Ning Cheng couldn't help but burst out laughing.

This is because I want to sleep and God has come to send pillows.

Resurrection Pill sounds very tall, but in Ning Cheng's eyes, it is medicine, a little bit stronger than some white medicine.

One pill, although it can't save Fang Yuan's broken arm, it can make her recover from a coma.

Thinking of this, Ning Cheng couldn't hide the joy on his face any longer.

Just as he was thinking about it, the bottle of Soul Rejuvenation Pill had already appeared in front of him.

Ning Cheng hurriedly picked up one and fed it into Fang Yuan's mouth.

Fang Yuan was awakened by a burst of pain.

She felt as if her right arm had been chopped with a knife.

"Wake up, the prisoner is awake."

The male voice in my ear was all too familiar, it was Ning Cheng.

Fang Yuan's brain slowly began to return at this moment.

She seemed to be caught by the police "383" in front of her, and she seemed to be seriously injured.

Fang Yuan's complexion changed instantly, and her eyes looked towards her arm.

The inside of the sleeve was empty, and in front of him was Ning Cheng's emotionless face.

"Fangyuan, we are now arresting you for intentional homicide, kidnapping, and theft."

Outside the interrogation room, Mu Xiaoyu looked at Fang Yuan, whose face was pale and confused.

"This is too strange. Fang Yuan's arms have been amputated, and he can recover in two days."

Zhao Xiaoan sneered: "God may not be able to stand it anymore, and wants to eliminate harm for the people."

It was unbelievable how smooth the interrogation process was.

Fangyuan admitted his guilt without any sophistry.

It turned out that she and Wu Abao had a good relationship before. The turning point was that Cao Moran hired Wu Abao, and then Wu Abao moved out of the dormitory like this.

Whether Wu Abao is a friend to Fangyuan or what, no one knows, but Fangyuan regards Wu Abao as his property.

So when his own things are taken away, Fangyuan has only one reaction: crazy.

She began to harass Wu Abao recklessly, writing all kinds of harassing letters to her and stealing her personal belongings.

Her every move is like an illegitimate meal.

No matter how strong Wu Abao is in his heart, he can't stand being harassed like this.

She called Fang Yuan and begged Fang Yuan to stop this stranger from pestering her, but in exchange, Fang Yuan only got worse.

On the night Wu Abao died, Fang Yuan finally couldn't bear it anymore.

The girl he loves the most, is with other men like this, and even plays the old man's wife.

She called Wu Abao one last time, like an ultimatum.

But Wu Abao didn't take it to heart, he just thought this call was the same as the previous harassment.

So, the latter became a matter of course.

Fangyuan came to the small room where Wu Abao worked in advance, and then put ketamine in the cups of two people.

Cao Moran may have no resistance to this drug because of her old age, so she fainted immediately, but Wu Abao is different. Although she can't move her body, she has her own consciousness.

In this way, Wu Abao watched his roommate stick the cheese fork down his throat.

Ning Cheng didn't know what it was like to let a person watch himself die.

But what is certain is that Wu Abao passed away in fear.

This kind of death like Ling Chi is horrifying to think about.

Mu Xiaoyu shuddered unconsciously: "Tsk, this woman is really scary."

The case ended like this, but what makes people sigh is that Wu Abao's family came out of the mountains all the way to see Wu Abao.

Ning Cheng looked at the group of disgraced family members in front of him, and his heart was not happy.

Wu Abao's mother has been crying all the time. Over the years, Wu Abao has supported his family while going to school, and has provided for his younger brothers and sisters. The family environment has finally improved so much.

But she hasn't enjoyed these things, how could she die?

"My daughter, if you are gone, what will happen to your younger siblings? Are you going to let them die?"

Wu Abao's aunt was so loud that she wished everyone in the police station could hear her.

Ning Cheng, who had some pity for the family, had no sympathy at all under the howl of the rural woman.

It turned out that this big family only survived by sucking blood from such a young girl.

No wonder, no wonder Wu Abao takes the money in his pocket so seriously.

Ning Cheng didn't know how to get rid of these people, they were really like a blood-sucking leech.

But in the meantime, Wu Abao's father never said a word.

He was just smoking his dry cigarette by the side.

After everyone had finished crying and had no strength, he slowly stood up and bowed to Ning Cheng...  

"Officer, thank you."

Ning Cheng was obviously stunned: "Who are you?"

"If it weren't for you, my daughter might still be lying in the autopsy room by now. Thank you very much."

When Zhou Ziyan came back, Wu Abao's house had just left the police station.

Zhou Ziyan looked at so many people, thinking that something had happened, and hurriedly stepped into the police station in three and two steps.

As a result, what I saw was a few people who were preparing to have dinner.

"Who are those people outside?"

Zhou Ziyan's words were directly choked in her throat.

"Zi Yan, isn't your holiday for a week? Why did you come here in such a few days?"

Ning Cheng bit his burger, the words in his mouth slurred.

"I'm just here to see, what's wrong?"

"Team Ning just solved a case, so the victim's family came to thank him."

Mu Xiaoyu also put down her chopsticks and shrugged.

"What case?"

Mu Xiaoyu told Zhou Ziyan the case exactly, and Zhou Ziyan, who had always been calm, couldn't help but take a deep breath.

"This square."

Ning Cheng was on the side, but he didn't care.

Zhou Ziyan's reaction, at first glance, is that she has not done too many cases, so she is so surprised.

"What's the matter, you will see more perverts in the future, it's just a drizzle."

Zhou Ziyan shook her head incomprehensibly, she really, 1.2 really couldn't describe this feeling in her heart.

It was like she couldn't understand why good friends would betray each other.

"Okay, you go home quickly, saying that you are on vacation and running into the bureau."

Only then did Zhou Ziyan remember the business.

"I'm not here to hang out, I'm here to find you."

Ning Cheng put down his burger: "Why are you looking for me?"

"My sister is not eating anymore."

"Then your family's affairs have nothing to do with me." Ning Cheng had a hunch that there was absolutely nothing wrong with Zhou Ziyan.

...................................................... ...................................................... ................

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