Wrong Interrogation Room, The First Cracked Case Shocked the World

Chapter 187 The new journey, the city bureau staff worship! 【For full order, please customize】

"But this is also your shortcoming. You are easy to be misled by others, fall into misunderstandings, and you are easy to get into the wrong place. Mu Xiaoyu, is it this time that if I don't propose to take them to the Jiangcheng Police Station, you will quit?"

Ning Cheng's words were sharp, but they touched the most embarrassing part of Mu Xiaoyu.

Her pathetic pride. She didn't dare to continue following Ning Cheng, but when Ning Cheng asked, she didn't even dare to say the reason.

say what?

Saying that she is a coward who dares not try again after making a mistake?

Mu Xiaoyu lowered her head and bit her lip, for fear that the choked voice would be heard by Ning Cheng,

The tears of the police can be shed for pain, for the country, for the people, it can be blood, it can be moved, but it must not be because of cowardice!

"Mu Xiaoyu, you and I entered the police station about the same time. You are very thoughtful, and you are a good helper when solving cases, but you are inexperienced and easy to fall into misunderstandings, so I often remind you that as the captain, what I should do It's all done."

Ning Cheng said lightly.

These words made Mu Xiaoyu feel scared.

She admits that she is hypocritical and cowardly, but Ning Cheng has always cared and comforted her, which also gave her an illusion that Ning Cheng would comfort her no matter what the situation.

But she 347 forgot that Ning Cheng is the captain, he is only in his 20s, he has just entered the police station, he will be disappointed and give up.

Mu Xiaoyu bit her lip and lowered her head, not daring to look at Ning Cheng.

Obviously asking Ning Cheng to give up on her as a drag is what she wants, but why does she feel as uncomfortable as being cut by a knife now?

Ning Cheng is a little helpless, but Mu Xiaoyu is actually a good seedling. If the whole family studies, she will definitely be able to achieve good results, and the most important thing is that this little girl has a stubbornness that many men do not have, but if she keeps this state, because If the trivial matter is to the point, it seems that there is really no need to stay in the criminal police force.

No breaking, no standing, this time Ning Cheng chose to let Mu Xiaoyu overcome the difficulties through her own strength.

It is impossible for a qualified criminal policeman to always rely on others to adjust her mentality.

Investigating a case is not an easy task, it tests a person's comprehensive ability, so if you want to become a criminal police officer, you need to go through a lot of hard work.

Now after half a year, Mu Xiaoyu's condition is not even better than in the beginning, Ning Cheng is surprised,

Because in his eyes, Mu Xiaoyu was able to withstand these pressures and grow up, but he didn't expect that she had already accumulated so many things in her heart.

"Mu Xiaoyu, every time you encounter difficulties or do something wrong, I will remind you, but have you ever thought about it? As a qualified criminal policeman, you must have the ability to withstand pressure by yourself, and I will not remind you all the time. You can't help you work hard, you can only rely on yourself!"

Mu Xiaoyu's choking stopped, she couldn't defend herself, she could only be silent.

Ning Cheng sighed and said.

"Think about it for yourself! When you enter the Jiangcheng Police Station this time, there is an assessment. I said that I will take you away, just to give you a chance to be assessed. If you fail the assessment, you will still have to get out."

Ning Cheng stood up, pushed open the door, turned around and glanced at Mu Xiaoyu, and finally left a sentence.

"Mu Xiaoyu, I'll keep the opportunity for this assessment for you. I'll prove myself, or run away like a coward. It's all up to you!"

After everyone left, Mu Xiaoyu thought about it for a long time.

Prove yourself, or admit that you are a coward?

She worked so hard to become a criminal police officer, and just gave up? She doesn't want to!

From childhood to adulthood, didn't she strive for everything she wanted?

For her, Ning Cheng is a teacher, a friend, and a person she admires. Every time she sees Ning Cheng paying attention to other women, she gets jealous.

In fact, Mu Xiaoyu knew very well in his heart that Ning Cheng wasn't that kind of person, but he couldn't control himself to think about it.

The psychotherapist Zhao Lan in this case, her beauty and temperament made Mu Xiaoyu even more humble. (cdbc)

In that scene, Mu Xiaoyu only noticed that Ning Cheng invited her to dinner, but now that she calmed down, she discovered other problems.

Ning Cheng is a person who separates work and life. How could he invite a criminal suspect to have dinner together?

So Zhao Lan must have something he wants to know.

Now, Mu Xiaoyu finally regained her basic sanity and was able to think.

She is just an ordinary person, and she is also confused and can't find her goal.

But now, Mu Xiaoyu understood a little.

If you don't know where to go, go ahead and catch up with Ning Cheng. Sooner or later, she will know what she really wants.

She decided that she was going to take the exam!

Mu Xiaoyu's eyes became firm, and she finally understood herself.

Dare to admit one's mistakes and cowardice is also a manifestation of growth, isn't it?

In fact, we are not heroes, nor geniuses, but thousands of ordinary people in the world.

The world is trying to help us become ordinary, but faith and courage make us extraordinary.

Maybe we are all ordinary, but we are not ordinary again!


The assessment of the city-level police station is very strict. It took a whole week before everyone completed the assessment and entered the Jiangcheng Police Station.

And Mu Xiaoyu also successfully passed the assessment, and now her face is no longer confused, she looks bright and very moving.

When the team was assembled, Ning Cheng looked at all the players standing in front of him and smiled.

"You have passed many tests to come here, and we will embark on a new journey in the future. Do you have confidence?"


Everyone spoke in unison, and everyone looked forward to the road ahead.

He just took office, and before Ning Cheng took the position of the captain, a large group of people gathered around him.

Ning Cheng originally thought that he was a newcomer, and that he was young and airborne, which might arouse dissatisfaction among the people in the bureau, but he did not expect that everyone was enthusiastically surrounding him.

"Ning Cheng, it's Ning Cheng!"

"Damn, the director actually invited him here!"

"Brother, you are a national hero model! Do you know that I want to get this title in my dreams? You are so awesome!"

"Ning Cheng, I know you. I knew you during the Jiangcheng Bank robbery. I'm your fan!"

"It's incredible! We will become a national hero model, brother, you are really awesome!"

A group of people surrounded Ning Cheng, making him confused.

And the people in the bureau kept praising him.


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