Wrong Interrogation Room, The First Cracked Case Shocked the World

Chapter 239 The irrational mother! 【Please order and customize】

There is no doubt that Nanyue has been picked up by Xu Zaomei.

No one knows where the little girl is.

"Just enjoy it slowly."

Having said that, Ning Cheng ignored Huang Shi and went straight out of the interrogation room with Zhao Xiaoan.

"Team Ning, Deputy Chief Nan called, he knows." Zhou Ziyan's face was a little worried.

Mu Xiaoyu had found out earlier that Xu Zaomei had actually suffered from a mild bipolar disorder. If she fell ill at this time, the consequences would be disastrous.

And that cup of expired colostrum was drank by Xiao Nanyue.

A child who drinks five-year expired colostrum will suffer from food poisoning?

And if Ning Cheng guessed right, Xiao Nanyue has started to have allergies now.

Xu Zaomei was in a hurry when she left, as if she was running for her life in a panic.

"He activated the 'Amber Alert'" Zhou Ziyan felt that there was something wrong with the family.

"Three Seven Seven" was not activated at the beginning, but now it has been found out, and the "Amber Alert" has to be activated.

It's not a trouble, Xu Zaomei herself has a mental illness, and if she is stimulated to the point of Nanyue, her life will be in danger at any time.

"By the way, Xiao An, you and I go to the pharmacy closest to Xu Zaomei's house and ask if she has ever bought cold medicine in the past."

Now it is estimated that the entire Jiangcheng City is full of Xu Zaomei's photos.

On the TV of the drugstore, the original rolling advertisement has now become a photo of Xu Zaomei.

Ning Cheng pointed to the photo: "Has this woman been here?"

"I came here. She came to buy anti-allergy medicine. I asked her about the specific situation, but she didn't say anything. She took the medicine and left in a hurry."

The pharmacy clerk looks at the photo.


"Captain Ning." The voice of Mu Xiaoyu came from the headset of the walkie-talkie: "We found out that the bathroom is the bathroom of a puppet theater. Xiao Nanyue said before that she was going to the theater to watch a puppet show. You said they would Not there."

Indeed, Xiao Nanyue has mentioned in her diary more than once that she wants to go to the puppet show, but her mother always puts her pigeons away.

Before, Xu Zaomei took Xiao Nanyue to that bathroom, most of the time, to watch the puppet show.

"At five o'clock in the afternoon, there is a puppet show, and they should be there."

Mu Xiaoyu made her own speculation.

"And after the 'Amber Alert' was issued, some citizens also saw Xu Zaomei around the theater, pushing a stroller."

"Let's go to Xiao'an, people should find him."

Ning Cheng wished he had grown a pair of wings now, so that he could go to the outskirts of the city as soon as possible.

If Nanyue's allergy is not treated in time, in all likelihood, she will suffocate.

Even running a red light all the way through the highway, it still took more than ten minutes.

Ning Cheng was caught in the car by a woman who was pushing a stroller, hunched over her back, and stood at the door of the theater.

He didn't have time to stop properly and jumped off as soon as he hit the brakes.

Xu Zaomei is now like a ticking time bomb. If he is not careful, he will be provoked and cause damage to Nanyue.

Ning Cheng and Zhao Xiaoan carefully outflanked the past.

"Don't move!"

Just when Zhao Xiaoan's hand had already touched Xu Zaomei's arm, this woman turned out to be like a loach, slipping away from their eyelids.

Looking at Xu Zaomei who was pushing the stroller and rushing to other places, Ning Cheng was extremely annoyed.

I was careless, I didn't expect this Xu Zaomei to escape?

The two chased Xu Zaomei, for fear that she would disappear like this.

Although the theater is only a suburb, it does not prevent the existence of unfinished buildings here.

Xu Zaomei ran to the top of the unfinished building like a lunatic.

"No, she's going upstairs!"

Ning Cheng's heart was tense, and Xu Zaomei was afraid that he was already anxious after seeing this posture.

"Quick, don't let her throw the baby down!"

Both Zhao Xiaoan and Ning Cheng's hearts were in their throats.

This unfinished building is just a six-story residential building, but if a child falls from the sixth floor, unless it is buffered by a green belt, he will surely die.

Xu Zaomei stood on the roof and faced the two men: "You guys, go away, or I'll throw this child down!"

"Don't!" Ning Cheng wanted to step forward, but stopped abruptly.

"Calm down, Nanyue is just a child who doesn't understand anything, what are you doing?"

"What am I doing? I just want to see my little moon, right?"

Ning Cheng wanted to swallow Huang Shisheng alive at this moment.

"Calm down, calm down, we're not trying to grab the little moon with you, but the little moon already has her own mother."

"Impossible! Little Moon's mother is me! I am her mother!"

"Yes, you are her mother. Look at the little moon in the car. She has severe allergies now. If you don't let her go, she may suffocate to death!"

Inside the stroller, Nanyue's face was flushed, and her face was covered with dense red rashes...

Being exposed to dog allergies and not receiving proper treatment, Ning Cheng has no intention of lying to Xu Zaomei.

"No, the little moon is mine, the little moon is mine."

Xu Zaomei seemed to be stunned, she muttered in a daze, but she didn't let go.

Ning Cheng doesn't dare to go there now. If such a madman gets excited, Nan Yue might be thrown down by her.

"Xu Zaomei, if you really want revenge, kill me and let Nanyue go!"

Behind Ning Cheng, a weak female voice pretended to be calm.

When Ning Cheng turned around, Lu Haitang touched her wound and stood on the rooftop, looking at Xu Zaomei, who was already on the edge of reason.

"You, why are you here?"

Xu Zaomei was very surprised to see Lu Haitang.

"Yueyue is my daughter and I am her mother. If I don't come, who will come?"

There were tears in Lu Haitang's eyes: "I know that as a mother, I am not qualified, impatient, devoted to work, and evading responsibility.

But I really like Yueyue. I regard her as my biological daughter. If there was no Yueyue, I might have collapsed when Aqi died.

Zaomei, I beg you to return Yueyue to me, I swear, I swear I will take good care of her. "

Lu Haitang's wound had already opened 1.2, and red blood soaked through her pajamas and flowed from between her fingers.

"I, I beg you, really."

Lu Haitang's face was as white as a piece of paper now, as if she was going to faint in the next second.

Zhou Ziyan stood behind them, watching Lu Haitang begging Xu Zaomei bitterly, without any movement.

Now only the mother can convince the mother.

Ning Cheng knew Zhou Ziyan's careful thoughts, but looking at Lu Haitang's weak Liu Fufeng, Ning Cheng was afraid that Lu Haitang would faint before waiting for Xu Zaomei to let go.

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