Wrong Interrogation Room, The First Cracked Case Shocked the World

Chapter 194 National Hero Model Ning Cheng, It's a Show! 【For full order, please customize】

The two soon arrived at Zhou Ziyan's home.

Ning Cheng was a little surprised, "This is... Jiangcheng Yipin?"

Zhou Ziyan's house is actually here. As far as he knows, the houses here are basically 50,000 to 61,000 square meters, and there are more expensive ones. Many people's annual salary is not enough to buy a square meter. It can be said to be a super luxury house.

However, he had a vague impression of this name, and it seemed that the system had mentioned some of the rewards to him.

It's just that Ning Cheng didn't pay attention to it, and Zhou Ziyan answered at this time.

"Yes, the house here was developed by my dad. Isn't it normal for us to live here?"

Zhou Ziyan didn't realize how much news she said, and even her voice was flat.

"Jiangcheng Yipin was actually developed by your father?"

Ning Cheng really didn't expect it.

Before, he just thought that Zhou Ziyan's family might be rich, but he never thought that it would be so rich.

"No wonder, if it is a house of the first grade in Jiangcheng, then your father should be at least in the top ten on the rich list of Jiangcheng."

Zhou Ziyan nodded and said suspiciously, "Ning Cheng, you actually understand this? I thought you were always thinking about solving cases!"

Ning Cheng was speechless, "What kind of image do I usually have in your heart? Is it an antique?"

Zhou Ziyan smiled heartily, "It's just a joke with you, it's a bit exaggerated."

Ning Cheng followed Zhou Ziyan into the most conspicuous mansion.

Zhou Ziyan is aware of Ning Cheng's economic conditions, but the specifics are not very clear. Now that Ning Cheng sees her house, she has no reaction at all, and she confirms that Ning Cheng's family must be either rich or expensive.

However, Zhou Ziyan did not imagine a possibility at all, that is, Ning Cheng has worked hard since he left the society by himself.

In fact, if all of Ning Cheng's assets were integrated together, he might be able to rank on the Rich List of Jiangcheng, but Ning Cheng was not willing to be in the limelight.

It would be fine if he was an ordinary person. Now he is the captain of the police station of Jiangcheng Police Station. Once something happens, the public will pay attention to him as soon as possible.

"Okay, don't waste time, come with me quickly!"

Zhou Ziyan is in a hurry now and can't wait for her mother to see Ning Cheng.

Ning Cheng is so good, my mother will be very satisfied when she sees it!

At that time, she shouldn't use blind date as an excuse to let her leave the police station, right?

"Mom, I'm back."

Zhou Ziyan just got home and was about to call her mother down when she saw that she was already sitting on the sofa in the living room.

"Mom, you don't have to be in such a hurry, right?"

Zhou Ziyan was a little stunned.

Ning Cheng reacted and took a step forward and handed over the gift prepared by Zhou Ziyan.

"Hello auntie, I'm Ning Cheng. This is a greeting gift for you. Although I have a small intention, please accept it."

Surprisingly, Zhou Ziyan's mother Yang Tianxue did not accept the gift, but sneered.

"Zi Yan, I told you a long time ago, don't bring everyone home, what gifts are you giving?"

Yang Tianxue was simply mad.

What is this Ning Cheng knew at a glance that it was a little white face, I don't know, he has sucked a lot of blood from his own daughter, and now he is embarrassed to come to the door?

If Zhou Ziyan dared to introduce this little white face as her boyfriend later, she would definitely teach her a lesson.

Zhou Ziyan was a little stunned, "Mom, what are you angry about?"

In her opinion, Ning Cheng is rich and handsome. Logically speaking, her mother should like Ning Cheng very much. Why is this attitude?

And how famous Ning Cheng is now!

A national hero and model, that is a level that most people can never reach in their lifetime.

Ning Cheng was also a little confused. He could see that Zhou Ziyan's mother seemed to have some prejudice against him, but because of her identity and not easy to ask, she could only glance at Zhou Ziyan helplessly.

Zhou Ziyan felt that it was the only time she could ask Ning Cheng for help, but she didn't think that her mother not only didn't say she was satisfied, but even had a tendency to offend people. What should I do?

Zhou Ziyan quickly pulled her mother over, sat next to her, and asked in a low voice.

"Mom, what's the matter with you? You are usually very polite when you come to guests. Why are you stinking at people today?"

Yang Tianxue heard the words with a cold face, grabbed Zhou Ziyan's wrist, and said coldly.

"Zhou Ziyan, you are good enough. Now you have learned to hold a little white face, right? All I introduced to you are good looks and good man from a family background, so you brought me back with such a person?"

After she finished speaking, she gave Ning Cheng a sarcastic look. …

Ning Cheng's hearing is very good, so he was a little helpless when he heard Yang Tianxue's words.

It seems that Zhou Ziyan's mother has a deep prejudice against her!

Zhou Ziyan was dying of anxiety.

She finally asked Ning Cheng for help, but don't bother to offend Ning Cheng before she can help.

Yang Tianxue raised her eyebrows and assumed the attitude of a hostess, "Ning Cheng, right? If you are sensible, leave by yourself, don't let me use the words..."

Here, Yang Tianxue's field has not been finished, and suddenly a little girl came down from the upstairs.

"What? Did I just hear Ning Cheng's name?"

This girl is about 16 years old. She looks sweet and cute, and she has a student atmosphere that makes her look more beautiful.

She looked at Ning Cheng standing at the door and shouted in disbelief.

"My God, you are Ning Cheng!"

Yang Tianxue didn't understand and asked in confusion, "Mu Yan, do you know him?"

Isn't it just a little white face? Why does Mu Yan know him?

Zhou Muyan couldn't believe it, "Mom, don't tell me you don't know him, right?"

Yang Tianxue was inexplicable, "What? Why should I know him? Isn't this just a..."

Good upbringing prevented her from saying those three words, but the sarcasm on her face made it clear to all three.

Zhou Ziyan frowned. For the first time, she felt that her mother was unworthy.

And Zhou Muyan is even more extreme. 1.2

"Mom, what's your look? He's the only person I admire!"

Yang Tianxue is really confused at this time. Although her second daughter Zhou Muyan looks sweet, she is a devil in the school. She can't control her at home, so she can barely control her when Zhou Ziyan is around.

It is also for this reason that she always asks Zhou Ziyan to go home more often.

Even Zhou Ziyan was only half convinced. How could this Ning Cheng make her little daughter admire her so much?

Yang Tianxue suddenly panicked, does this Ning Cheng really have some identity?

But I have never seen him when I usually read newspapers and financial news!

Zhou Ziyan was worried that she could not explain Ning Cheng's identity to her mother, so a free labor force came. .

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