This, this is too powerful." She was just a little girl, and even a criminal policeman had just entered the society.

"Normal. After Bai Lu worked in Gaodai, Lao Bai's tavern was renovated within two or three years, and he even changed his position to the most luxurious commercial street."

...... 0

A few people said and walked towards Gaodai.

It only takes less than ten minutes from Bailu's house to Gaodai.

It's really convenient.

Gao Dai is indeed the most famous investment company in Jiangcheng. The whole company seems to be busy.

In the lobby, he heard the phone keep ringing.

"Why does this look like a telemarketing company?" Mu Xiaoyu didn't understand, so she just said something.

Just as they were discussing, the front desk of the company took the initiative to come out.

"Hello, who are you?"

"We are from the Jiangcheng General Police Department and want to investigate Bai Lu's death."

The front desk immediately understood what Ning Cheng meant, nodded and led them upstairs.

"This is Bai Lu's office." The front desk nodded towards Ning Cheng and left.

Of course Ning Cheng knew what the front desk meant, so he walked in with Zhao Xiaoan.

Unexpectedly, there was someone in the office, and it was also a young man in a suit.

The man was wearing a dark blue suit with a gold-looking badge pinned to his collar.

...................................................... ...................................................... .............................Ding.

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