Wrong Interrogation Room, The First Cracked Case Shocked the World

Chapter 214 The video has been repaired! 【Please order and customize】

As soon as Mu Xiaoyu heard that the video had been repaired, she didn't care about anything else, and hurriedly ran to the technical department.

If nothing else, as long as the video is repaired, Huang Qianqian can be arrested.

The iron evidence is like a mountain, and the mouth of Huang Qianqian is full of mouths, and now I can't tell.

Moreover, Lu Qiao's unusual schedule made Ning Cheng have to suspect that Huang Qianqian had murdered Yu Wanzhou because of his wife.

A woman's murderous heart sometimes only needs a very simple reason.

Sitting in front of the computer, Mu Xiaoyu watched the restored video frame by frame, for fear that she had missed something.

At the beginning, there were two women facing each other, with the rooftop behind them.

Fortunately, this camera has the function of recording, so Mu Xiaoyu can hear the conversation between the two people clearly.

Looking at their clothes, Mu Xiaoyu confirmed that it was Huang Qianqian and Yu Wanzhou.

The two women stood there, and even if it was a video, Mu Xiaoyu could feel a different atmosphere.

In the video, Huang Qianqian is hunched over her waist, and the expression on her face is exposed under the high-definition camera.

"You promised me that you would break up with Lu Qiao, why are you still in touch?"

Unlike Huang Qianqian's humbleness, it was Yu Wanzhou. She stood upright and her tone was full of pride: "I'm pregnant, and I'm sure you know whose child I'm carrying."

Seeing this, Mu Xiaoyu couldn't help smacking her tongue. Shouldn't the bloody drama of these two women fighting for a man only appear in TV dramas?

The technician next to him also shook his head. He had watched this video back and forth countless times.

But what happened next forced Mu Xiaoyu to let go of her surprise and watch the video patiently.

"Are you worthy of Tan Kai? He loves you so much."

Huang Qianqian grabbed Yu Wanzhou's skirt, how humble and humble her tone was, how could there be the elegance and pride that Mu Xiaoyu had when she first met her, which belonged to a rich wife.

"I don't care about Tan Kai's affairs, but you and Lu Qiao are finished."

Saying that, Yu Wanzhou slapped Huang Qianqian's hand heavily: "You prepare the divorce agreement."

Yu Wanzhou raised her eyebrows. She was originally half a head taller than Huang Qianqian, but now she has a condescending look.

Mu Xiaoyu also understands that Yu Wanzhou's confidence lies in the child in her stomach.

She preliminarily judged that Yu Wanzhou wanted to be in the position herself, otherwise, she would not be arrogant to Huang Qianqian.

Huang Qianqian's expression changed and changed in an instant, her mouth opened as if she wanted to say something, but in the end she didn't say anything.

She clearly knew the ending, but when Mu Xiaoyu found out that this woman had murderous intentions, her heart clenched unconsciously.

Yu Wanzhou, like a proud hen, raised his chin, turned around and went downstairs.

But the moment she turned around, Huang Qianqian's expression instantly became fierce.

That look, lowered by the high-definition camera, looks extraordinarily clear.

How much hate does it take to have this look?

Mu Xiaoyu didn't know, but she didn't want to know either.

In the picture, Huang Qianqian stood behind Yu Wanzhou and shoved her fiercely.

Mu Xiaoyu's heart was hanging up, it seemed that Huang Qianqian was going to kill

"Go to hell, fox!"

Unprepared, Yu Wanzhou sat directly on the ground. She turned around and looked at Huang Qianqian in horror.

The always proud little hen was attacked unexpectedly?

"You, you actually started?"

Huang Qianqian had completely lost the good manners of a rich wife. She pulled Yu Wanzhou's hair straight up and dragged her to the edge of the rooftop.

In the video, the wind on the rooftop can be vaguely heard, and everything is so logical.

She is now like a she-wolf who has lost her mind, and she has to say anything to make Yu Wanzhou look good.

"Huang Qianqian, are you crazy? How dare you fight me?"

At this time, Yu Wanzhou still didn't know the seriousness of the matter, and was still screaming, even though she was in extreme embarrassment under Huang Qianqian's hands.

Yu Wanzhou's clothes were still intact, but her hairstyle was torn.

Huang Qianqian gritted her teeth and shouted: "Go to hell, you bitch!"

As she spoke, she had already stepped onto Yu Wanzhou's body, tying her neck hard.

Mu Xiaoyu looked at the forensic test report that she brought with her.

Yu Wanzhou didn't fall to her death, but suffocation marks were found on her body, indicating that Yu Wanzhou was strangled to death.

This time, everything is right.

Mu Xiaoyu shifted her gaze to the screen again. Yu Wanzhou in the screen now found something was wrong, and began to apologize repeatedly...

"You let me go, I promise I will never meet with Lu Qiao again, please forgive me."

"Qianqian, I was wrong, I really won't be bothering Lu Qiao anymore."

Under Huang Qianqian's body, her legs kept twitching, like a deoxygenated fish that was thrown on the shore.

Huang Qianqian pinched Yu Wanzhou's neck, and the features on his face had already left where it should be.

"It's too late, Yu Wanzhou, you bitch, die!"

Yu Wanzhou's mouth was long, and his face turned purple: "Huang, Huang Qianqian, you, you are going to kill me."

Even though Yu Wanzhou frantically scratched Huang Qianqian's wrist, Huang Qianqian still didn't let go.

Under Huang Qianqian's hand, Yu Wanzhou slowly stopped moving.

Huang Qianqian saw that Yu Wanzhou was no longer responding, and even pinched it again, a bit like making up for the knife.

"Qianqian, what are you doing?"

The woman who came up, Mu Xiaoyu, was also very familiar. They were the "good sisters" of Huang Qianqian and Yu Wanzhou.

But the three women didn't show any fear when they saw Yu Wanzhou's body, instead they gave Yu Wanzhou a wink.

A few people gathered together, took off Yu Wanzhou's clothes and Huang Qianqian's clothes, then directly lifted the poor woman and threw it down.

"Team Ning, the video is the proof, none of these women are clean."

Mu Xiaoyu immediately called Ning Cheng, her tone was extremely cold, not as innocent and cute as before. 1.2

"I also found something at the scene."

Ning Cheng was standing on the rooftop at this moment, holding a small diamond hairpin in his hand.

"Huangqianqian's hairpin fell off the scene."

As he spoke, a smirk appeared on the corner of his mouth, and the professional ultraviolet rays in his hand also shone on the ground.

Using a special potion, the traces of their fighting can be displayed, and even the time can be calculated from the traces.

Ning Cheng didn't expect that it would be so easy to collect evidence on the spot, but it was also because these rich ladies had no brains.

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