Wrong Interrogation Room, The First Cracked Case Shocked the World

Chapter 22 The confusing case! 【For full order, please customize】

"Li Yiqian, how did you and Yu Wanzhou know each other, how they got together, the content and the process, you'd better tell it yourself. Our captain just said it, you are not the murderer, you can just say it with confidence."

Mu Xiaoyu's face was calm, and her tone did not fluctuate too much.

After this period of tempering, she also discovered that, in fact, when questioning or interrogating a suspect, rich emotions cannot make the suspect confess, but a calm look can make them relax.

It may be the first time in his life that Li Yiqian went to the police station because of a murder case. His expression was tense to the naked eye. From the moment he sat on the chair, he had been tensing the muscles all over his body, for fear that others would not know that he was tense.

After hearing what Mu Xiaoyu asked, he hesitated for a moment, and then replied, "Wanzhou and I met in a yoga class. At that time, she wanted to learn yoga, so she found me as her personal trainer and taught her. After a few classes, she felt that I was teaching well, so she paid me to be her personal trainer. She offered me 10,000 yuan per class, but a class only lasted about half an hour. The price is very high, and the most important thing is that she is generous, and she is not as picky and cunning as other guests, so I like to give her lessons."

Seeing that he said a lot, Mu Xiaoyu had nothing to hide, but when it came to her, she couldn't let go, so she guided her.

"You'd better tell the truth about your situation. The more detailed you are, the better, including your feelings. You are providing clues for our police, but I have to remind you that extramarital affairs are not illegal, but if You're the only suspect in this case, and that's different."

Mu Xiaoyu's words were an understatement, but they contained a hint of warning. Li Yiqian often gave lessons to the rich and rich, and he was also a very good person, and he immediately understood her overtones.

"In short, it's a coincidence that I'm with her. She's generous, and I just need money. She's so beautiful, so I'm not at a loss, right? Just to be honest, if you ask me to talk about her relationship, or Friends, and her life, I basically don't know anything. She doesn't like to hide and tuck, but she really hates me disturbing her private space and getting along with her. My biggest impression is that she is warm and bold , the day after I gave her a private lesson, she asked me if I wanted to follow her..."

"You agree?"

Although Mu Xiaoyu's words were not very emotional, Li Yiqian inexplicably felt that he was being looked down upon, and hurriedly explained.

"At that time, I really didn't know she had a husband. She was so generous with her (cdbc) and she was very kind to me, so when she brought it up, I went with the flow."

"And then? After you were together, Yu Wanzhou gave you the key to her room. I don't believe that a rich wife would give the key to her house to a teacher who had only known each other for a few days."

"I've known her for a long time, but I haven't had much contact with the friends around him. Today is the first time this has happened. Huang Qianqian, Shen Yuerong and I only met today."

Mu Xiaoyu made it clear that she didn't believe it, "Even if you don't know each other, you must have heard Yu Wanzhou say it? Did anything happen between Yu Wanzhou and them?"

Li Yiqian shook his head sincerely, and said bitterly, "Officer, you really don't need to embarrass me, Wanzhou never talks about this when I'm with me, if there is any grievance between them, then I don't know. of."

Mu Xiaoyu could hear that this Li Yiqian seemed to be very close to No. 4 Middle School, but in fact Yu Wanzhou didn't take him to heart at all.

For him, perhaps speaking out will do wonders.

Mu Xiaoyu turned her head and came up with a solution.

"Li Yiqian, you are brave enough. Tomorrow Yu Wanzhou's husband is going back to China. Guess what he would do to you if he found out that you got his wife pregnant?"

Hearing Mu Xiaoyu's words, Li Yiqian almost jumped up.

"No, officer, are you kidding me? Yu Wanzhou is pregnant?"

His eyes were full of surprise, not like a disguise at all, it seemed that he really didn't know.

Mu Xiaoyu almost understood, "Has Yu Wanzhou been to the hospital or the Maternal and Child Health Center recently?"

Li Yiqian is also not sure what is going on? With a surprised expression on his face, he thought about it seriously and replied.

"Usually we communicate. Usually, she makes a phone call and I go there. I don't know what she's doing when she goes out. But police officer, you just said that her husband came back from abroad. How long did it take?"

Mu Xiaoyu said lightly, "You don't need to worry about this. If the child is not yours, then it has nothing to do with you. The specifics depend on tomorrow. Since you said you don't know, let's go here first!"

Hearing the end of the inquiry, Li Yiqian breathed a sigh of relief.

When she was about to leave the interrogation room, Mu Xiaoyu asked curiously, "What were you doing two and a half months ago?"

Li Yiqian is completely relaxed now. After all, the questioning has ended, so when Mu Xiaoyu asked him this question, he didn't think much about it at all, and took the time to answer.

"I didn't seem to know her at that time. I met her almost a month ago."

"Oh, that's what it is!"

Mu Xiaoyu had already asked, and this time he asked the question he really wanted to ask, and walked out of the interrogation room slowly.

After Li Yiqian was taken back, Mu Xiaoyu found Ning Cheng.

"Captain Ning, you should have heard just now that the child is not Li Yiqian's, and the time Li Yiqian and Yu Wanzhou met was too coincidental, and it was proposed by Yu Wanzhou. I suspect there is another article in it."

Ning Cheng nodded, "It's too deliberate. Now it's very likely that Yu Wanzhou knew that she was pregnant, and then she deliberately met Li Yiqian."

Mu Xiaoyu thought for a while, and then expressed her own judgment.

"If that's the case, then the father of the child must be something Yu Wanzhou doesn't want to reveal. Otherwise, there is no need to use such a cover-up method, and it is unnecessary."

"That's right, then what we're looking for is the video of Yu Wanzhou going to the hospital for an examination. Also, the deceased will definitely see the child's real father during this time, and he can also start an investigation, but if Yu Wan can be found out. Who did Zhou actually meet five days ago, that's even easier."

There are basically no new clues in the case now, and everyone is waiting for the dawn to see if they can have some clues when they visit schools and hospitals.

In this case, the really important time was two months ago, so this matter is really difficult to handle.

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