Wrong Interrogation Room, The First Cracked Case Shocked the World

Chapter 193 Mu Xiaoyu's transformation, the rash and nervous Zhou Ziyan! 【For full order, pleas

Ning Cheng didn't say those empty words, or patted his chest to assure Zhou Ziyan.

But Zhou Ziyan just believed that he could do it.

Ning Cheng was different from the others, and there was no contempt in his eyes when he looked at her.

Because of her appearance, Zhou Ziyan has been very distressed.

If you're not that pretty, isn't it that other people don't just focus on their appearance?

But Ning Cheng made her feel like those comrades who enlisted in the army before, they only saw loyalty, integrity, love and reason.

What surprised Zhou Ziyan most was that she could get such a high evaluation in Ning Cheng's heart, so she had a feeling of being recognized.

"Ning Cheng, whatever it is, anyway... thank you."

Zhou Ziyan said that she could only think of one sentence for a long time~Thank you.

"There's nothing to be thankful for, it's just a small matter. If this is the case, it will really allow you to stay here in peace and fight side by side with me. That's too good-forget it?"

Ning Cheng laughed, not realizing how ambiguous what he said.

Zhou Ziyan's cheeks flushed instantly, "I, I'll go back later and send you the address, you remember to come to my house with me after get off work tonight."

Ning Cheng was a little surprised, "I'm not ready so soon. If I want to see my uncle and aunt, I should prepare some gifts, right?"

Zhou Ziyan's teeth are so good, wouldn't it be rude if she didn't prepare a gift?

"You just need to go, don't worry about the gift, I've already prepared it!"

Seeing that the topic just now was not continued, Zhou Ziyan finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Ning Cheng originally wanted to say that he could prepare gifts, but then he thought that maybe Zhou Ziyan didn't want to owe him anything, so he had to agree.

"In that case, I'll go first. By the way, the gifts I prepared for my parents this time are a diamond necklace and a box of top Cuban cigarettes, don't make a mistake!"

Zhou Ziyan asked before leaving.

"Okay." Ning Cheng said lightly.

Zhou Ziyan gave Ning Cheng one last look, and then ran away in a hurry.

Ning Cheng shook his head and resumed his official business.

He just came to the Jiangcheng Police Station, and there are still many things to do.

After Zhou Ziyan left, Mu Xiaoyu knocked on the door and walked in.

"Team Ning, here I come."

This sentence is not simply to say that she is here, but also wants to tell Ning Cheng that she did it, successfully passed the assessment of Jiangcheng Police Station, and became a member of Ning Cheng with her own ability!

Ning Cheng nodded.

"Little Rain, you've worked hard."

He didn't give Mu Xiaoyu any blood, and he didn't need it.

He believed that through this time, Mu Xiaoyu would only be more determined.

Mu Xiaoyu hesitated for a moment before asking.

"Team Ning, will you still teach me in the future?"

Ning Cheng wondered, "You are my team member, who am I not going to teach you?"

It was as if those things had never happened between them.

Originally, during the assessment, Mu Xiaoyu went with a bewildered mood, but she gritted her teeth and insisted because of the difficulty of the training.

Countless times when the sweat she shed covers her eyes like tears, the ups and downs in her heart are constantly intertwined.

When I first met Ning Cheng, the admiration after getting along with him, when he laughed...

The closest contact between him and her was when Mu Xiaoyu lightly grabbed the corner of Ning Cheng's shirt while on the battery car.

After Mu Xiaoyu confessed, she didn't hear Ning Cheng's response, but she understood that she was rejected.

The original loss and the uneasiness of coming here disappeared after hearing Ning Cheng's words "It's hard work".

For a moment, Mu Xiaoyu actually felt that she was no longer attached to Ning Cheng in her heart.

If you like a flower, you don't have to pick her up in your palm. If you like a flower, you can't make the cloud stay in your palm.

"It's not hard work, Ning Cheng, give me more advice in the future."

Mu Xiaoyu rarely called Ning Cheng's full name.

Only this time, there was no more anxiety in his tone.

Ning Cheng also found out, and nodded in relief.

Mu Xiaoyu smiled and turned to leave. She had just arrived at the Jiangcheng Police Station, so she quickly established a good relationship with her colleagues and handed over the case to the truth.

Ning Cheng, I wish your heart is in the sky, and you will not fall into the aspirations of the sky.

After that, Ning Cheng's little fan girl came over from another team and asked Mu Xiaoyu why she couldn't be moved when she looked at a handsome guy like a movie star every day.

At that time, Mu Xiaoyu could already answer with a smile.

There are so many movie stars, you can go after them if you like, but there is only one national hero model who looks like a movie star like our captain!


After get off work, Ning Cheng saw the address Zhou Ziyan sent him, and was about to go there when he found Zhou Ziyan was waiting for him at the door in a red Ferrari.

· · · Flowers · · ·

"Why did you come?"

Zhou Ziyan hurriedly grabbed Ning Cheng and walked to the car.

The people from Jiangcheng Police Station all opened their eyes wide when they saw this scene.

"Damn it, it's too cool, isn't it?"

"Is this a Ferrari? I rarely see it even in Jiangshi... God, when can I drive a Ferrari!"

"Tsk, young people today, driving a Ferrari to work, won't it damage the image of our criminal police?"

"That's... tsk, you still have to have a good family!"

"You people are jealous, don't you just say it?"

"People drive if they can afford it, and they don't have to run to show off in front of you. It's not ashamed to talk so much."

...... 0

"Wait, why did Ning Cheng get in the car? No way... are they both?"

"Damn it, this is big news!"

"Oh~ I said, before we coaxed Ning Cheng to protect Zhou Ziyan, it turned out to be a long time ago."

"No! I don't believe, my God, my weekly team..."

Neither of them heard the words of these people, or they heard it but didn't care.


"Let's go now."

After getting in the car, Zhou Ziyan helped Ning Cheng fasten her seat belt directly.

When she was about to return to her position, she realized that the two of them were very ambiguous.

Zhou Ziyan put one arm next to Ning Cheng's position, her cheek was against Ning Cheng's chest, and she could hear Ning Cheng's heartbeat when she breathed.

Zhou Ziyan suddenly got up quickly, started the sports car at the fastest speed in her life, and went out.

She opened the car window, trying to dissipate the heat from her cheeks.

Why did his usual behavior change when he met Ning Cheng?

Ning Cheng also felt Zhou Ziyan's unnaturalness and was a little speechless.

In his heart, Zhou Ziyan has always been very capable, why is she so reckless recently?

The time passed very quickly when the two were alone, and neither of them spoke. Zhou Ziyan slowly calmed down and felt that the atmosphere was very harmonious.

If only getting along with other people could be as simple as getting along with Ning Cheng.

But unfortunately, many people in the world are often those who have other people's plans, such as Ning Cheng, who are already powerful and do not need to be wronged and seek perfection. How many? Ding.

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