Wrong Interrogation Room, The First Cracked Case Shocked the World

Chapter 247 Crazy girl! 【Please order and customize】

But it was useless for him to be nervous. Tian Yu is in the hands of the girl opposite.

"Fangyuan, are you crazy, you are breaking the law!"

Although Fangyuan looks somewhat similar to Wu Abao, her facial features are not as delicate as Wu Abao's, so now when her facial expression is broken, she is extremely hideous.

Fang Yuan was indeed crazy, she took Tian Yu, who was being held under her hand, as Wu Abao.

"Why, why don't you listen to me!"

"What's so good about an old man like Cao Moran? Can't we be together? I gave you a chance, why don't you cherish it!"

Tian Yu didn't dare to say a word.

Now Fangyuan is like a crazy out of control, barking frantically at everyone.

"Get out of the way, get out of the way, or I'll kill you all!"

Tian Qing was the first to know that his daughter was being held hostage.

When he came, the office was already crowded with students, but no one dared to enter.

Tian Qing gritted his teeth: "Inside, I am the father of Tian Yu who was kidnapped by you. I will give you whatever you want. As long as you can let my daughter go, everything will be easy to talk about."

"Hahahahaha, big entrepreneurs are generous, but unfortunately I don't need money."

Fang Yuan's voice came from inside. She was a little hysterical. According to Mu Xiaoyu, she was a rabies reserve. 383

"I, I want my Bao to be resurrected!"

"God, could it be that she and Wu Abao are gay?"

"What's the matter with Mr. Guan Tian?"

"Wu Abao will only attend Teacher Tian's class, you don't know, it is estimated that Fangyuan wants to take revenge on his rival."

"Don't talk nonsense, Wu Abao has a boyfriend and is a senior executive. Nine times out of ten, he hates the rich."

The teachers and students outside were talking a lot, and the voice made Tian Qing's brain hurt.

But he didn't dare to speak loudly. If he accidentally stimulated this madman, his daughter would be in danger.

Tian Qing was so anxious, how could a dead person be resurrected?

"Mr. Tian."

When Tian Qing was in a state of no master, a voice came from behind him.

"We'll deal with this matter by the police, you first ask your security to evacuate the people."

When Tian Qing saw Ning Cheng's familiar face, his tears almost didn't come out.

"Officer Ning."

"Okay, I'll talk about it later. It's important to save people."


Tian's bodyguards drove out a group of students and staff who were eating melons, and instantly there were only the police and Tian Qing's people brought by Ning Cheng in the entire corridor.

Ning Cheng cautiously opened the office door.

Tian Yu felt that he could no longer support it.

I don't know why, but this girl named Fangyuan had such a strong hand that she could just strangle her to death.

"It's useless for you to kidnap me. It can't change the fact that you killed Wu Abao."

"I didn't kill her! No! Cao Moran did it!"

Even now, Fang Yuan still refuses to accept it.

"Is Tang Xiwu's clothes comfortable?"

Ning Cheng came in, looked at Fang Yuan who was pressing the utility knife against Tian Yu's neck, and opened his mouth.

"Who is Tang Xiwu?"

Fang Yuan's attention was suddenly diverted.

"Tang Xiwu is Cao Moran's wife and Wu Abao's imitator. Why, you can't even do your homework well when you imitate others."

"No, no, didn't you find out that it was Cao Moran who started it?"

"Do you think the police are too stupid or do you think you are too smart?" Ning Cheng smiled disdainfully.

"You're stupid, Wu Abao, and you want to frame Cao Moran. This is your good relationship with Wu Abao? Is there something wrong with my understanding?"

Ning Cheng's yin and yang aura is almost tenth level of lethality.

Fang Yuan immediately turned his attention from Tian Yu to laning with Ning Cheng.

"Don't ridicule me here, I tried my best to go to Jiangcheng University, what did I see? It's this group of rich kids who only waste money!

It's not easy, I finally found someone who is similar to me here, why can't she stand the temptation? "

"Don't be so high-sounding, okay, you are a hater of the rich."

Ning Cheng has now discovered that this (cdbc) radius is estimated to be an unbalanced mentality after coming to Jiangcheng University, so he has been looking for a psychological sustenance.

It happened that Wu Abao's family situation and personality were similar, so she took Wu Abao as a life-saving straw.

However, Wu Abao does not need to take classes, as long as he can still get full marks in the exam, this is tantamount to stimulating Fangyuan in another aspect.

Study hard and get nothing, but Wu Abao can get everything without hard work. What is the difference between her and other people?

With a mentality of eliminating harm for the people, Fang Yuan used Wu Abao's fate to plot against Cao Moran.

But I have to say that Fang Yuan's psychology is much better than Wu Abao's. If Ning Cheng had always insisted that Cao Moran was not guilty, that man would have been blamed for him.

"Since you hate the world, you are trying to change the world, and clamoring for unfairness here? The world is inherently unfair!"

In Ning Cheng's eyes, people like Fangyuan are unreasonable.

Obviously, I already have the opportunity to make a class leap, so I have to find a reason for myself not to work hard.

Wu Abao really doesn't have to work hard.

Her grades made it easy for her to be begged by Jiangcheng University to come to school, and she could get a diploma without taking classes, and even the school would find her the youngest professor to help her.

Economically, the transaction between Cao Moran and Wu Abao also made her a lot more comfortable, and even if Wu Abao was in trouble in the future, it would not be impossible for Cao Moran to save her.

Like the lucky man in the novel, Wu Abao has everything.

Even if she was born in a small place, she can climb out by herself and take root in Jiangcheng by herself.

This is something ordinary Fang Yuan will never be able to do.

Originally, she was only envious of her roommate, but then it turned into jealousy.

They are like a timed dynamite bag, ready to snatch all the people around at any time.

"Fangyuan, don't struggle. Injustice is not the reason for your murder. Wu Abao did nothing wrong at all."

"I don't care! She would rather reject me with an old man, Cao Moran, just an old pervert."

"Old pervert, if he is an old pervert you are a little pervert."

"Shut up! Shut up!"

Ning Cheng's words were like a knife, stabbing Fang Yuan's heart, causing her to almost vomit blood.

Of course, Tian Qing outside the door also knew what was going on inside.

"Officer Ning, don't irritate her, what should I do if I hurt my daughter?"

It's okay not to be reminded, Fangyuan reacted immediately after being reminded.

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