Wrong Interrogation Room, The First Cracked Case Shocked the World

Chapter 181 The police force is sensational, every1 is shocked! 【For full order, please customize】

Zhou Ziyan smiled and nodded.

"Team Ning, I had the same doubts as you before. The situation in my family is not the same, and after working for a week, many people only like my appearance and appearance instead of recognizing my ability. I spent a lot of effort. , so that everyone can see the real me, but you know what?"

Ning Cheng looked at Zhou Ziyan, who was smiling brightly at this time, and asked along her line of thought.

"What do you know?" Zhou Ziyan had tied up her hair originally, but she looked at Ning Cheng with a bright smile, fluttered her long hair, and her hair fell, and she smiled sweetly.

All of a sudden, the sound of swallowing saliva sounded one after another in the police station.

"Captain Zhou is getting more and more beautiful!"

"As expected of my goddess!"

Ning Cheng had some doubts and asked.

"Captain Zhou Ziyan, what are you trying to tell me?"

Zhou Ziyan raised her eyebrows and raised the rubber band in her hand, "Ning Cheng, I just want to tell you that you are a mood, but at the same time you are also a person!"

Ning Cheng was still digesting this sentence, and Zhou Ziyan continued.

"I've known you for a long time. There's something in my heart that I've always wanted to say, but I haven't had a chance. After thinking about it today, I'll tell you this."

The words were ambiguous, and everyone looked at each other, not knowing what to say.

A little police officer who likes Zhou Ziyan has a disintegrating expression.

"Captain Zhou, don't you think that Ning Cheng is now a national hero model, do you want to confess to him?"

Zhou Ziyan was originally very serious and serious, but when she heard the little police officer's words, she almost choked on her saliva.

She raised her hand and slapped the little policeman on the head, cursing.

"What are you talking about, kid? Why don't you become a reporter with such gossip? Is it because I usually give you too little work?"

The little police officer said aggrievedly, "Isn't that expression you want to confess? Those boys in our school are always like this when they confess to girls. I've seen them a lot!"

Zhou Ziyan was really speechless.

"I am a big girl with a yellow flower, and I haven't been wronged when you said that I took the initiative to confess to others. You have wronged me first. ¨!"

The little police officer wanted to say something, but was ruthlessly interrupted by Zhou Ziyan.

"Shut up and get down to business!"

After speaking, she looked at Ning Cheng solemnly.

"I just want to say that everyone is born with a responsibility, but you don't want to live in this responsibility all the time. How old are you? In your 20s, you still have a lifetime of work as a criminal police officer. During this time, I think You work overtime except for the stipulated holidays, and you don't have any plans for your own life?"

Ning Cheng wanted to refute, but couldn't say anything.

Zhou Ziyan said again, "Look at you, you look old-fashioned when you are only in your 20s. I really doubt that you will look like this when you are in your 50s or 60s!"

Ning Cheng was a little helpless, "Isn't the character of a criminal policeman about being calm? Solving a case is all about experience, luck, and my own strength. I'm the captain now. If I can't stabilize the team members, what should I do?"

Zhou Ziyan rolled her eyes speechlessly, "Ning Cheng, what do you think of your team members? Children who need to be taken care of? Ask them what they think! Don't make yourself look like an old mother."

Mu Xiaoyu said quickly, "Captain Ning, you know me. I have always been taught by you and learned a lot from you, but Captive Ning, you really need to have your own life."

Tang Xin also nodded, "Captain Ning, sometimes we all often talk about having dinner together, wanting you to relax a little bit, you've paid too much for everyone."

Ning Cheng was very moved, but his mind would not change so easily.

"I can take as much as I can, and since I can do it, I need to do it."

Ning Cheng said something ambiguous, but Zhou Ziyan understood.

"Ning Cheng, you don't have to do it if you have the ability to do it. People all over the world perform their duties, not only you, and you want to reduce the crime rate, not just by fighting crime."

"what do you mean?"

Zhou Ziyan looked at Ning Cheng and said solemnly.

"Many police stations now have their own scarf numbers, and use the Internet to influence people's opinions or make early warnings. Ning Cheng, you should know how much influence you have."

"But...I need to think about it."

Ning Cheng knew what Zhou Ziyan meant, but still didn't agree immediately.

"Please..." Zhou Ziyan was helpless, this Ning Cheng is so stubborn!

At this time, Zhang Chao, the director, suddenly received a call.

"Congratulations to Ning Cheng? Thank you thank you!"

Zhang Chao is no longer surprised.

After receiving the news today that Ning Cheng has become a national hero and role model, he has received many calls from leaders.

At this time, the phone rang again.

After Zhang Chao answered the phone, his originally calm expression became very pleasantly surprised.

"Director Wang? Are you coming tomorrow morning? Okay, I'll tell them to work hard!"

Listening to Zhang Chao's call, the police officers did not dare to speak, but their eyes were secretly communicating.

Some old fritters are talking about it.

"¨々 Director Wang? Damn it, it's not Wang Dong coming to the Director, right? What will he be doing tomorrow?"

"It's really stupid to say that you are really stupid. Director Wang must be here because of Ning Cheng!"

"But if you want to congratulate, it's better to make a phone call. Why do you have to come in person?"

"Tsk, it's better for Director Wang to come to us in person than to call us? This is to win glory for us! You know the shit!"

Zhang Chao finished the phone call and announced the good news to everyone.

"Everyone, at ten o'clock tomorrow morning, Director Wang Donglai will come to see us. You should behave better for me! Do you hear me?"

"I heard, Director!"

"Guaranteed not to drop the chain for you!"

After Zhang Chao left, everyone cheered and the team members rushed over to ask questions.

"Team Ning, such a big happy event can't be explained without inviting us to dinner?"

"That's right, please (okay) to eat, please eat!"

"Please eat!"

Everyone was booing, Ning Cheng said directly.

"Let's go together, everyone. Today's night supper in Jiangshi will be reserved, and I will order whatever you want to eat!"

Meng Cang was immediately startled, "Fuck, Captain Ning, you mean you want to invite all of us here to dinner? What a great atmosphere!"

The members of the other teams looked at each other, "We have so many people here, how can there be enough food in the night market!"

Ning Cheng said lightly.

"What I'm saying is, I'll reserve what you want to eat in the night market. As long as you can finish eating, you can eat all the way down the street!"

"Fuck, brothers, what are you waiting for, go ahead!"

"Ning Cheng, wait, Laozi has to slaughter you today!"

"Are you pretending to be a brat? You regret not eating it today!"

All of a sudden, all kinds of voices rang out, and everyone laughed. .

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