Wrong Interrogation Room, The First Cracked Case Shocked the World

Chapter 188 What kind of man does Zhou Ziyan like?

"You are our captain now, and we will depend on you to take care of us in the future!"

"Yes, yes, what experience do you have in solving cases, tell us quickly, maybe I can become a national hero and model to Dangdang in the future."

"Just you, stop dreaming!"

"Ning Cheng can become a national hero model because he is a genius and a hero. Do you think this national hero model is so good~ ah?"

For everyone, the national hero model is their goal. If they can get it once in a lifetime, it is already a matter of ancestral graves and honorable ancestors.

A police officer who admires Ning Cheng asked directly.

"You all think you can do it, then I'll ask you, after Ning Cheng became the detachment captain, there is no unfinished case that Ning Cheng handed over to him, not to mention that he has solved so many major cases before, so I will ask You guys, if you were Ning Cheng during the Jiangcheng Bank robbery, would you dare to rush in?"

"Don't be in a hurry to answer, you need to know the situation at the time. There are more than a dozen gangsters with guns in their hands. It is possible that they will never come back. But Ning Cheng had a bright future at that time. Go in, now, do you think you dare?"

"And because of this robbery, his right hand was fractured and injured. You should know what this is for a criminal police officer, right?"

All the police officers fell silent, admiring Ning Cheng even more in their hearts.

Even the police officers who had a problem with Ning Cheng stopped talking.

They had to give Ning Cheng a thumbs up in their hearts.

At that time, if Ning Cheng didn't have the masses in his heart, why would he sacrifice his future to save people?

Wouldn't it be nice to just wait for a professional person to come to the rescue?

Ning Cheng was caught in the middle, and it was a little difficult.

Originally wanted to speak to remind, but heard someone ask.

"Ning Cheng, how is your hand now?"

Ning Cheng laughed, "You're recovering well, you don't have to worry about it!"

Because they have never seen Ning Cheng's injuries, they do not know how he is recovering. Many police officers are very puzzled.

"Impossible? Fractures will always affect you. Aren't you called a sharpshooter? This injury will definitely affect your marksmanship!"

In fact, Ning Cheng's injury has been cured by the system, but this matter cannot be publicized, and can only be explained helplessly. Can only helplessly explain, "It's really good!"

"There's no reason to say it, unless you prove it to us!"

"Oh, my dear, so you want to see Ning Cheng's marksmanship!"

The police officer who offered to prove Ning Cheng smiled embarrassedly, and then said, "I just want to see how good our legendary sharpshooter is!"

"Hey, when you say that, I'm curious too!"

"Yeah! How about Captain Ning, just show us your marksmanship!"

"Anyway, you are also our captain now. You have to show us your abilities, right?"

Everyone was booing, and Ning Cheng thought to himself that sooner or later he had to convince the crowd, so he might as well take advantage of this opportunity.

"Come on, go to the training room!"

Hearing Ning Cheng's agreement, the old fritters laughed and decided to give Ning Cheng a surprise.

When I walked to the training room, someone was training early in the morning.

Hearing this voice, Ning Cheng praised, "Awesome! You are very hardworking, it seems that I have to learn from you too!"

With his level, it is easy to tell that the person inside is a master, and the shooting level is at least the level of the armed police.

A group of people from Jiangcheng Police Station were a little stunned. They couldn't remember who had this skill in the training room early in the morning.

Shooting training in the morning is not too noisy?

Opening the door, Ning Cheng wanted to get acquainted with this master, but found that he was an acquaintance!

Ning Cheng was shocked, "Zhou Ziyan, why are you here?"

Zhou Ziyan happened to be training at this time, when she heard the words, she turned her head and smiled brightly.

She originally looked like a goddess, and her eyebrows were a little heroic yet soft. When she looked at people, her beautiful eyes flowed, and she looked forward to brilliance. At this time, she was full of righteousness and fighting spirit, and the beauty was so shocking.

Ning Cheng could clearly hear countless drooling voices around him.

A few old fritters immediately forgot that they were here to see Ning Cheng, so they rushed up.

"Beauty, are you new here?"

"Team Ning said he knew you just now, did you come with him?"

"Zhou, I wonder if you have a boyfriend?"

Ning Cheng is helpless, it seems that the essence of men is the same, and they can't walk when they see beautiful women.

· · · Flowers · · ·

It seems that they have forgotten themselves now, so why not just watch the show.

Just before Zhou Ziyan always said that he was too serious.

Ning Cheng smiled and took a few steps back, then smiled at the development.

There were already a lot of people, and everyone was crowding around to see Zhou Ziyan, but they didn't even notice that Ning Cheng had retreated to the back, and was still trying to talk to Zhou Ziyan.

Ning Cheng is ready to watch the show, but Zhou Ziyan is more serious than him in her work, and Zhou Ziyan had many suitors before, but they were all rejected by Zhou Ziyan mercilessly.

I don't know how Zhou Ziyan will solve such a large group this time?

Looking at their appearance, Zhou Ziyan raised her eyebrows. She had seen this scene too many times before, and there would be no fluctuations.


Her cherry lips parted slightly, but the words she uttered were very decisive.

"Sorry, everyone, this time I'm here just because I want to learn and improve, to solve the case, not to talk about the love between children and children."

The hearts of the surrounding police officers could not help shattering.

"Then you can't be alone all your life? Zi Yan, you can't perfunctory us like this!"

Zhou Ziyan raised her eyebrows and corrected.

"Sorry, maybe I didn't make it clear just now. I was transferred this time to be the team captain. Please call me Team Zhou, don't call me by my name. Are we familiar with each other?"

A police officer in casual clothes with hairspray brushed his hair, and said he thought he was handsome.

"Don't be so indifferent, Team Zhou, you don't want to find a boyfriend now, it doesn't mean you don't want to in the future!"

Zhou Ziyan sneered in disgust.

"Even if I find it, I can't find you."

What she hates most is this kind of greasy man, a big man, pay attention to these when you have time, it is better to solve more cases, she will look at it a little more.

People with looks like Ning Cheng have never shown off, and I don't know what this man is proud of?

After being rejected, the police officer looked unbelievable and asked unwillingly, "I am not satisfied with you, what kind of boyfriend do you want to find?"

Hearing him ask this, everyone pricked up their ears, wanting to see what kind of person Zhou Ziyan likes.

Maybe such a strong woman is a man who likes to be obedient? Ding.

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