Wrong Interrogation Room, The First Cracked Case Shocked the World

Chapter 235 Blackmail after 18 hours! 【For full order, please customize】

Several people were talking when suddenly Ning Cheng's cell phone rang.

"Team Ning, quickly monitor Lu Haitang's phone, right now!"

Ning Cheng understood that nine times out of ten it was the robber who called Lu Haitang. As long as the location of the phone could be located, the location of the kidnapper could be inferred.

Mu Xiaoyu also heard Zhou Ziyan's request, and her fingers flew up and down.

It didn't take long for her computer to show two people talking in real time.

"Lu Haitang, I'll give you two hours and prepare fifty million for me, or I'll tear up the ticket!"

The kidnapper's request is very simple, that is, money.

On the other end of the phone was Lu Haitang's panicked voice: "I, can I hear my daughter's voice?"

"Impossible, take the money, if you dare to call the police, I will kill the child immediately!"

"This is not a pedophile." Zhao Xiaoan concluded.

"This kidnapper is for money. Team Ning, your inference may be wrong."

"No, it's impossible." Before Ning Cheng said anything, Mu Xiaoyu stood up and objected.

"If it's just kidnapping and blackmailing, how do you explain the video at the entrance of the kindergarten and the skirt? The child walked over with a smile!"

Mu Xiaoyu retorted Zhao Xiaoan while typing on the keyboard:

"And it stands to reason that if the extortion is made, the ransom will be called immediately. Why did the 23 suspects call after 18 hours? Can you explain it?"

Zhao Xiaoan was choked by Mu Xiaoyu for a while and was speechless.

Just when the atmosphere was very awkward, Mu Xiaoyu shouted.

"I tracked this bastard's cell phone signal."

Inside the computer, Lu Haitang was still negotiating with the kidnappers, but in front of Mu Yiyi was a detailed map of the distribution of Jiangcheng base stations.

"Just a few words just now, the mobile phone signal has passed through three base stations."

"The coverage of a base station is about two kilometers, and the suspect is actually moving at a high speed when he is on the phone."

In the entire Jiangcheng, the fastest means of transportation is the subway.

"The voice changer is the same voice changer as before."

Several people looked at each other, they were really masters.

"I'm going to find the old man, he should be able to briefly analyze the characteristics of people who use voice changers."

Zhao Xiaoan picked up his mobile phone and went out.

As the saying goes, use magic to defeat magic, and only someone like Lao Ganbang can deal with this suspect.

When Zhao Xiaoan came over again, the old man was preparing to go out, and he was a little surprised to see Zhao Xiaoan.

"Didn't you just come? What's the matter?"

"I want you to hear the suspect's voice."

The old man gave Zhao Xiaoan a look and stretched out his palm, as if he was asking for something.

"I'll treat you to a year's worth of wine and barbecue."

"It's almost there."

Lao Ganbang has his own machine, which can amplify the processed sound, and can hear it with special headphones.

"This is a man." He stared at the wavelength line on his machine: "The age is estimated to be around thirty-five, but some people's voices may not match their age."

"Tsk, this is a fucking beast, even children are tied."

Old Ganbang listened to the recording of the call, and the more he listened, the more angry he became.

"Thank you, old man, I will thank you well after closing the case."

When Zhao Xiaoan got the answer, he said goodbye in a hurry without saying anything to the old man.

Lu Haitang on the other side fell into a state of madness after receiving the call.

Nan Ting also rushed over at the notice of Ning Cheng.

"Issue the 'Amber Alert'." Nan Ting's face was vaguely angry, and he really couldn't figure out what his daughter-in-law was going to do.

"No! Dad! Can't start! Don't let them interfere, okay? Myself, I'm going to negotiate with the kidnappers."

"Negotiation? Did you read the book into the dog's stomach? This kind of person can't let the moon go away even if they take the money!"

"No! Impossible, you all get out of here!"

"Oh, sure enough, I shouldn't have let Nan Qi marry you at that time."

Even Nan Ting is a Kochik, and now he is swearing.

Lu Haitang is like a mad tigress, not listening to anyone's advice and insisting not to interfere with the police.

Even she has begun to have a tendency to attack Zhou Ziyan.

"Bastard, are you crazy!" Nan Ting's face turned purple with anger.

"Dad, Dad, help me, I can't get so much money for a while, you help me, Yueyue is your granddaughter."

Just after Zhou Ziyan was ready to defend herself, Lu Haitang knelt in front of Nanting with a plop.

"I know, I'm a girl from a small family, and I'm a lot worse than other ladies in Jiangcheng, and even A Qi's death is my fault in your eyes.

But Yueyue is innocent, Yueyue is just a child, let's not get her involved, okay? "

Lu Haitang said with tears in her eyes. It seemed that she was not aggrieved after marrying into the Nan family, but she endured it for her daughter.

"Haitang, I can raise money." Nan Ting looked at her daughter-in-law who was kneeling in front of him. She had always been against her, and now she had to bow her head for the sake of her children.

"But you have to let the Criminal Police Brigade continue to investigate!" Nan Ting couldn't count on his irrational daughter-in-law to bring back his granddaughter.

In the end, it was Ning Cheng and the others who finally relied on him, so Nan Ting was relieved.

Even if Lu Haitang resisted these police officers at this time, she had to let go.

"Okay, okay, I promise you all."

Nan Ting breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that his daughter-in-law was relieved.

On Ning Cheng's side, the detective's information was almost checked, and Ning Cheng could even conclude that the detective was the kidnapper.

Of course, why Huang Shi ran away, the truth is now revealed.

It turns out that although Huang Shi 373 is a private detective, he is too gambling.

The result of the good gamble is that he is chased by loan sharks with nowhere to go, and Huang Shi has not been home for a long time because he is afraid of loan sharks to collect debts.

Could it be that Huang Shi was malicious in order to pay off the loan sharks?

Ning Cheng looked at Zhao Xiaoan next to him: "Xiao An, go and communicate with Lu Haitang, we need to put a locator in the box where she put the ransom money."


To be honest, compared to Huang Shi, Ning Cheng has some doubts about Lu Haitang now.

This woman's attitude is abnormal and terrible.

Mingming was afraid that her daughter would be torn apart, but she still asked the police not to intervene in the kidnapping case.

And the kidnappers took the time to blackmail.

Ning Cheng shook his head, putting the thought aside for a moment.

How is that possible, Lu Haitang is a mother, how could she hire someone to kidnap her daughter?

Mu Xiaoyu and the others were also confused, but more of a headache.

Mu Xiaoyu had just become a police officer, and this kind of extremely uncooperative person had no other effect than annoying her.

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