Wrong Interrogation Room, The First Cracked Case Shocked the World

Chapter 234 A little girl who likes puppies! 【Please order and customize】

"Officer, we are not controlled by the computer system, we are recording it ourselves, is that okay?"

"As long as there is something."

Ning Cheng took a small, tattered-looking book from the security guard's hand.

"By the way, did you remember a car coming over yesterday afternoon?"

"Remember, a car came over yesterday afternoon, but it was an anonymous car."

The security guard touched the back of his head, trying hard to recall what he saw yesterday afternoon.

"The vehicle and boat of that car are covered with a thick film, and you can't see the inside at all, and it is re-nailed when it is photographed, and the license plate is scratched."

That's right, only in this way can the car escape police investigation.

The security guard didn't dare to look at Ning Cheng's expression.

Zhou Ziyan still went to Lu's house after calling the kindergarten surveillance. She was afraid of what Lu Haitang would do because of excessive grief, and she was even more afraid that Lu Haitang would hide her clues from the police because of her "three seventy-three" love for her daughter.

She held a thick journal in her hand.

"This is the diary I wrote before Yueyue was born."

Zhou Ziyan nodded and opened the book.

June 11

My baby, you will be born soon, my mother is looking forward to your arrival, and my mother loves you.

Below this sentence is the color ultrasound photo of Lu Haitang's report sheet when he was doing a pregnancy test. They were neatly glued to the notebook.

It seems that Lu Haitang really loves Nanyue.

If it was Zhou Ziyan, she wouldn't devote her extra effort to writing this kind of diary.

Lu Haitang sat on the side and stopped crying, but her face was clearly sad.

"I, I should go to receive Yueyue by myself. If I had a little heart, Yueyue wouldn't be kidnapped."

"Ms. Lu, don't say that. If the kidnappers really want to attack the child, they have a chance everywhere."

Zhou Ziyan comforted Lu Haitang.

Just then, her cell phone rang.

Zhou Ziyan answered the phone: "What happened to Team Ning?"

As if something was said on the other side, Zhou Ziyan glanced at Lu Haitang.

Lu Haitang's heart suddenly came to her throat: "Is there a clue, is there a clue?"

"Ms. Lu, we found your daughter's cut red dress in the trash can on the outskirts of the city."


Lu Haitang screamed and fainted instantly.

When she woke up again, Zhou Ziyan had helped Lu Haitang to the bed. Lu Haitang looked at the beautiful female police officer in front of her and cried.

"Don't cry, Lu. Can you tell us some information about your daughter so that we can investigate."


Zhou Ziyan was very attentive when she had to sleep. From the first time Ning Cheng came, they seemed to only focus on the suspect who kidnapped the child, and didn't care about Nanyue's living habits.

But maybe I can find some clues from these little habits.

"Yueyue was born with a combination of allergies, allergic to pollen and animal hair, but she especially likes puppies."

Speaking of which, Lu Haitang brought Zhou Ziyan to Nanyue's room.

The children's room was very warm and lovely, and it could be seen that Lu Haitang took care of this daughter.

On the wall facing the door, there are slowly hanging a lot of photos.

"Here are all the photos of Yueyue, and there is a family portrait over there."

Zhou Ziyan looked at this photo wall with envy.

I am a wealthy family, my father is usually busy with work, and my mother is busy shopping for tea parties every day, so there are few opportunities to take photos with family members.

Zhou Ziyan looked at them one by one.

It seems that Xiao Nanyue is very happy, at least in the photos.

And eight of the ten photos are of Xiao Nanyue holding a Dalmatian doll in his hand.

"This is?" Zhou Ziyan pointed at the doll.

"Although Yueyue can't keep dogs, she likes dogs very much, so we often buy her puppy plush toys, which were given to her by her father and her favorite."

Indeed, Zhou Ziyan entered the room and found that the room was almost full of puppy toys of various styles, but the one in the photo was not the only one.

Could it be that Xiao Nanyue took the puppy to the kindergarten?

Although Zhou Ziyan didn't look carefully at the surveillance at the gate of the kindergarten, she glanced at it.

The suspect was standing in the blind spot of the camera, and only Nan Yue ran in that direction with a bulging schoolbag on her back.

I'm afraid it wasn't that Xiao Nanyue's schoolbag contained that puppy toy.

But why does Xiao Nanyue take her puppy out?

Zhou Ziyan's heart skipped a beat.

Nanyue's move proved that she didn't intend to go home when she went out early in the morning. This was her spontaneous departure.

Everything is telling Zhou Ziyan that Nanyue did it on purpose.

She knew the kidnapper, and was well prepared for yesterday's disappearance. She even saw something called expectation from Zhou Ziyan on her face...

The kidnapper also made very careful preparations for this, and also prepared a beautiful dress for Nanyue.

When Zhou Ziyan was in the police school, she once heard a term: "special pedophile".

Now it seems that this person may be more than just an ordinary pedophile.

Nanyue likes kidnappers, and kidnappers also like Nanyue.

In this case, Nanyue may be even more dangerous.

When Xiao Nanyue reacts, she will gradually begin to reject criminals, and the consequences of angering criminals will be unimaginable.

"Road, I again advise you to issue an 'Amber Alert'."

Zhou Ziyan's face is now gradually becoming anxious: "Your daughter will stay with a pedophile for a while, and her life will be in danger."

If the Amber Alert is issued 18 hours after the child is missing, there will be a 25% chance of being rescued. If it is later, there is really no way.


Lu Haitang looked at Zhou Ziyan, her eyes were full of anger: "You are just a confused guess!"

"I'm not talking nonsense. Let me tell you this. Nanyue and the kidnapper know each other and like the kidnapper very much, but as time goes on, Nanyue will reject this person, and she will become more and more dangerous."

"This is all your speculation. How could Yueyue know strangers? Impossible!"

With that said, the irrational Lu Haitang rushed over to attack Zhou Ziyan.

"Look at this video." At this point, Ning Cheng had returned to the office.

"You found a problem without 1.2."

"What's the problem?" Mu Xiaoyu looked at the two videos a little puzzled.

"Didn't you find that Nanyue didn't struggle? She even walked up to the kidnapper voluntarily, and she changed her dress voluntarily."

"Yes, Xiao An, look, this little girl looks quite happy."

Mu Xiaoyu was a little surprised: "Is a little girl so big-hearted?"

"No, it's not that she is big-hearted. She may see someone she likes."

"Acquaintances commit crimes!"

Several people said in unison.

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