Wrong Interrogation Room, The First Cracked Case Shocked the World

Chapter 248 Use sarcasm to divert at10tion! 【For full order, please customize】

"You've been doing it for a long time just to distract me, Officer Ning, I didn't expect you to do things for these rich people!"

Ning Cheng was a little speechless by Fang Yuan's logic.

"Fangyuan, now is not the period of the Republic of China, and your life is not so miserable. Your hatred for the rich will only make me feel."

Ning Cheng paused, and the words he said were all ~ contempt.

"Your book read - went to the dog's belly."

As soon as Fang Yuan heard this sentence, she was already jumping on the edge of madness, but now she was even more angry.

"You! You lie!"

"You are neither short of clothes nor worn, nor forced to go to Liangshan, why are you angry?"

Ning Cheng has only one feeling of Fang Yuan now, speechless.

Tian Yu was threatened by this woman, and he just wanted to rescue Tian Yu quickly and close the case.

"Shit, shit, shit!"

The strength in Fang Yuan's hands became stronger, and the blood on Fang Yuan's neck began to drip to the ground.

"Ning team, you step aside, the sniper is already in place."

Inside Ning Cheng's headset, the sniper made a prompt.

"Don't kill yourself, we're going to try another case."

Saying that, Ning Cheng moved towards the corner of the room without revealing a trace.


Fang Yuan looked at Ning Cheng's reaction and was a little dissatisfied: "What are you doing? Don't think about playing tricks, Tian Yu is in my hands."

Before the word "上" fell, only a "bang" sound was heard, and flesh and blood exploded in front of Tian Yu's eyes.

Fang Yuan's entire arm exploded before her eyes, like a huge fireworks of flesh and blood.

Tian Yu felt that warm blood splashed on his face just like that.

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah!"

Before Tian Yu could react, Fang Yuan let go of the hostage in his hands and screamed in pain while hugging his arms that were only connected with flesh and blood.

Ning Cheng took a quick step forward and pulled Tian Yu away.

Immediately afterwards, a group of policemen rushed in and handcuffed the girl in front of her.

Ning Cheng held Tian Yu in his arms, only to find that Tian Yu's body was freezing cold, even trembling slightly.

"Just now, Fang Yuan's arm just exploded."

Tian Yu's voice was ethereal, like an ethereal voice from outside the sky.

Ning Cheng knew that she just didn't react.

"Yes, this is a heavy sniper, and one of Fang Yuan's arms will be abolished."

Mu Xiaoyu walked in and looked at Ning Cheng holding Tian Yu, who was covered in blood. His worried expression suddenly turned into displeasure.

"Team Ning, let me take care of Tian."

She pouted and forcibly took Tian Yu from Ning Cheng's hand.

Ning Cheng was a little helpless, but Tian Yu's current state was inconvenient for him.

"Be careful, there is something wrong with Tian Yu's current state." Ning Cheng said casually.

The little girl in front of her immediately opened her eyes: "Are you interested in her?"

Hearing this, Ning Cheng immediately stopped the movement of his hand and looked at the girl in front of him strangely: "What? Are you jealous?"

"I, I, it's none of your business!"

Mu Xiaoyu was a little embarrassed and angry, and her face instantly burst into red.

"I'll just say it."

Ning Cheng looked at Mu Xiaoyu amusingly, with a deliberate expression of indifference on his face: "I'm just kidding, what about you?"

Mu Xiaoyu noticed that the man in front of him was teasing him.

"Ning Cheng, you scumbag!"

Ning Cheng looked at Mu Xiaoyu's back, and finally couldn't help it for a while, and laughed.

really interesting.

Fang Yuan, whose arm was knocked off by a heavy sniper, was immediately sent to the hospital. Because of the intense pain, she fell into a very painful coma.

Ning Cheng stood outside the emergency room, a little anxious.

When will this case end?

I still have to wait to interrogate Fang Yuan. Although the murderer has now been determined to be this girl, some details need to be confirmed.

Next to Ning Cheng, stood his boss.

"Ning Cheng, don't worry. It will take at least a month for her to wake up and recover. During this time, you have nothing to do except watch her well and don't let her commit suicide."

Ning Cheng sighed.


Mu Xiaoyu crossed Erlang's legs and swept mine leisurely in the office.

Zhao Xiaoan looked at Mu Xiaoyu next to her, knowing that she was acting like a child again.

"Don't be angry. Team Ning is too busy now. They want Tian Yu and Fang Yuan to run away. Go and help."

"No, isn't it with you?"

"I just came back from a shift. Ning Dui hasn't had a good night's sleep for several days."

"No, he likes Tian Yu so much, so he will take care of it himself."

Mu Xiaoyu pouted and said nothing to Zhao Xiaoan.

· · · Flowers · · ·

"Tian Da is a heartthrob. Solomon was beaten by Tian Qing for her and lost his life. Her family's lawyer was willing to kill for her. Now Team Ning and her are tender and sweet, this is the king of Gu. "

For some reason, Zhao Xiaoan felt that there was a sour taste in her words, which was stronger than ten years old vinegar.

"You are wrong, Tian Yu is not wrong, it's just that there are a lot of things around."

Mu Xiaoyu simply covered her ears, as if she didn't listen to the bastard chanting scriptures.

Ren Zhao Xiaoan refused to agree even if he was rude.

Ning Cheng sat in front of Fangyuan's ward, her only remaining arm was chained to the railing of the bed.

One month, one month, means that he will not only solve other cases, but also take care of the murderer this month.

Ning Cheng hammered his head with a headache.

In other words, his system seems to have not moved for a long time.

And the so-called crime value, he may not have seen it for a long time. Although he can still see it, the current Ning Cheng prefers his own reasoning process.

The thought in Ning Cheng's mind just took root, when suddenly the voice of the system sounded again in his mind.

"System upgrade and maintenance is complete, please confirm the host."

Ning Cheng: "???"

Could it be that this so-called system has been maintained during this period of time?

"Please confirm with the host."

The only thing Ning Cheng is sure about right now is that the system may not be useful anymore.

During this period of time, he did not encounter any difficulties when handling the case. Is it different without it?


"Visible crime value has been restored."

Ning Cheng touched his head and smiled a little helplessly. It turns out that these days, the system has been silent for this reason.

But now the system recovery is a small matter, the key is how to make Fang Yuan wake up early.

"Reward settlement during system maintenance now."

"Detected four cases, rewarded with a bottle of Resurrection Pill."

...................................................... ...................................................... .........................................Ding.

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