Wrong Interrogation Room, The First Cracked Case Shocked the World

Chapter 238 Huang Shi was arrested! 【For full order, please customize】

Zhao Xiaoan brought Ning Cheng to the cargo terminal.

"Why are you taking me here?" Ning Cheng was confused, shouldn't it be going to the passenger terminal?

"The passenger terminal? The passenger terminal is full of police officers. If you catch them, you will be sure." Zhao Xiaoan's police car shuttled around a bunch of large freighters, and finally found a short middle-aged man in an inconspicuous little corner. .

"Dalong, long time no see."

Zhao Xiaoan stood in front of the man and said hello skillfully.

When the man heard Zhao Xiaoan's voice, he stiffly turned his head.

"Ha, ha, Xiao An - why are you here?"

"Don't worry, I'm not here to trouble you, I just want to ask you something."

"Really?" Dalong breathed a sigh of relief, and immediately put on a diligent smile on his face: "Then Xiao An, you are here, yes?"

"Have you seen this man?"

Ning Cheng took out a photo from his trouser pocket, and it was a picture of Huang Shi who had long since disappeared.

"There is this person, he is on the boat now, what, he is a wanted criminal?"

"Don't ask more about this." Zhao Xiaoan glanced at the man in front of him again.

"Hahaha, it is our duty to cooperate with the police."

Dalong scratched his head in embarrassment.

"When does this ship leave?"

"There are ten minutes left. If you arrest someone, hurry up." Dalong looked at the watch in his hand.

"You let them all come out, how do we arrest people in the cabin?"

Dalong seemed to be very afraid of Zhao Xiaoan, and nodded repeatedly when he heard Zhao Xiaoan's words: "Okay, okay."

After speaking, he shouted outside: "The police from the customs is here."

This time, just like poking a honeycomb, a lot of people poured out of the small passenger ship in an instant.

"This boat can really be packed." Ning Cheng searched for Huang Shi's figure in the crowd.

"Generally, smuggling boats don't pay attention to overloading, so they can hide as much as they can."

The two stopped talking at the same time and looked at a man.

They nodded to each other and surrounded the man on both sides.

Huang Shi followed the crowd and kept looking around, panicking in his heart.

At this juncture, how could it be discovered by the customs police?

Just as he was looking for an escape route in the crowd, something cold was placed on his wrist.

"Huang Shi, we are from the Jiangcheng Police Station. We have arrested you on suspicion of kidnapping and extortion!"

Huang Shi's face really turned khaki now, he turned his head tremblingly, and the two men looked at him with smiles.

In the interrogation room of the police station, Ning Cheng and Zhao Xiaoan were sitting on chairs: "Where's Nanyue?"

"I don't know!" Huang Shi's face was full of wounds, all of which Ning Cheng had done to Huang Shi when he was in the car.

"You don't know? Isn't that the kid you tied up?"

"I didn't kidnap, you have wronged innocent citizens like this, I will sue you!"

"You sued us? You were the one who blackmailed Lu Haitang with a voice changer. What right do you have to complain about injustice here? What about the child?"

Ning Cheng is so anxious now that he can't settle down without seeing the child for a moment.

"Not here with me."

Huang Shiyi looked like he would rather die and not give up, he didn't let go of anything he said, and Mu Xiaoyu's teeth were itchy as he looked outside.

"This kind of person is too rude."

"How can he think of kidnapping a child if he doesn't need a beating?"

Zhou Ziyan is like seeing how these two men deal with the rogue in front of them.

"Think about it, if the child has an accident now, you are not kidnapping and extorting, but intentionally murdering."

Ning Cheng crossed his hands and put them into fists on the table: "Intentional murder, we will try to get you to be sentenced to death by then."

"Use my power."

Facing Ning Cheng's threat, Huang Shi didn't care: "So what? It's better than being chased by loan sharks outside."

"Hahahahaha." Ning Cheng laughed.

"Do you think you'll be very comfortable in prison? People in prison hate those who take children."

On Huang Shi's proud face, the expression seemed to be poured with coagulant, and it was instantly fixed on his face.

"Don't be afraid, I can also let you experience it in advance."

"You are a forced confession!"

"Extorting a confession? Is there any evidence? The record system in the interrogation room has all been shut down, and someone with your face hurt can testify that you were beaten by loan sharks yourself."

"you you."

"To treat rogues, use rogue methods."

Huang Shi is not an honest person, so he must defeat the rogue in a rogue way.

"If you don't say anything, you'll go take a cold shower first."

Ning Cheng was anxious to tear up this beast, but there was only a calm and sneer on his face.

Zhao Xiaoan watched silently from the side, watching Ning Cheng extract a confession.

Of course Huang Shi knew what Ning Cheng was talking about.

· · · Flowers · · ·

They would pour cold water on him first, and then put him under the air vent in the interrogation room at the lowest temperature.

Of course, the water given to him is also an ice-water mixture.

Generally, few people can last long under this kind of battle.

"No no no, I said, I said."

Huang Shi naturally didn't want to be tortured.

The young man in front of him is not one of those old police officers who are easy to handle. He has countless ways to deal with himself.

It turned out that it was Xu Zaomei who kidnapped the child, but he was the one who blackmailed him.

Before, he introduced Xu Zaomei and Lu Haitang to know each other, and gave birth to Nanyue by surrogate.

Therefore, Huang Shi received a lot of intermediary fees.

This time, because of his gambling, he had been ordered to kill by loan sharks, so he put his mind on Nanyue, who had always been in contact with Xu Zaomei.


He made conditions for Xu Zaomei. If Xu Zaomei could give him 100,000 yuan, then he could let Xu Zaomei take back his child.

Xu Zaomei herself was pregnant some time ago, but because of an accidental miscarriage, she was more likely to have Xiao Nanyue by her side.

After Xu Zaomei and Huang Shi reached a deal, they picked up the child by herself.

On Huang Shi's side, he called Lu Haitang directly and said that Nanyue was in his hands. If Lu Haitang called the police, he would give Nanyue to Xu Zaomei.

Lu Haitang was afraid that her surrogacy would be discovered, and she was also afraid of Nanyue's accident, so she agreed to Huang Shi's conditions.


Zhao Xiaoan opened his mouth and spit out these two words.

Huang Shi used the instincts of the mothers of the two women to play them in the palm of his hand. Is this something done by humans?

"You're so disgusting, don't worry, I'll let you enjoy yourself this time!"

Ning Cheng gritted his teeth, he really couldn't find words to describe Huang Shi as a scumbag.

Why does such a person live in this world?

Threatening two mothers with children, one of whom is a surrogate mother.

...................................................... ...................................................... .............................................Ding.

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