Wrong Interrogation Room, The First Cracked Case Shocked the World

Chapter 182 Wang Donglai visits and is transferred to the Municipal Bureau! 【For full order, please

Whether it is those who adore Ning Cheng or those who hate Ning Cheng, there are those who are pleased, those who are upset, and those who are jealous, they can't help laughing at this moment.

"Ning Cheng, the tone is so loud, believe it or not, the young master will eat you up!"

"Today I will eat the whole street of the night market!"

Zhou Ziyan teased, "Captain Ning is very generous!"

Ning Cheng said helplessly, "This is a big happy event. It's also a good thing to invite everyone to dinner. Captain Zhou, have you eaten the night market?"

Zhou Ziyan raised her eyebrows and said, "Why, look down on me?"

"Why do you look down on you? It's Captain Zhou, you don't look like someone who can eat that kind of night market."

Ning Cheng is really curious, shouldn't a family like Zhou Ziyan eat supper outside?

Hearing Ning Cheng say Zhou Ziyan like this, Zhou Ziyan's team members all covered their mouths and snickered, waiting to see what happened to Ning Cheng.

You must know that what Zhou Ziyan hates the most is that others think that she is a cute girl because of her identity.

If Zhou Ziyan was really willing to be a vase, she would not join Li Gang's team to hone herself.

Usually the team members don't know Zhou Ziyan like this, they often step on the minefield, and they are inevitably cleaned up by her.

Now everyone has learned well, and no one has been beaten for a long time, so everyone can't wait to applaud and cheer when Ning Cheng stepped on the thunder, to see if Ning Cheng, the new National Hero Model Association 340, will not be beaten by Zhou Ziyan.

However, the scene the team members wanted to see could not be realized, and Zhou Ziyan just asked back.

"Why do you think so, is it possible that you can eat the night market, can't I?"

The players looked at each other, not knowing what was going on.

"Captain, you are biased! When we mentioned this kind of thing before, you beat us up, but now Ning Cheng mentions it, you don't say anything!"

"That's right, he is the captain of other teams, we are your players, you don't give us any face!"

Zhou Ziyan sneered.

"Who is Ning Cheng, and who are you? When you solve the case as good as him, I'll give you face too!"

Mu Xiaoyu listened next to her, laughed out loud, and patted the police officer on the shoulder.

"Brother, people have to get used to recognizing themselves."

"Okay, okay, didn't you say go for a late night snack? The night market will be closed later!"

Meng Cang hurriedly greeted everyone.

Zhou Ze said with a speechless smile, "You kid, I think you are greedy again? When you were in my team, you used to run out for me to eat here and there every day. Now you (cdbc) are in Ning Cheng's team. I can't control you, but fortunately he solves the case fast, otherwise how can you bear the overtime hours?"

Meng Cang shrugged his shoulders and said with a smile, "Team Zhou, what you said, I work hard during work hours, but I'm not allowed to have a meal during overtime, is it too strict?"

His job is network work, so he has a little more time than others. It is a common thing to go out to buy a late-night snack for everyone occasionally after get off work.

"Let's talk less, Lao Zhou, let's go! Let's have supper, this little brat treats you today, I must eat him to death!"

An old policeman who had received personal third-class merit several times looked at Ning Cheng angrily, but there was relief in his eyes.

Who is the policeman? I didn't want to take the national hero model, but I was taken by this brat.

It's really the back waves of the Yangtze River hitting the front waves, and the front waves died on the beach!

It's just that everyone wanted to win this award, but everyone knew that it couldn't fall on them, so they played Ning Cheng in the game with a radiant face.

"Let's go to dinner, see if I don't kill him properly today!"

Except for the colleague who has a case in hand, everyone else went out together, laughing and laughing, like a big harmonious family.


Early the next morning, Zhang Chao ran over to chat with Ning Cheng. The surrounding police officers were unaware and began to sort out the files in their hands.

At ten o'clock, Zhang Chao led everyone to line up at the door to welcome Wang Donglai.

As soon as Wang Donglai arrived, Zhang Chao excitedly greeted him.

"Director Wang, I'm the director of Jiangcheng Police Station, Zhang Chao, hello!"

Wang Donglai laughed heartily, patted Zhang Chao on the shoulder and said, "I know you, Xiao Zhang, this time I'm here on behalf of the provincial party committee, don't be polite to me, everyone is on business, don't do that Formalism!"

Zhang Chao nodded, "That's it, let's go, Wang Ju, I'll show you around and see what's going on in our office!"

Wang Donglai nodded and asked them to lead the way.

Several captains were behind, and Zhou Ziyan watched Zhang Chao and Wang Donglai introduce the situation in the office, and took the opportunity to tell Ning Cheng.

"Ning Cheng, I bet this Wang Donglai is coming for you!"

Although everyone felt this way yesterday, Ning Cheng didn't feel any of it himself, so he wondered, "How do you say this?"

Wang Donglai is the chief of the Jiangcheng Police Department. What major event can he invite? If it's just congratulations, it's not enough on the phone.

Zhou Ziyan had a faint guess in her heart, but she didn't say it.

She shook her head and smiled, "Secret!"

If it really is what she thinks, then her previous preparations will be useful.

She likes worthy opponents, especially those with qualified character and ability!

Ning Cheng was speechless and sighed helplessly.

At this moment, Wang Donglai spoke up.

"Xiao Zhang! This time, you have a national hero model in your institute, but it has made the whole Jiang City feel good."

Zhang Chao hurriedly called Ning Cheng to come out, "Ning Cheng, this is our Jiang City Police Chief, Chief Wang, this is our new national hero model Ning Cheng!"

Wang Donglai looked at Ning Cheng up and down carefully and nodded with satisfaction.

"Good boy! Really spirited, when I was as old as you, I didn't know where to play. Before, my dream was to bring back a national hero model. Now you can help me realize my dream!"

Ning Cheng smiled, his attitude was neither humble nor arrogant, "Director Wang, you are joking, the Jiangcheng serial killer case you solved when you were young was the God of War, and I even regarded you as an idol when I was a child!"

After listening to Ning Cheng's words, Wang Donglai laughed uncommonly.

When he was young, he was only a good player. Now that he has been promoted, it is difficult to participate in front-line work.

To be honest, he missed the days of handling cases for a long time.

"Ning Cheng, if you didn't mention this, I would have almost forgotten how I felt at the time!"

Wang Donglai couldn't help but sigh that when he first started working as a criminal police officer, he also wanted to do something big.

After catching the serial murderer, he himself took a back seat because of his injuries. Even if he is the director now, he still feels like it's boring.

The more Wang Donglai looked at Ning Cheng, the more pleasing to the eye. He was proud of his youth, and the most taboo thing was to be conceited, but Ning Cheng did not. .

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