Wrong Interrogation Room, The First Cracked Case Shocked the World

Chapter 213 What is hiding? ! 【For full order, please customize】

Like Lu Qiao, Yu Wanzhou's itinerary is also confidential, so it is better to search the medical treatment list of major hospitals directly.

Moreover, the pregnancy reaction has already appeared in about two months, and it is impossible for Yu Wanzhou not to notice, so the scope has narrowed again.

"Team Ning, then I'll immediately go with them to check the hospital's list of visits and monitoring records."

After Mu Xiaoyu sorted out the information she just asked, she handed it over to Ning Cheng and said.

Ning Cheng nodded, patted Mu Xiaoyu's shoulder, and said, "First of all, investigate the surrounding sites and check the license plate of the deceased. If you don't find the record of her leaving Jiang City, then the one around Jiang City is the farthest from here. The big hospital has begun to investigate."

There is a reason for doing this. Yu Wanzhou's child has been two and a half months old. If she really wanted to abort her, she would have gone there long ago, so she may want to keep the child, so she must do it regularly. pregnancy test.

For them, the child may not really be born, or it may be a bargaining chip in their hands, but the specific matter depends on the search and visit at the time.

Mu Xiaoyu could understand the matter of checking the license plate, but she couldn't understand why it had to be checked from the farthest place.

Seeing Mu Xiaoyu's puzzled eyes, Ning Cheng explained, "Yu Wanzhou's child is not her husband's, so she definitely doesn't want people around her to know about this, one is because of shame, and the other is because of the child's biological There may be a problem with my father, because after Yu Wanzhou found out, he went to find a yoga instructor specifically to be the object of his extramarital affair, and even left a story behind him and brought his lover directly to the birthday party. ~ Zhang."

"Obviously, in Yu Wanzhou's heart, it may be easier for the people around him to find out that Li Yiqian is her cheating object, which is easier to accept than his cheating object is the child's father."

"So, Yu Wanzhou doesn't want people around to find this child, so he will definitely not go to the nearby hospital for examination, and the child is very harmful to his health, so he will not choose some three-no hospitals or small clinics. , we can start from large hospitals, including the surrounding private hospitals, with high confidentiality, and hospitals that have good relations with the deceased.

Only large and private hospitals have the best privacy protection.

When Ning Cheng said this, Mu Xiaoyu understood and immediately praised her happily.

"Captain Ning, you are too good. With your proposal, our grassroots police can save a lot of effort!"

Who is the hardest working person right now? It must be the grassroots police.

Many people may think that the criminal police have to run around and be responsible for solving the case. If the case is not solved, it is common to follow up for ten days and a half months, and stay up all night without sleeping, so the criminal police must be very hard.

But in fact, many times when the criminal police need to use theoretical data to support, most of the people who collect information and run up and down visits are the grass-roots police. Many times, a sentence is actually full of the countless efforts of the grass-roots police.

Just like finding the hospital that the deceased went to before he died, it is even possible that the deceased used a false name, which requires a lot of energy and manpower.

But it's different now. With Ning Cheng's most recent remarks, the grassroots police can accurately search for them based on these remarks.

The first is that the workload has been reduced, and the second is that everyone can have a bottom line.

If Mu Xiaoyu was asked to investigate by herself, it is very likely that ten days and a half months would be wasted on this kind of search.

"Searching the hospitals where the private parts have been visited and her pregnancy test results are actually just a process. The most important thing is to find the deceased person and who had specific contact with them two and a half months ago. If a list can be determined, then can narrow it down.”

Ning Cheng doesn't believe that Yu Wanzhou doesn't believe that such a lady would casually have sex with a person, so either with her sexual partner or with her lover, of course there may be a one-night stand, but then are very few.

It is said that rich people cherish their lives the most, and Yu Wanzhou believes that the same is true. If it is a stranger, at least the protective measures will be done well.

Mu Xiaoyu was a little embarrassed, "The records from two and a half months ago are not easy to find! Xiao An is also at Meng Cang's place now, I will go to him right away, and I will check this matter with a few colleagues later, Captain Ning, take over How did you get down there?"

Ning Cheng has already arranged the time in his mind, "Tomorrow the high school will open at about seven o'clock in the morning. There are people. Then you and I will visit the school and ask everyone what they think of Yu Wanzhou, Huang Qianqian, and Shen Yuerong. The impression, as well as their data from that year, Xiao An and Meng Cang went to investigate what happened two and a half months ago, and two and a half months ago, the list of people the deceased had contact with was further narrowed down."

· · · Flowers · · ·

Mu Xiaoyu nodded, indicating that she understood, and then she seemed to think of something, and suddenly asked, "Captain Ning, Yu Wanzhou's husband, Tan Kai, is going back to China tomorrow, how did you arrange for him?"

This man came back from abroad immediately after knowing his wife's death. He must have liked his wife too. If he was told that his wife was not only pregnant with another man's child, but even fed the biological father who protected the child. It must be very sad to find someone to cover up!

Now Mu Xiaoyu rarely has such sentimental feelings, but inexplicably, she has a feeling that the husband of the deceased loved the deceased very much.

In any case, it's not good for your wife to cuckold yourself.


But of course, none of this has anything to do with them.

Mu Xiaoyu sighed.

Ning Cheng pondered for a while, "Let's go to the school first, if we can catch up with the airport, we will go to the airport. If we can't catch up, then we will ask Tan Kai to the police station to control it, and don't let it go anywhere. Don't leak any news, I'm afraid he will react violently and affect our process of solving the case."

Mu Xiaoyu nodded, "Then what should we do now?"

It was already night, the case was not over, and everyone couldn't sleep at all. Meng Cang could use the Internet to search for information, but the few of them had nothing to do.

Ning Cheng smiled and said, "I just came back to see the information you searched. There is still a big thing to do next."

"What's the big deal?" Mu Xiaoyu was a little puzzled.

"The surveillance video related to the case has just been handed over to the technician. Now it can be determined that Huang Qianqian is the murderer or accomplice, but there is no specific motive for committing the crime. If you are free now, you can go there and take a look at the surveillance video. , the technician should have repaired it now, when you are finished, call your colleagues, and we will go to the scene to search for evidence."

...................................................... ...................................................... ....Ding.

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