Wrong Interrogation Room, The First Cracked Case Shocked the World

Chapter 211 Pregnant? ! 【For full order, please customize】

Ning Cheng looked at the information very fast, and Zhou Muyan, who was next to him, refused to lag behind and browsed the information quickly.

Mu Xiaoyu was a little surprised, "Captain Ning, can I show her this information?"

It stands to reason that this kind of information is kept secret and cannot be shown to others. This girl has always been called Brother Ning Cheng. Who is she?

Ning Cheng is actually a little jealous of Zhou Muyan's talent, and the most important thing is that this girl is not afraid of anything, she is extremely bold in her actions and thoughts, and if she goes down the wrong road, it will definitely give the best police in the country a headache.

So he will give Zhou Muyan some information to guide her to think.

And the reason why Zhou Muyan was allowed to read the information was because she was also involved in the case.

"Strange, Lu Qiao came back last week. Why did he stay in a five-star hotel in Jiang City for three days before returning home? What did he do in the hotel?"

Zhou Muyan asked curiously.

His home is also in Jiang City, and the house in Jiangcheng Yipin is definitely more comfortable than a five-star hotel. Why stay in a five-star hotel only two kilometers away from here for three days?

Ning Cheng also noticed what Zhou Muyan said, because the deceased Yu Wanzhou had an extramarital affair, so he is now a little sensitive to this kind of thing.

Lu Qiao would rather stay in a five-star hotel than go home. Is it related to Huang Qianqian, or is it just a convenience?

Does Huang Qianqian know about this again?

It also depends on where Lu Qiao has been in these three days.

The three of them stared at the information.

"On the 14th, Lu Qiao stayed at the hotel for a day. On the 15th, he left at 7:00 in the morning. The next itinerary is not clear. He returned to the hotel at 4:00 in the afternoon, and then went out to eat. For dinner, on the 16th, I stayed at the hotel for one morning, and then checked out and went home at 2 pm."

"I don't seem to have had contact with anyone, but have you checked the phone number of the deceased? The list of call records for the week before her death was screened first. ¨."

"Go and invite Lu Qiao over tomorrow. I suspect that he didn't tell Huang Qianqian when he returned to China early. There must be a problem between them. Huang Qianqian stayed at the police station so late today, did he care?"

Mu Xiaoyu took Huang Qianqian's cell phone. She knew very well that no one had called her during this time, so she shook her head.

"Your wife has been in the police station for so long, why should you be concerned about it?"

"Have you found out why Lu Qiao returned to China? Is it a business problem?"

Mu Xiaoyu shook her head and said she wasn't sure, "It didn't look that deep, but at least there was no problem on the surface, and he didn't seem to be rushing to the company every day during the week he returned to China."

Ning Cheng pondered for a while, "The most important thing now is to confirm that on the 15th, he went out from seven in the morning to four in the afternoon, and where did the nine hours go, I have a hunch that this is the key to solving the case!"

Just when a few people were in trouble, suddenly a policeman rushed in.

"Team Ning! There's something important!"

Ning Cheng's face changed, and he hurried out to see Tang Xin, who was approaching with an anxious expression, and did not take off the gloves on her hands.

"Team Ning, Yu Wanzhou is pregnant!"

Ning Cheng was surprised.

"She is pregnant?"

The other two were even more shocked.


"Impossible? Her husband hasn't been abroad all the time..."

Speaking of this, Mu Xiaoyu remembered something, "Could it be Li Yiqian's?"

Tang Xin's face was complicated, "It's been 75 days of pregnancy, and the length of the fetus is 4.5 centimeters."

"This matter is very important, why did you only inform me now?"

Ning Cheng asked with a frown.

If the news had been known earlier, perhaps there would have been a lot more directions for solving the case.

Tang Xin reluctantly said, "Although her body has fallen like that, an autopsy requires the consent of her family. Her husband Tan Kai did not agree with us to dissect Yu Wanzhou's body before, and I thought that since It was a fall to death, then the cause of death was confirmed, so I agreed first. Later, I found out that the deceased’s uterus was abnormally enlarged, so I had to make another international call to ask Tan Kai, because I didn’t know if he was involved in the case, so I didn’t tell him. The pregnancy of his deceased."

This back and forth took a lot of time, because it is difficult to determine the growth of the fetus by observing the outside of the uterus, that is, it is not known how long the deceased was pregnant, so Ning Cheng was not notified.

Ning Cheng nodded, "Then now, the cause of death of the deceased can be investigated from this aspect."

"Xiaoyu, go and check if there is any information about the deceased going to the Maternal and Child Health Center or major hospitals for a physical examination and pregnancy test. Let Xiaoan go and find out. If anyone else knows about the pregnancy of the deceased, you can just talk about it."

"But now there is still the most important question. I just read it. The husband of the deceased in 75 days is not in the country, so who is this child?"

After saying these words, several people did not answer, only Mu Xiaoyu said.

"Captain Ning, since you said that Li Yiqian was not the murderer, then I'll ask Li Yiqian if he knows what happened."

Ning Cheng nodded, "Remember to ask alone, and at the same time ask him if there are any emotional disputes between these women? Or record important matters, and I will assist you outside."

"Don't worry, now I'm not the same as before, just wait and see!"

After a week of training, Mu Xiaoyu's mind is more determined, and she also wants to try how her abilities compare to before.

Ning Cheng left Zhou Muyan in the conference room, and he and Mu Xiaoyu went to the interrogation room to question Li Yiqian.

Even if he can let Zhou Muyan see some information, the questioning and interrogation must not be leaked.

After Zhou Muyan heard what Mu Xiaoyu said just now, she almost understood that she had seen the information by exception, and was very satisfied, so she sat in the conference room and waited for Ning Cheng to come back.

Mu Xiaoyu notified Zhao Xiaoan to investigate the hospital, and then together with Ning Cheng, took Li Yiqian to the interrogation room.

While taking (Good King's) Li Yiqian out, Ning Cheng noticed Huang Qianqian's expression was strange.

When the two of them entered, she was nervous for a moment, and then she relaxed again when she saw that the two of them were taking away Li Yiqian.

So Ning Cheng guessed that maybe Li Yiqian didn't know the reason why Yu Wanzhou was killed, or maybe Huang Qianqian didn't show hostility in front of Li Yiqian or the deceased.

Standing outside the glass wall of the interrogation room, Ning Cheng continued to read materials while wearing a headset and listening to the contents of the room.

In the house, Mu Xiaoyu had already started to register for Li Yiqian.

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