Wrong Interrogation Room, The First Cracked Case Shocked the World

Chapter 190 When Your Boyfriend, Does What Team Zhou Say Count? 【For full order, please customize】

"What's the matter? Am I not worthy of comparison with Ning Cheng?"

Zhou Ziyan asked angrily.

"How is that possible? It's just that Team Ning is also a national hero model? And he killed a few gangsters in an instant before. We also want to see this technology!"

The old policeman explained.

Zhou Ziyan was originally competitive, but now that she thinks about it, she actually wants to see how strong Ning Cheng is.

Ning Cheng was afraid of Zhou Ziyan's anger, and quickly explained, "Your captain Zhou is also very strong. I'm just here to give you a reference today. It doesn't matter whether you win or lose the game."

He now has the blessing of world-class marksmanship. Although Zhou Ziyan's performance is very good, it is definitely not comparable to him.

Originally, this was just to comfort Zhou Ziyan, but in the ears of other police officers, she felt that it was because she felt that she was inferior to Zhou Ziyan and might lose, so she gave everyone a vaccination.

Immediately, some police officers questioned.

"Team Ning, everyone comes in based on their strength. Of course, winning or losing 23 is important. You are the captain now, why are you so unconfident in yourself?"

Hearing them say Ning Cheng, Zhou Ziyan frowned.

She didn't mean to make things difficult, she just didn't like the way they were described, and Ning Cheng was also someone she admired very much.

"Don't talk about it, Ning Cheng, just shoot ten shots, don't hide your strength, I just want to see how far your real level is from me."

Others coaxed again, "It's just a game, it's boring without a bet, let's make a bet!"

Zhou Ziyan didn't even think about it, she looked at Ning Cheng and said.

"Ning Cheng, let's start! If you win, if you say go east, I will never go west!"

After speaking, she reset her training score to zero, and then made a gesture of please.

But even if Ning Cheng wins, he won't make too much demands on Zhou Ziyan.

So when Ning Cheng saw her like this, he didn't say much nonsense and nodded.

Then he picked up the pistol directly and fired ten shots in a few seconds.

"Bang, bang..."

After ten shots, the training room was silent.

The interval between Ning Cheng's shots was even shorter than that of Zhou Ziyan, who was born in the army!

And as everyone noticed, Ning Cheng was using his injured right hand.

Surprisingly, Ning Cheng's right hand was obviously injured, but now he has fired ten shots in a row, and the recoil seems to have no effect on him.

In the eyes of others, it was as if the pistol had no recoil at all.

"Just kidding! Captain Zhou was fast enough just now. Is this speed really human speed?"

"He didn't even move his hand, did he? Does this gun really have recoil?"

"Like I've fired two or three shots in a row, I can't control the muzzle. If I fire ten shots in a row, it won't go straight to the sky?"

This statement is exaggerated, but it also makes sense.

Continuous shooting is actually not difficult. For trained people, the real difficulty lies in stability and accuracy.

Everyone looked at the most important place.

"Ten rings, ten rings, ten rings... Wait, why are these all ten rings?"

The police officer who reported the score exclaimed in disbelief.

"No, Lao Yu, are you mistaken? How can it be possible to fire ten shots in a row and return ten rounds of shots?"

An old police officer asked amusingly.

The policeman known as Lao Yu had a complicated expression, and he didn't regain his senses for a long time.

The other police officers standing in the front row looked at Ning Cheng's results again, and when they heard the old police officer's question, they also answered with mixed feelings.

"It's really ten rings, all ten rings!"

"My God, this kind of achievement is rare in the Olympics, right?"

"Damn it, is it really all ten rings?"

The old policeman confirmed again.

"Really, why am I lying to you? Believe it or not!"

The police officer who reported the score was also impatient.

"It's too good, it's true!"

"Team Ning, I'm completely convinced now. In the future, if you let me go east, I will never go west!"

It doesn't mean that he didn't trust Ning Cheng before, and the old police officers who wanted to make things difficult for him were all convinced.

If it is the result reported by the machine, then there may be a system error, but Ning Cheng hit the target in front of them, the gun hit the bullseye, such a result can never be faked.

If one shot with ten rings, it can be said to be luck, but with ten shots and ten shots in a row, it is really unprecedented!

Originally, they also knew that, with qualifications like Ning Cheng, being able to get such a national hero model must have made a significant contribution, and the assessment results were very good.

So they just wanted to express a little resentment in their hearts.

But before that, they never imagined that Ning Cheng could be so powerful!

"Team Ning, a veritable sharpshooter!"

Someone gave a thumbs up.

And Zhou Ziyan was shocked.

She has done special training, so she knows better than anyone what this result represents.

Representing Ning Cheng's marksmanship can no longer be described as awesome, it's just like a machine, I'm afraid even the set machine can't hit such a result, right?

Thinking of this, Zhou Ziyan looked complicated.

She has always regarded Ning Cheng as an opponent. She knows that Ning Cheng is good at solving cases, but although she heard that Ning Cheng knocked down several robbers almost instantly, she has never seen Ning Cheng shoot.

She always had a feeling in her heart that maybe she could compare with Ning Cheng in terms of marksmanship.

But now that 347 really saw Ning Cheng's marksmanship, she realized that there is a kind of person in the world who is powerful no matter where he is.

"Ning Cheng, you are really good, you won!"

Zhou Ziyan was convinced that she lost.

Even if Ning Cheng hit ten ninth rings, she would feel that she could try to surpass it, but ten ten rings in a row, this is simply something that human beings can't do!

For Ning Cheng, winning or losing doesn't really matter at all.

He is such a person who neither does not understand and pretends to understand, nor understands and pretends not to understand.

"Zi Yan, your marksmanship is very good, but in fact, you don't need to compare your marksmanship at all. This kind of precise target is rarely used, especially a pistol. You use a sniper rifle, so you should think about it. When using a pistol, just make sure The range is within a few centimeters, you can hit the target with precision, your hand is very stable, and the sniper rifle will be very powerful."

Ning Cheng praised sincerely.

Zhou Ziyan nodded, agreeing with what he said.

"Ning Cheng, don't worry! If I say I lose, I lose. I will listen to you whatever you say in the future."

With Zhou Ziyan conceding defeat, the game came to an end, but some people didn't want to let them go.

"Captain Zhou, is this the end?"

"That is, didn't you say before that someone stronger than you can be your boyfriend?".

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