Wrong Interrogation Room, The First Cracked Case Shocked the World

Chapter 191 Ning Cheng, can you be my boyfriend? 【For full order, please customize】

"Yes, yes! Does it count for you to say that?"

"Captain Ning, what do you think of Captain Zhou?"

"You two are talented and beautiful, and you are a natural pair!"

"That's right, let's be together! We won't get Captain Zhou anyway, so fat water doesn't flow to outsiders!"

"Maybe I will be able to evaluate a national outstanding couple in the future!"

Everyone roared and surrounded the two of them, wishing the fire would burn a little more.

Zhou Ziyan's face flushed instantly.

What are these people talking about!

Moreover, her original words clearly wanted to be her boyfriend at least better than her, but they were misinterpreted into this.

But now the roar is getting louder and louder, everyone just wants to see the reaction of Zhou Ziyan and Ning Cheng.

Ning Cheng knew they were booing on purpose, so he didn't answer.

They booed like this, if the answer was explained, it would be endless, but if they didn't explain, it would make them quiet.

Zhou Ziyan had never had a boyfriend before, and she was a little overwhelmed. Looking at Ning Cheng, her face became even more rosy. The whole person looked as delicate as a rose with water droplets, with a terrifying beauty.

At this moment, Ning Cheng also turned to look at her, and the two looked at each other across a sea of ​​people. Zhou Ziyan didn't know why, but she was shocked.

Why didn't Ning Cheng answer?

Zhou Ziyan couldn't deny that she was looking forward to Ning Cheng's answer.

However, didn't she take Ning Cheng as her opponent?

Zhou Ziyan couldn't understand what she was thinking. Looking at Ning Cheng's magnanimous eyes, she even fled without saying a word.

As soon as Zhou Ziyan ran away, there were no beauties to watch, and those who were joking gradually dispersed.

"Why did you run away?"

"Why did you run away? Wasn't the captain quite arrogant this week!"

"Captain Ning, you said it wasn't because people looked down on you, right?"

They were all joking.

And Ning Cheng also didn't know why Zhou Ziyan ran.

According to Zhou Ziyan's usual character, these old fritters should be beaten up. It's not her style to run away suddenly!

But she just ran like this. Ning Cheng wanted to ask how she came to the Jiangcheng Police Station, but now it seems that she can't be seen for a while.

Everyone was booing happily, but Ning Cheng didn't respond, so they were excited for a while and it was fine.

"Hey, it's boring, Captain Ning, Captain Zhou is so beautiful, why don't you just go directly. ¨!"

"That's right, Captain Ning, what do you think of Captain Zhou?"

"Captain Zhou is so beautiful. You two met in the same place before. You are the first to get the moon, so why didn't you start?"

Ning Cheng said solemnly, "Don't make such a joke with Captain Zhou. She is a soldier and a hero. What she needs is a sense of honor, and secondly, she is a woman. Do you think it is appropriate to joke about her like this?"

After hearing Ning Cheng's lecture, several of the rioting police officers bowed their heads in shame.

The old man, isn't it just a joke when you see beautiful beauties?

It's just that sometimes the joke is too much, it's not just a joke.

The speaker has no intention, the listener has the heart.

Ning team saw that they had listened in, and said again.

"Our duty is to solve cases and law enforcement, not to fall in love. You go back first and do your own business!"

"it is good!"

After being separated from these people, Ning Cheng felt a little haggard. Before she came, she thought that the police officers at Jiangcheng Police Station were serious, and she was worried that she would be out of control.

Now it seems that they are too lively again, it is really difficult to be a captain!

After the separation, Ning Cheng met Wang Donglai and said hello.

"The King's Bureau."

"Ning Cheng! Come here and feel it, how does it feel? If you are not used to it, you can tell me, I will adjust it for you, especially like the desk and your team members. The place, whether it is told to me or other detachment leaders, will help solve it."

Ning Cheng smiled and said, "There is no problem for now. It depends on how to solve the case. That's why you came to me, isn't it?"

"Good boy, work hard!" Wang Donglai patted his shoulder.

Ning Cheng suddenly remembered something and hurriedly asked.

"Wang Ju, I just saw that Zhou Ziyan is also the team leader here. Did you transfer her here together?"

He wanted to ask Zhou Ziyan just now, but Zhou Ziyan was told by those people that she ran away again.

Wang Donglai understood, "She, she actually had the idea of ​​coming here before, and she also called me to apply. At that time, I thought she still needed experience, but now that she has enough credit, she is promoted. It’s also a logical thing to do.”

"It turned out to be like this. Now that she is here, I have more helpers. It's good."

Ning Cheng is very happy that Zhou Ziyan can come.

Wang Donglai smiled lightly, "You come from the same place as her, so they can take care of each other, right?"

Ning Cheng nodded.

"Okay, let's go to work!"



After staying at the Jiangcheng Police Station for a few days, Ning Cheng solved a lot of backlogs in order to get started quickly, and handling official business became a problem.

Originally a criminal police officer, no one wanted to write a dossier, let alone a summary like this, a summary like that.

Ning Cheng's scalp is tingling as he writes.

Maybe this is the pain of promotion!

After being busy for a few days, Zhou Ziyan has never met him, and Ning Cheng is also very helpless.

Zhou Ziyan hasn't talked about her boyfriend before, has she? How is it like a little girl?

Just thinking about her, suddenly the door of the office rang.

"come in!"

Ning Cheng looked at the person and said in surprise.

"Zi Yan, what do you have to do with me?"

In the past few days, all the reports that Zhou Ziyan wants to give him are replaced by her team members. Now why did she suddenly want to see him again?

After Zhou Ziyan came in, she closed the door carefully, then looked at Ning Cheng and bit her lip.

"Ning (Okay, Zhao) Cheng, I have something I want to ask you for help."

Her voice was very soft, her face was ruddy, her ears were as red as they were about to drip blood, and the original jade-white earlobes were already red.

Why is she blushing?

Ning Cheng was helpless, "Just say anything, if you can help me, I will definitely help!"

Zhou Ziyan was a little bit squeamish, "This... I'm not very good at saying it."

Ning Cheng wondered, "Can't you say it in front of outsiders?"

Zhou Ziyan hesitated to speak, and after thinking for a long time, she reluctantly answered.

"It's not that I can't be seen, it's just that it's too much trouble for you, I'm embarrassed to speak!"

Zhou Ziyan has always had a strong personality, so this is the first time Ning Cheng has come to ask for help.

So he was very curious.

"What the hell is busy? You talk first!"

Zhou Ziyan said embarrassedly, "Actually, it's because my mother has been urging me to go on a blind date recently, can you be my boyfriend?".

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