Wrong Interrogation Room, The First Cracked Case Shocked the World

The 183rd super promotion, the captain of the city bureau! 【For full order, please customize】

Wang Donglai looked at Ning Cheng's high-spirited appearance, and there was a flash of nostalgia in his eyes.

He reached out and patted Ning Cheng's back, and ordered.

"Ning Cheng, you are so good. I hope you can always insist on yourself and serve the people in the future. Don't be dazed by these fame, fortune and power!"

Ning Cheng replied solemnly, "Director Wang, I remember it."

Wang Donglai smiled and nodded, "Good boy."

Seeing Wang Donglai caring so much about Ning Cheng, Zhang Chao noticed something and asked nervously, "Director Wang, I don't know why you are here today...?"

Wang Donglai is also an old fritter, looking at Zhang Chao and saying earnestly.

"Xiao Zhang, I know that Ning Cheng was pulled out by you alone. If you weren't willing to give Ning Cheng a chance, it might take years for him to appear."

Zhang Chao shook his head, "Director Wang, I know what you mean, but as you said, Ning Cheng was picked up by me. For me, he is not only my captain, but also my friend, more like me. child~child!"

Wang Donglai said quickly, "Of course I know this, but you also have to know that Ning Cheng is at a critical moment. You should know that he is only in his 20s and has been honored as a national hero and model. He will have more in the future. Big progress, further development, but he needs a bigger platform, bigger play-space."

The meaning of this sentence is to take Ning Cheng- away for the sake of it.

Zhou Ziyan, who was listening next to her, was happy and complicated in her heart.

Of course she was happy to have such a strong opponent, but Ning Cheng actually asked the Chief of Jiangcheng Police Department to personally invite someone, she couldn't even think about it.

Wang Donglai is not an ordinary director. He was also one of the best at the front line back then. He helped the Jiangcheng Police Station solve many major cases. It is not easy to get his appreciation.

If Zhou Ziyan was happy for Ning Cheng, then Zhang Chao felt very unwilling.

Ning Cheng is a young man who is motivated and not conceited. The most important thing is that he is one of the best in solving crimes and has a firm will.

From the moment Ning Cheng handled the first case after entering the police station, Zhang Chao could feel that Ning Cheng really regarded criminal police as his lifelong career, so he was willing to give Ning Cheng a chance.

The help, advice and maintenance everywhere is for Ning Cheng to be able to win glory for them after they grow up.

But what he didn't expect was that Ning Cheng actually earned him a national hero model directly, which made Zhang Chao both happy and scared.

Ning Cheng is so good, Jiangcheng Police Station will definitely come to poach people, of course he doesn't want Ning Cheng to leave, but Ning Cheng is still young, he should go to big places and he is not sure that he can keep Ning Cheng.

It's just that Jiangcheng Police Station wanted to take Ning Cheng away, but Zhang Chao was the first to quit!

"Director Wang, you are here today for Ning Cheng. You are also a captain and someone who has walked the front line. You should know what Ning Cheng means to me, right? I promoted him, you can't take it away. Take it away!"

This matter involved Ning Cheng, and Zhang Chao didn't have the heart to fight with Wang Donglai, so he bluntly stated his thoughts.

Wang Donglai sighed, knowing that things were going to be difficult, so he could only look at Zhang Chao and said sincerely.

"Xiao Zhang, this matter concerns Ning Cheng's future. I think it is necessary to ask him, what do you think?"

Zhang Chao's face was not very good, but he still nodded.

So, Wang Donglai asked, "Ning Cheng, to be honest, this time I'm here to invite you on behalf of the provincial party committee to join the Jiangcheng Police Station as the commander-in-chief!"

After saying this, the other captains were shocked.

The commander-in-chief of Jiangcheng Police Station, this position is higher than the current Zhang Chao, that is to say, as long as Ning Cheng agrees, his current position will be higher than Zhang Chao.

At first, everyone just guessed, maybe Wang Donglai invited Ning Cheng to enter the Jiangcheng Police Station, but he did not expect to invite him to be the captain of the city-level police station!

And now, Ning Cheng is just a rookie who has just become a criminal police officer for less than half a year!

Now, Ning Cheng felt a big head.

He also has deep feelings for this place and doesn't want to leave, and if it wasn't because Zhang Chao always trusted him and was willing to let him use his talents, according to the regulations, he might still be just a little police officer now.

The trust and help of Zhang Chao and other captains made him unable to say the words to leave here.

But to be honest, if he was given a choice, he would still choose Jiangcheng Police Station.

For no other reason, he is not a criminal policeman for anyone, if it is just to satisfy himself, isn't it cool to be a detective with reasoning?

· · · Flowers · · ·

The reason I became a police officer was because I wanted to solve a crime.

Most of the criminals in the world, in fact, crime is not their own choice, more people are forced by life.

Unless he has special hobbies, a person who lives a stable life, has a happy family, has a stable job, or still loves life, how can he give up his life and choose to commit a crime?

Ning Cheng didn't tell you this before, there are very few criminals who are really vicious, but the crime rate in modern society is so high, a large part of the reason is that there are always some people who have a stable life.

But it is these very few people who can't live. They suffer unexpected hardships every day. All Ning Cheng can do is to allow this small group of people to live a normal life.


The reason why he wanted to go to Jiangcheng Police Station was because after arriving at Jiangcheng Police Station, he would be able to take over more cases.

But if he leaves here, how can he be worthy of the people who have been teaching him?

Therefore, Ning Cheng rarely showed a solemn expression.

People live in this society, and it is because of the relationship between people that getting along with everyone is precious, so Ning Cheng will not ignore the previous people for his own future.

Seeing Ning Cheng's embarrassment, Zhou Ze spoke up.

"Ning Cheng, don't think too much, I know you can't bear us, but you should go to a bigger place. Since you have this ability, then go for it!"

As Ning Cheng's predecessor and his former captain, Zhou Ze hoped that he would have a better development than anyone else.

Zhang Chao couldn't say this, because as long as Ning Cheng stayed here, he was in his charge.

And Ning Cheng is also the one he brought out. It is human nature to not want to let him go when he encounters a good talent.

But for Ning Cheng, Zhang Chao is not just as simple as a leader. After getting along for this period of time, Ning Cheng, a young man, is basically the same as his own child in Zhang Chao's heart.

Ning Cheng is leaving, which is equivalent to cutting a piece of meat from him.

However, just because he regarded him as his own child, how could Zhang Chao bear to keep Ning Cheng with him regardless of Ning Cheng's future? Ding.

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