Wrong Interrogation Room, The First Cracked Case Shocked the World

Chapter 237 Mysterious exis10ce, another woman! 【Please order and customize】

Lu Haitang had just woken up, but her consciousness was still in a trance. When she heard Zhou Ziyan's words, it was as if a basin of cold water had been poured over her head.

"I, I didn't hide anything!"

"Why did you talk to the kidnappers on the phone before, and you hid all of us?"

Saying that, Zhou Ziyan took out another cute-looking notebook.

It turned out that when they entered Huang Shi's hiding place, they found only the unconscious Lu Haitang alone.

And looking at the decorations in this room, it doesn't look like Huang Shi, a rough man, can arrange it.

The room is a typical small apartment, and everything in it can be seen at a glance.

A puppy was hiding in the corner, wagging its tail.

Seeing that the puppy's heart was about to melt, Mu Xiaoyu walked over and led the puppy out and held it in her arms.

Ning Cheng stepped forward and saw that the place where the TV should have been placed in the living room was full of children's items.

On the chair at the dining table on the side, there is a small schoolbag that Nanyue has shrunk down.

Ning Cheng was holding the schoolbag, and a cute little book fell down.

Zhou Ziyan is here, continuing to search in the room.

The house is full of children's things, but it is not something that kindergarten children like Nanyue can use.

"This is, Baby Item 377?"

There was some white milk-like liquid in a children's cup on the table, and Ning Cheng carefully put it into the evidence bag.

Zhou Ziyan said and opened the refrigerator, it was empty, only a bottle of milky white liquid was placed in the bottle.

Ning Cheng put on his gloves and put the bottle in the evidence bag.

"Team Ning, I found a report here!"

Mu Xiaoyu shouted, waving a piece of paper that was turned out from nowhere.

"Don't rush to report when you receive the evidence. Let's go back to the police station for analysis."

One after another, several people found a lot of things from this hut, which were scattered.

But all the physical evidence proved that the owner of the house was not Huang Shi, but a mother.

Inside the police station, Ning Cheng first sent the bottle of liquid to the identification section.

"Xu Zaomei, 28, had an accidental miscarriage."

Zhou Ziyan looked at the report list seriously, who is this Xu Zaomei? Could it be Huang Shi's wife?

But Huang Shi is single.

"Look at this! This is Xiao Nanyue's diary."

Several people got together.

In Nanyue's diary, most of them blame Lu Haitang for not being able to accompany her properly.

But when she was in kindergarten, she met an aunt named Zaomei, who also brought a puppy named Coco with her.

Aunt Zaomei treats her very well and often takes her out to play secretly, and Aunt Zaomei also likes to call her Little Moon.

Next to the text is a group photo of a woman squatting beside Nanyue with a puppy in her arms.

Xiao Nanyue is very happy.

"Lu Haitang is not Nanyue's biological mother."

Zhou Ziyan, who was standing aside, came to this conclusion after seeing the diary.

"Zi Yan, you can't talk nonsense like this."

"I'm not talking nonsense. I saw Lu Haitang's production diary at Lu's house. Nanyue is also called Little Moon in her diary."

"No way." Mu Xiaoyu was stunned. Isn't Nanyue Lu Haitang's biological daughter?

"I asked Lu Haitang, and she said that Little Moon was her nickname for Nanyue, and only she knew it, but why did Xu Zaomei know this nickname?"

Mu Xiaoyu searched the household registration system for a while, and she saw Xu Zaomei's file.

It's the woman in the photo.

But her relationship status shows that Xu Zaomei is unmarried, how could she have a miscarriage?

"The report is out."

Colleagues from the identification department handed over the report to Ning Cheng: "This feeding bottle contains colostrum that has been preserved for five years, which is human, and the one in the children's cup was also taken from this feeding bottle."

"In this way, you can compare the DNA in this bottle of colostrum with the DNA of Nanyue, and the saliva residue on the children's cup to see if DNA can be extracted, and compare them."

"No problem, Team Ning, but it might take some time, okay?"

"Of course. (cdbc)"

As long as the DNA comes out, the relationship between Nanyue and Xu Zaomei can be determined.

Although it takes a while, it can be detected in eight hours.

Ning Cheng looked at the report in front of him: "Tsk, this Xu Zaomei is Nan Yue's biological mother."

Several team members on one side were very surprised to hear this conclusion, but the report list is impossible to deceive.

"Now only when Lu Haitang wakes up can we know what happened."

After Lu Haitang heard Zhou Ziyan's words, she knew that she couldn't stand it anymore. If she didn't tell the truth, she probably wouldn't be able to wash herself if she jumped into the Yellow River.

"Yueyue was born by me looking for a surrogate mother."

"Is that Xu Zaomei?"

"Yes, it's her. Nan Qi and I were unable to get married before because of my father's reasons, so we came up with such a way to allow my father to admit us."

Lu Haitang's face was full of exhaustion: "The reason why I dare not let the police intervene in this matter is because I am afraid that Dad will know the truth. After all, he always thinks that I can't raise Yueyue well."

When Lu Haitang said this, she was a little choked up: "And this kidnapping wasn't something I colluded with, it was Huang Shi, who has been blackmailing me with children!"

"Then what are you talking about?"

"Huang Shi introduced me to Xu Zaomei, who was a surrogate, and this matter ended just like that.

But some time ago he owed too much loan sharks, so he tied Nanyue and asked me for a ransom. I was afraid that things would be exposed, so. "

"The child is not with Huang Shi."

Zhou Ziyan said in a deep voice, "The one who wants the ransom and the one who picks up the child are not alone."

"I know, I know, it was Huang Shi who gave the child to Xu Zaomei." Lu Haitang covered her face, tears streaming down between her fingers.

"But I really like Yueyue, she is my daughter."

"Don't worry, Lu, I will definitely bring Nanyue back."

Ning Cheng is now at the dock with Zhao Xiaoan.

Huang Shi is kidnapping for ransom again, and he owes usurious loans. He is wanted throughout China.

Moreover, Huang Shi was unable to apply for a passport for some reason, so there was only one solution, which was smuggling.

Of course, Ning Cheng himself didn't know where Huang Shi wanted to sneak in, but Zhao Xiaoan knew.

Every year in Jiangcheng because of debts and other reasons, there are no one thousand but eight hundred smugglers.

As for why Zhao Xiaoan knew, it was because he had been in the society for a while before, so he was sure to go to the places where Jiangcheng was filthy.

Ning Cheng once said that if Zhao Xiaoan was sent to the anti-pornography and illegal work group, he would definitely be a fighter.

Of course this is just a joke.

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