Wrong Interrogation Room, The First Cracked Case Shocked the World

Chapter 192 Confession, or is there another motive? 【For full order, please customize】

Ning Cheng was immediately shocked, Zhou Ziyan confessed to him?


If it's the little girls in the police station, it's fine. This is Zhou Ziyan. I can't wait to play a few games with him when I usually watch him. How can I confess?

Is there something wrong with him, or is there something wrong with the world?

Ning Cheng is a little suspicious of life, isn't Zhou Ziyan playing tricks on him?

Zhou Ziyan seemed to realize that there was some ambiguity in what she said, and quickly explained.

"Don't get me wrong! I just want you to do me a favor and play my boyfriend!"

After speaking, she blushed and was a little overwhelmed.

What if Ning Cheng misunderstood?

At this time, Ning Cheng finally understood, "Could it be that someone urged the marriage?"

Ning Cheng thought about several reasons, and this one was the most likely.

Otherwise, according to Zhou Ziyan's character, what reason could she have to ask her for help?


Unexpectedly, Ning Cheng guessed it easily, and Zhou Ziyan sighed and nodded.

"My mother thinks that girls just have to get married, and careers don't matter. She always uses this to stab me, so I want you to help play my boyfriend. You are so good, you can definitely reassure my mother, no more I'm in trouble to find 347!"

Speaking of her mother, Zhou Ziyan can be said to be very helpless.

Their family education is relatively strict, and their father is very serious, hoping that she will become an excellent criminal police officer, but her mother thinks that girls should not be beaten and killed, and they can have a smooth life by marrying and having children honestly.

It would be fine if Zhou Ziyan was an ordinary woman, but her own pursuit is to be a hero and an excellent criminal police officer, and when she is walking on this road, her mother's hope is very painful for her .

Ning Cheng also has no experience in dealing with such household chores, so he can only comfort him.

"Zi Yan, you don't have to think so much, you can communicate with her well, I think she will understand."

As a mother, I definitely want my daughter to be well. Zhou Ziyan's character is very strong. If she really gets married, it is really not the best way out for her.

Ning Cheng's comfort warmed Zhou Ziyan's heart, but then she felt a little sad.

"Ning Cheng, I'm not afraid to tell you, I haven't felt much affection in my family. Sometimes I think I want too much?"

Zhou (cdbc) Zi Yan's accidental opening of her heart made Ning Cheng's heart move slightly.

Usually Zhou Ziyan gives him the feeling that she has a clear plan for her future, and she is not confused at all. She is a very admirable woman.

However, the famous Captain Zhou also has a little woman's side, and Ning Cheng can't help but feel pity.

"How to say?"

Zhou Ziyan didn't feel gossip and sympathy, the two emotions she hated most, in Ning Cheng. She felt a lot more comfortable and was willing to talk to Ning Cheng.

"My father is very serious, he is usually outside, I was beaten a lot when I was young, our family is at home, even if we eat, we seldom talk, if my father doesn't have time, it's fine, my mother... I'm so good, since a few years ago, she has been looking for blind date candidates for me, all of whom are my dad's business partners."

Ning Cheng nodded, understood.

It seems that the rich also have the troubles of the rich. Looking at Zhou Ziyan, you know that the family conditions should be very good. Compared with ordinary people, there is less financial pain, but it also has to pay a price.

Zhou Ziyan's expression was complicated, mixed with entanglement and confusion, and then she continued to speak as if she had figured out something.

"She is really kind to me, it's just that even everyone in the police station knows my dream very well, but she doesn't know it, and she doesn't want to believe what I said, I can be good to her for the rest of my life and love her, but only My life alone cannot be arranged!"

If filial piety means that her whole life is manipulated, how can she be worthy of her efforts?

It's better to go home and farm.

Ning Cheng now understands that Zhou Ziyan's difficulties need more communication with her mother to solve.

This kind of long-term problem is not solved by him helping Zhou Ziyan once. After all, for traditional people, it is a crime for a woman to not marry at the age of 20 or 30. What is there to explain to such a person?

Zhou Ziyan is bold and careful, with a strong personal quality, she was born to be a criminal policeman, it is a waste to marry and have children at the golden age.

Especially since she herself has such a dream, and now that Ning Cheng is her captain, she should be satisfied no matter what.

"I understand what you mean, I'll help with this one."

Ning Cheng reassured Zhou Ziyan in one sentence.

"With your age and position, you will definitely satisfy my mother. Those relatives should shut up when they see it."

With Ning Cheng's assurance, Zhou Ziyan was finally relieved.

With Ning Cheng as her "boyfriend", how could those relatives be so embarrassed to introduce her to someone who is not as good as Ning Cheng?

Seeing Zhou Ziyan so happy, Ning Cheng shook his head helplessly.

Zhou Ziyan is so strong, but this time she came to beg him, which really embarrassed her.

Zhou Ziyan rarely smiled like a high school girl.

Ning Cheng suddenly had a bad idea, "Oh, what a loss! Zi Yan, I'm doing you such a big favor this time, didn't you say that it's any good?"


Zhou Ziyan reacted, for fear that Ning Cheng would go back and say quickly.

"Ning Cheng, didn't you promise me just now? How can you go back? As long as you help me, I will do whatever you want me to do, okay?"

She looked at Ning Cheng eagerly, her beautiful eyes were watery, her hands were folded together, and when she stared at Ning Cheng, she had a charming feeling.

Is Zhou Ziyan acting like a spoiled child?

Ning Cheng has never seen Zhou Ziyan look like this before, she is very amazing.

A woman who is usually very strong on weekdays suddenly shows the appearance of a little woman in front of you, and a man will be moved.

Ning Cheng relented almost immediately and had no choice but to agree.

"Okay, okay, I'm joking with you, even if you don't promise me this, I will help you with this, you are suitable here, you should shine here, I won't allow you to leave with regret, this is a favor , no matter what, I have to help!"

Zhou Ziyan's heart pounded.

I asked Ning Cheng for help, firstly because Ning Cheng has a high position and can convince the public, and secondly because Ning Cheng is also one of her few friends and can be regarded as an opponent.

When Zhou Ziyan asked him for help, she was a little uneasy, because these things in her family made her feel annoyed, so Zhou Ziyan felt very embarrassed to bother Ning Cheng with these things.

But what she didn't expect was that Ning Cheng knew her so well. .

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