Wrong Interrogation Room, The First Cracked Case Shocked the World

Chapter 215 The real truth! 【For full order, please customize】

"Huangqianqian, tell me, why did you kill Yu Wanzhou?"

Huang Qianqian sat in the interrogation room with a complicated expression on her face: "You, don't talk nonsense!"

Ning Cheng didn't ask others to intervene in this matter this time. He folded his arms and looked at Huang Qianqian, who had lost his mind.

"The acting is good, our police were almost deceived by you."

Huang Qianqian stubbornly thought that Ning Cheng was cheating her, and sneered: "I have an alibi."


Ning Cheng patted the report sheet in front of Huang Qianqian: "We won't arrest you without evidence."

Huang Qianqian stretched out her hand to look, and it was clearly written on the report sheet, that her hairpins and marks of tearing were all identified by the technical department.

"If you're not convinced, we still have a video."

Ning Cheng said while observing the micro-expression on Huang Qianqian's face.

Only when her psychological defense line completely collapses can she restore the truth of the matter.

Huang Qianqian's lips were trembling, she didn't dare to touch these photos and report sheets now.

Monitor repaired? Impossible, didn't they say that this is irreversible damage 23?

In that case, the fact that he killed Yu Wanzhou would be exposed.

"They clearly said it, but no one found out."

Huang Qianqian's eyes were full of tears, her face was pale, and her pupils had been constricting.

"Yu Wanzhou is pregnant with Lu Qiao's child, right? You killed her for this."

Ning Cheng saw that he was almost done, and said.

As soon as the words "child", "Lu Qiao" and "Yu Wanzhou" were mentioned, the woman suddenly jumped up from the interrogation chair.

She was like a violent tigress, eager to tear the man in front of her to shreds.

But the handcuffs tied her to a chair, so she could only struggle, without any lethality.

But the anger and murderousness she burst out in an instant made Ning Cheng startled.

"If it weren't for that bitch! How could Lu Qiao divorce me!"

"Her family is better than mine, and she's married better than me. What else is she not satisfied with? Why does she still pester Lu Qiao!"

"I just want to live a quiet life, why would she take revenge on me like this!"

"Lu Qiao will always be mine! Mine!"

As she spoke, Huang Qianqian's tone choked up, and her tears were like a flood that had opened the gate.

It's a pity that Ning Cheng doesn't think this look is aesthetically pleasing, and the legendary pear blossoms with rain seem to be divided.

Under the evidence, Huang Qianqian can't do it if she doesn't admit it. She explained the matter while crying.

Huang Qianqian and Yu Wanzhou were originally very good best friends, but their relationship became very subtle from a certain point.

This comes from a meeting after the two got engaged, and everyone brought their fiancés.

At that time, Lu Qiao's company was not very large, and it was in the early stage of his business. Compared with Tan Kai, who was tall and big and came from a family, he didn't know how much inferior.

Huang Qianqian felt a little sour at the time, but Lu Qiao was her true love.

To a certain extent, Huang Qianqian had a little more love brain than Yu Wanzhou, otherwise she would not have picked a Lu Qiao who was inferior to her in every aspect.

But after this meeting, Lu Qiao's attitude towards her became a lot colder.

Out of a woman's intuition, she hired a private detective and filmed the scene of Yu Wanzhou and Lu Qiao dating.

"What's wrong with Lu Qiao? It's Yu Wanzhou, this bitch, who is seducing him!"

With this idea in mind, Huang Qianqian called Yu Wanzhou out a week before the wedding.

Facing the woman in front of her, Yu Wanzhou said that Lu Qiao was her true love.

But it is impossible for her to break off the engagement with Tan Kai. Tan Kai's family background makes her not want to give up such a high-quality man.

Huang Qianqian was so angry that she couldn't understand why Yu Wanzhou was better than herself in everything, why she still robbed her.

Yu Wanzhou also knew that he was wrong. If he made a big noise, his reputation would be gone.

Huang Qianqian was also worried that Lu Qiao would be affected by this incident, so the two of them made an agreement that Yu Wanzhou would leave Lu Qiao, and the two of them would keep the water from the well in the future.

This was supposed to be over.

But Huang Qianqian discovered half a year ago that Lu Qiao and Yu Wanzhou were still connected.

She invited Yu Wanzhou out to scold her for not abiding by the agreement, and Yu Wanzhou responded that Lu Qiao took the initiative to find her.

Huang Qianqian didn't believe it, but she didn't have the courage to ask Lu Qiao.

So she stubbornly believed that Yu Wanzhou had been seducing Lu Qiao.

"It's ridiculous, I seduced him? If I hadn't asked Tan Kai to help him, he would still be running his business in Africa."

Yu Wanzhou's pride completely ignited Huang Qianqian's anger.

Only one fuse is needed now, and Astragalus will explode completely.

The fuse was the conversation on Tiantai. When Yu Wanzhou proudly said that she was pregnant with Lu Qiao's child and asked her to divorce Lu Qiao, Huang Qianqian completely lost her mind.

As for her group of sisters, it was only because they felt worthless for Huang Qianqian after hearing about Huang Qianqian, and Yu Wanzhou's superior external conditions made them jealous for a long time.

In the final analysis, it is to use this illusory sense of justice to satisfy his revenge psychology.

After Huang Qianqian killed Yu Wanzhou, several women threw her body from the rooftop, then put on the confession and destroyed the evidence together.

"That slut, slut, there is more than enough to die for!"

Ning Cheng put down the pen in his hand and sighed.

I have finished asking all the questions, so let's see what Lu Qiao and Tan Kai have to say.

Zhao Xiaoan was in charge of Lu Qiao and Tan Kai, and their confessions allowed the matter to be slowly uncovered.

Lu Qiao said that he found Yu Wanzhou by himself, and that he and Huang Qianqian were coveting her family background and appearance.

But Yu Wanzhou is different, she is like an angel in a vulgar life, fresh and refined.

"So you have two families torn apart for your angel?"

Zhao Xiaoan's face was sullen. He couldn't understand why there was such a strange thing as Lu Qiao, but he wanted to eat what was in the bowl and look at the pot, which suddenly caused the tragedy of the two women.

Although Lu Qiao has no legal responsibility for this matter, as a man, he is really irresponsible.

It's more normal on Tan Kai's side. Tan Kai knows that his wife loves to play, but he doesn't know about Yu Wanzhou and Lu Qiao's derailment.

In his mind, although Yu Wanzhou was a proud person, he knew it well.

"Are you going to tell him about Yu Wanzhou's pregnancy?"

Zhou Ziyan was also shattered by the three views shocked by the truth. She couldn't bear to be hurt by Tan Kai, who loves his wife so much.

"Tell me, this is the duty of our police, and how do you know that Tan Kai really doesn't know."

Ning Cheng sneered.

Sitting on his office chair, he wrote the conclusion of the case and breathed a sigh of relief.

Finally able to sleep in this weekend.

...................................................... ...................................................... ...

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