Wrong Interrogation Room, The First Cracked Case Shocked the World

Chapter 252 The details discovered by the layman! 【Please order and customize】

The feeling of solving problems for everyone and doing things seriously is like never before for Zhang Ke.

Even a young girl like Mu Xiaoyu who just graduated, or a rich daughter like Zhou Ziyan, will be very strict when facing the police profession.

Of course, Zhou Ziyan did arbitrarily judge the suspect because of certain cases in the early stage, but she never perfunctory.

If there is one word to describe Zhang Ke, it is perfunctory, and Ning Cheng can't think of other words.

But facing Zhang Ke's panicked expression, Ning Cheng sneered.

"Didn't you say let us find a way to examine the corpse ourselves? Why, reluctantly."

"The things you saw have nothing to do with this case, so don't do it!"

Zhang Ke's tone seemed to be as if he was the one in the Jiangcheng Police Station.

Zhou Ziyan did not know when she entered the autopsy room with Zhang Ke.

"Zi Yan, aren't you going back?"

For some reason, Ning Cheng always felt that Zhou Ziyan was a little bit of a god today.

But now he has a case in hand, so he has no intention to care about Zhou Ziyan's current state.

Ning Cheng just asked a question, but Zhou Ziyan was already standing behind Ning Cheng.

"Team Ning, I want to suspend my vacation."


390 Ning Cheng raised his head in confusion: "Are you going to suspend your vacation?"

"There are so many cases here, I don't think it's appropriate for me to take a vacation now."

Zhou Ziyan said it with a straight face, but she didn't think so in her heart.

Indeed, there are a lot of recent cases, and if he was on vacation, Ning Cheng would probably be overwhelmed.

No matter how powerful Zhao Xiaoan and Mu Xiaoyu are, they don't have three heads and six arms.

But there is another reason why Zhou Ziyan doesn't want to take a vacation, which is because of family affairs.

Zhou Muyan has recently made a lot of trouble at home because of her unwillingness to go abroad. Originally, Zhou Ziyan had the intention to help talk in the middle, so that the relationship between father and daughter should not be too stiff.

But later Zhou Ziyan found out that her sister and her were like being in an evil spirit, and no one could listen to the other party's words.

Even when he was talking sometimes, Zhou's father, who had always been gentle and elegant, had signs of hitting Zhou Muyan.

Zhou Ziyan promised that if Zhou Muyan stayed at home again, their father and daughter would definitely lift the roof of Zhou's house.

Recently, Zhou Ziyan put Zhou Muyan in a small apartment that she bought near the police station, and then thought that she could slowly persuade the father and daughter to take a step back.

She also came to Ning Cheng (cdbc) so that Ning Cheng could help.

Of course, Ning Cheng refused, and refused without hesitation. Now Zhou Ziyan doesn't want to go home at all.

Anyway, the police station also confirmed that it is better to settle the case with Ning Cheng first, so that his old father can calm down in the Zhou family's mansion.

Thinking of this, Zhou Ziyan's eyes became firmer.

Ning Cheng felt something was wrong.

This vacation is something that everyone can't ask for, why do you want to take the initiative to go to work when you arrive at Zhou Ziyan's side?

Could it be that something happened to Zhou Ziyan?

"Are you all right?" Ning Cheng asked tentatively, he was afraid that Zhou Ziyan was stimulated by something, so he couldn't think about it.

"I'm fine, I'm just too bored at home."

There was no convincing in Zhou Ziyan's words.

Ning Cheng is so busy that her head is bald now, and she doesn't have the heart to care about what happened to her: "Come back if you want."

Zhang Ke was left hanging by the side, embarrassed.

This man named Ning Cheng doesn't care about his existence at all, and even ignores himself intentionally or unintentionally.

For so many years, Zhang Ke has been a highly anticipated genius wherever he goes, so how could he be able to stand this tone?

He looked blue at the group, but he couldn't say a word.

Indeed, it would be unreasonable for him to do his own autopsy perfunctorily. If it really gets worse, he will only make himself even more embarrassed.

Zhang Ke could only grit his teeth and watch the policemen discuss the case in front of him.

"I took a look and the wounds were all caused after his death."

Ning Cheng looked at Zhang Ke: "If you can't even find this out, what kind of forensic doctor do you want to be?"

Ning Cheng picked up Bai Lu's hand: "Look at his nails."

"There's something in the nails!" Mu Xiaoyu's reaction was extremely fast, and she immediately saw that something was wrong.

"Yes, cedar sawdust."

Zhang Ke felt that Ning Cheng was hitting him in the face now, he couldn't stand a little, and his tone softened.

"If you follow my forensic report, it won't take long to close the case, won't you? If you get to the bottom of things like Ning Cheng, then the case may never be solved."

Ning Cheng: "Did you have a broken head? The role of a forensic doctor is to provide clues to the police and solve the case. Haven't you understood the role of a forensic doctor?"

"The job of the forensic doctor is to quickly close the case." Zhang Ke said with a blushing face and a heartbeat.

"I see, I'll report the incident this time."

Ning Cheng handed the report to his boss, who was stunned when he saw the report last time: "Are you and Zhang Ke not dealing with each other?"

"It's not that he didn't deal with it, but his report was too perfunctory. What's the point of such a forensic doctor? I don't know."

"You can't say that. I dug this Zhang Ke with a lot of effort. If you don't want to use him, it's pointless to spend my money."

"That's not what you said." Ning Cheng skillfully ordered a cigarette.

"What's the use of high education? As long as he doesn't want to conduct an autopsy, the case may extend in the wrong direction. Either the murderer can't be caught, or a good person is wronged."

The boss looked at Ning Cheng's ethereal eyes and knew that he was serious about this matter.

Indeed, as Ning Cheng said, if Zhang Ke continues like this, not only will it not help Ning Cheng in the slightest, but it will also create a bad image for the Criminal Police Brigade.

"There are only two solutions now, one is for him to change, and the other is for him to get out."

Saying that, Ning Cheng screwed out his half-squinted eyes and walked towards the outside.

Zhao Xiaoan knew Bai Lu's father Lao Ma, so Ning Cheng planned to start with Lao Ma first.

The old horse originally looked older, but now that his son died, there was nothing else on his face except the more old haggard.

"The last time Bai Lu called me was a week ago."

Before Ning Cheng asked, Lao Ma took the initiative to say it.

"Oh? Go on."

"Bai Lu has changed since he joined Gaodai. Every time he calls, he can't say a few words."

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