Wrong Interrogation Room, The First Cracked Case Shocked the World

Chapter 236 Collusion with each other, surprising the truth! 【Seeking complete order, please customi

"Really, does she want to save her daughter?"

Mu Xiaoyu babbled on her lips, and her face was full of dissatisfaction.

"Xiaoyu, you can't say that. Maybe Lu Haitang is afraid of her daughter being killed, so that's why."

"Okay, Team Ning, I know."

When Zhao Xiaoan hurried to Lu Haitang's house, Nan Ting had prepared a ransom of 50 million.

Zhao Xiaoan looked at Lu Haitang: "Ms. Lu, we need to install a locator on the handle of your suitcase, is that okay?"

Although asking, it is equivalent to a notification.

After all, Lu Haitang promised Nanting to let the police investigate.

Lu Haitang looked at the box with a look of unwillingness on her face.


Nan Ting is in front of her, if she makes trouble, it won't do her any good.

"This transaction requires one of our police officers to accompany you, but you will know who it is when it is, just to protect your safety."

Lu Haitang nodded and put her head aside, as if she had accepted a huge grievance.

Zhao Xiaoan's face was expressionless. I also started to have some doubts.

Nan Ting looked at a man and a woman in front of him: "Thank you, thank you very much."

"Deputy Chief Nan, we will definitely bring Nan Yue back."

The kidnapper set the meeting place on a sea area around Jiangcheng, and asked Lu Haitang to trade with him at sea with the ransom.

Ning Cheng thought for a while, and Ning Cheng decided to go by himself.

The first is to see what the robber is going to do, and the second is to determine whether his suspicions are true or false.

"Ning team you."

Mu Xiaoyu was a little worried. After all, it was at sea. If something happened to the gangster, that would be the time.

"Don't worry about Xiaoyu, as long as you track the signal of the locator, it will be OK."

Ning Cheng turned his head to look at Zhou Ziyan: "Zi Yan, go back to the police station and check with Xiao An. I always feel that there is something going on here."


The agreed place is on a tourist cruise ship in Jiangcheng. This ship will only come out at night, and then pull tourists to enjoy the night scenery.

They will meet at eight o'clock in the evening, which is also the time when most tourists visit.

Ning Cheng pretends to be a tourist and waits for an opportunity to catch the kidnapper.

The police have already been arranged on the shore, and they have also discussed with the travel company. Once someone is caught, they will go ashore directly.

At eight o'clock in Jiangcheng, the sky was completely dark, and the neon lights of the building began to light up one after another.

Ning Cheng was sitting on the cruise ship, not at all in the mood to see the beautiful scenery.

All his attention was on Lu Haitang, who was sitting across from him.

Lu Haitang was also very nervous. She pulled a rose-red box and stood there with a pale face.

Ning Cheng raised his wrist and looked at his watch. It was almost eight o'clock. Who the hell kidnapped Nanyue?

But at fifty-five, Lu Haitang's expression changed.

She looked in one direction, and then threw the rose red box full of money.

Ning Cheng's first reaction was to look where Lu Haitang was looking, there was nothing there.

not good!

"Lu Haitang threw the box down, hurry up and track it down.¨!"

Ning Cheng growled into the headset.

"Team Ning, the tracker on the box has been damaged and cannot track the signal at all."

"what happened."

"Nine times out of ten, someone deliberately destroyed the bug!"

Mu Xiaoyu was already in a violent state over there.

Ning Cheng was extremely annoyed.

The Lu family, Lu Haitang disappeared when they got off the boat.

Ning Cheng's mind was all on that box of money, so he didn't pay too much attention to where Lu Haitang went.

Nan Ting had a dark face and looked at Ning Cheng: "Captain Ning, what do you want to explain?"

"Miss Nan, I have something to tell you."


"This kidnapping case may have been conspired by your daughter-in-law and others."

"What, what did she do to kidnap Nanyue? It doesn't do her any good."

"The fifty million is a benefit."

After speaking, Ning Cheng began to talk about his inference: "First of all, the kidnappers asked for the ransom after 18 hours, don't you think it's strange?

Moreover, Ms. Lu asked not to call the police and deal with it herself, which was very resistant to the police.

The most important thing is that only a few of us know the locator on the box. The locator was suddenly damaged during the transaction. How to explain? "

Nan Ting shook his head in disbelief, his face full of horror.

"How is it possible, how is it possible?"

The original anger towards Ning Cheng has now turned into powerlessness: "Is Haitang crazy?"

On the way, Mu Xiaoyu told Ning Cheng everything he had investigated, and now Ning Cheng told Nanting without a word.

"Lu Haitang's company had a financial crisis a month ago, and the bank also terminated its cooperation with her.

And before reporting the case, Lu Haitang had a phone call with the kidnapper, but she concealed it.

As for the object of cooperation, we preliminarily infer that it was done by Huang Shi. "

Ning Cheng swallowed: "Huang Shi himself owes a huge amount of gambling debts, but a few days ago, his account suddenly increased by 8 million."

Everything else is self-evident.

"¨々 Is it enough to arrest Lu Haitang now?"

"She disappeared as soon as she got off the boat." Ning Cheng's face was full of remorse.

"It's okay, I asked Sister Zi Yan to put a miniature locator on her."

Zhao Xiaoan said calmly, as if all this was nothing.

"Where is she then?"

"Let me see, it should be in a community not far away."

Zhao Xiaoan holds a mobile phone in his hand, which shows the location.

Ning Cheng hurried over to the community, and the location inside showed that Lu Haitang was in the only high-rise in the community.

The next few people are in trouble again, what floor is Lu Haitang on?

It's impossible to check it layer by layer, but, but.

Mu Xiaoyu held a miniature computer in his hand: "Captain Ning, I found that Huang Shi had also appeared in this place before, and this seems to be one of his temporary residences."

"Where did you know?"

"Of course it's the omnipotent usury background system!"

Mu Xiaoyu said with a smile.

"It's also this building, at 16 (Hao Zhao Zhao) 01."

Several people glanced at each other and instantly understood.

If Lu Haitang is really found in Huang Shi's house, then...

Several people rushed to the elevator.

When the elevator stopped on the sixteenth floor, Ning Cheng rushed out first.

Looking at the slightly open door, Ning Cheng's heart tightened slightly.

He touched the gun on his waist and walked in cautiously.

In the middle of the room, a familiar woman lay in a pool of blood, unconscious.

When Lu Haitang woke up in the hospital, only Zhou Ziyan was frightened by her side.

Zhou Ziyan looked at the woman in front of her.

"Lu, what else do you want to hide?"

...................................................... ...................................................... ...

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