Wrong Interrogation Room, The First Cracked Case Shocked the World

Chapter 189 Powerful spear skills, stunning the audience! 【For full order, please customize】

Zhou Ziyan looked impatient at these gossip people.

Why are there such gossip people everywhere?

Forget it, let's get rid of them all at once!

Zhou Ziyan thought about it like this, picked up the pistol directly, loaded the bullet, looked at them, and said.

"If you want to be my Zhou Ziyan's boyfriend, at least be better than me!"

After all, she raised the pistol and fired five shots in a row, very fast, and completed the shooting in almost a few seconds.

When everyone came, they didn't see her training, and now they are all stunned.

"How could it be so fast?"

"Just kidding, you can't hit the target so quickly, Captain Zhou, even if you want to persuade us to quit!"

For an old police officer with experience, it is impossible to shoot at such a rapid rate and still want the accuracy, unless it is a specially trained special police or armed "three four seven" police.

So he was sure that a young woman like Zhou Ziyan would never be able to train this kind of special exercise.

Zhou Ziyan never defended herself, she raised her chin directly and let them see the result for themselves.

A police officer can't help but report it.

"Eight rings, eight rings, nine rings, eight rings, nine rings..."

"So accurate?"

"Impossible, she just fired a few shots!"

The plainclothes police officer who asked Zhou Ziyan if she had a boyfriend didn't believe it. He ran over and looked at it carefully for a long time. Finally, he reluctantly admitted that it was indeed a real achievement.

His face was ugly, and he walked away sullenly.

After seeing Zhou Ziyan's amazing strength, the training room was silent for a long time.


After a while, the police officer said in a complicated mood.

"Damn, no wonder she's so arrogant... She really has something."

"That's for sure, the person who can be the captain after being transferred, is at least stronger than us!"

"Team Zhou, how do you usually train? Why are you so good?"

A policeman was a little puzzled.

"That's right, how long does it take to train? My own results... Damn, I won't mention it!"

"The little girl's family, why do you like these, even better than our elders!"

Seeing that the issues they cared about were finally back on track, Zhou Ziyan breathed a sigh of relief and replied.

"If you pass the training, you just reach the pass line. As my team members, you must have higher pursuits. I have retired because I joined the army."

"Cow, Team Zhou, I also want to join the army!"

"Yes, this marksmanship is simply a sharpshooter!"

Everyone gets excited.

Zhou Ziyan was speechless, "You don't think joining the army is just training pistols, right? All kinds of firearms need to be trained. When I was training at that time, my grades were all the top ones, and my sniper rifle grades were the first. If you want to join the army, Do you have to run to the top few?"

"Team Zhou, you are so awesome!"

"It's just that Team Zhou, you are already so strong, who can surpass you! Isn't this embarrassing us?"

"That's right, Team Zhou, you should see our hearts, not our achievements!"

Everyone felt that it was hopeless to surpass Zhou Ziyan, and they all died down.

At this time, an old fried dough stick seemed to suddenly remember something, rolled his eyes, and shouted loudly.

"Hey, wait, brothers, we may not be able to, but there's still one person to do it!"

Zhou Ziyan squinted her eyes slightly and asked with raised eyebrows full of fighting intent.

"Who? Shout it out!"

She thought it was Jiangcheng Police Station's own people, but she didn't expect them to look behind.

"Team Ning!"

"Hey, what about Team Ning?"

Ning Cheng was watching the play at the back and was watching the play with ease, but he was suddenly called, and he was a little confused.


No, he watched the play well, why did the fire suddenly burn on him?

"Captain Ning, aren't you called a sharpshooter? When I heard about the Jiangcheng Bank case, you injured your hand, and you used your left hand to get rid of the gangsters at that time in an instant. How fast!"

"Yeah, Team Ning, come and compete with Team Zhou!"

Everyone is encouraging.

Ning Cheng was a little helpless, "You guys are really, what is there to compare to, forget it anyway."

He's nothing to mess with.

Zhou Ziyan was also a little surprised to see that it was Ning Cheng.

"Ning Cheng?"

Ning Cheng nodded at her.

Others watched the fun without thinking it was a big deal, and continued to fan the flames next to them.

"Captain Ning, come and try it. You said that every woman in Team Zhou is so hung up. If you don't try it, won't you lose face of our men!"

"That's right!"

"Try it!"

Everyone's voice was high, Ning Cheng was helpless, but he didn't feel ashamed. Zhou Ziyan was already strong, and it had nothing to do with whether she was a man or a woman. What's the comparison?

Just kidding...

Seeing that he wanted to refuse again, everyone sighed, is the good show just gone?

The old fritters also feel pity.

What a great opportunity, even if Ning Cheng is a sharpshooter, is he not as high as Zhou Ziyan?

As a result, he never came!

What does this mean?

Thought it was all right, Ning Cheng was about to call everyone back, but heard Zhou Ziyan speak.

"Team Ning, let's try it, we two haven't tried it yet, have we?"

Zhou Ziyan has always known that Ning Cheng's marksmanship is good, but she has never seen it with her own eyes, so she is very curious.

What could be more exciting than this situation for someone who likes to compete with the strongest?

Since we met today, we must seize the opportunity.

Zhou Ziyan knew that the target she just hit had already performed exceptionally well, so she was very confident.

How high is Ning Cheng's level?

Zhou Ziyan smiled with interest.

It would be fine if the other police officers were coaxing just now, but Zhou Ziyan really wanted to compete with him.

Ning Cheng knows Zhou Ziyan. She likes the strong. If she wins today, she will not be unhappy, but will be happy. On the contrary, if she refuses because she is afraid of hurting her face, it will make her really unhappy.

1.2 "Okay, since you said so, then I'll try it!"

Ning Cheng picked up the pistol and was about to start when the person who had proposed earlier spoke again.

"Team Ning, you are a national hero model. If you take the written test with our weekly team, you will be a bit bullying, right?"

Ning Cheng was speechless, "So what?"

He is the one who says the comparison, and he is the one who doesn't. What does this guy want to do?

The old police officer rolled his eyes and suggested.

"Then why don't we do it, Team Ning, how do we compare to the average score when you shoot ten shots?"

This is completely making things difficult for Ning Cheng, but everyone wants to see what the ability of this national hero model is, so they all stare at Ning Cheng.

Zhou Ziyan frowned unhappily.

What does it mean?

Is she worse than Ning Cheng, can't even compare? .

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