World of Experts

Chapter 964: Scum scum

"Okay!" The old man did not hesitate at all, nodded in agreement, but said in his heart: "Stunned guy! You can play with that reckless Ye Feng first, so that your mind is confused, and I will deal with you again. It's a lot easier. Hahahaha!" The old man then gave up his position and walked off the ring, standing on the edge of the ring watching the changes.

"Humph!" Qing Yezhu immediately pointed to Shi Hao and shouted: "You dead fellow! Ye Feng! Come to die if you don't come on stage? Are you afraid? If you are afraid, you kneel on the ground and call me three grandpa , Knocking three times, I will call you grandson again and let you die." Qing Yezhu sneered coldly.

"Okay! I didn't intend to maimed you, but if you say that, I must at least kill you half of my life." Shi Hao's face suddenly turned dark, and he walked onto the stage.

"Mr. Ye Feng!" Suddenly Han Li said behind Shi Hao: "Don't go. People in the 100th Blood God List are indeed far better than those outside the 100th. You..."

"No need to say more! Believe me." Shi Hao just said a word and quickly stepped into the ring.

"Boy!" When Qing Yezhu saw Shi Hao taking the stage, he immediately smiled triumphantly, but slowly walked to Shi Hao's side, and said very softly: "You are bold enough, I'm afraid you are thinking about being Show your majesty in front of your woman." At this point, Qingyezhu glanced slightly towards Han Li, and said: "If you want to survive, but don't want to kowtow to me, you sell that woman. Give it. I will spare you the same."

"Okay! I originally planned to take half of your life, but if you say so, you should go to death." Shi Hao's face suddenly sank, and he was lucky, and withdrew three steps back, facing him. Qingyezhu asked loudly, "Scum! Scum! Are you ready to die? You should! I'm going to do it. Don't say I didn't explain it, saying I attacked you. Are you ready?"

"You! Boy! Okay!" Qingyezhu looked furious and said softly: "I give you two chances to survive. You don't cherish it. Then don't blame me for being cruel. I will kill on this ring. You, after killing you, your concubine will come back and fall into my hands as well. You can let me die."

After saying that, Qing Yezhu suddenly took the lead, and his figure flashed at a very fast speed, leaving only an afterimage in place, and he himself had already arrived behind Shi Hao in a flash, and he was in his hands at this moment. Even more, he had already grasped a pair of very sharp double-edged blades. Seeing him, he was about to lift the knife and cut it at Shi Hao's head.

It's a pity that although Qing Yezhu's all this is extremely fast, Shi Hao, with his current cultivation base strength, did not have time to dodge. But Shi Hao didn't have to dodge, because at this moment, Shi Hao had already used the power of the blood core of the red baby to unlock the dark blood qi, and carried out a thorough protection of his whole body.

Moreover, Shi Hao's power with the help of the Red Baby's blood core heart is extremely strong, so as long as Qingyezhu's knife is cut down and hit on Shi Hao, the final result must be that Qingyezhu is bounced by the dark blood on the spot. The force broke his hands, and Shi Hao immediately took the opportunity to kill Qingyezhu with a backhand.

"Go to hell!" Qing Yezhu didn't know these things at all, and only thought that he was easy to do, and felt that Shi Hao's was indeed a useless waste. And Qing Yezhu felt that the speed he was most proud of had completely surpassed Shi Hao's cognition, and was so scared that Shi Hao was still standing in place before he died.

"Hold on!" But when Qing Yezhu saw that he was about to hit Shi Hao, there was a sound of restraint, and Qing Yezhu stopped drinking. Qingyezhu immediately stopped, frowning, and a momentary step returned to the position he had stood before. Qingyezhu immediately looked sideways.

"Master Luo Chao! Why did you stop drinking me? Is there any special relationship between you and this person?" Luo Chao was here, and it was Luo Chao who stopped Qingyezhu just now. And Qing Yezhu heard the voice and reacted quickly before he hit Shi Hao, knowing that it was Luo Chao's voice, and then stopped. Qing Yezhu couldn't figure out why Luo Chao wanted to stop himself from doing anything to Shi Hao.

"I have no special relationship with Ye Feng!" Luo Chao slowly stepped onto the ring and stood in front of Qing Yezhu. And it has to be said that Luo Chao just stopped Qingyezhu from doing it, but it's not that he saw that as long as Qingyezhu did it, Shi Hao would definitely fight back. But he felt that Shi Hao's strength was definitely not simple, even if he was no match for Qingyezhu, he would definitely be able to pass the move. But as long as the move, Shi Hao’s strength was completely exposed to everyone’s sight, but Luo Chao specifically wanted to take advantage of everyone’s ignorance of Shi Hao’s affairs, and set up a pit-money quiz game, and there was no money yet. After fishing enough, fishing, he ran to stop Shi Hao from fighting the strong in advance.

"But!" Luo Chao said nonsense seriously at the moment: "You are a third-class person, bullying him a second-class person, what is this? Qingyezhu! You look young, but in fact, you are not too young anymore. , Why are you still such a fool? You have to do it, come, let us try first."

"This..." Qing Yezhu's expression was a little embarrassed. And speaking of it, although Luo Chao's strength is not better than Qingyezhu, he is also a person of three levels of sub-strength. It's just that Luo Chao's status is extraordinary, and Qing Yezhu didn't dare to act on Luo Chao rashly, fearing that this would compromise the face of some people in the blood **** world.

"Okay! Just know that you don't do it! It's still Qingyezhu, you have a little brain! The opponent you are standing in the ring now is not Ye Feng! It is a veteran. You can see your opponent clearly." After saying a word, he turned his head to look at Shi Hao, and said, "Ye Feng! You...hurry up."

"Why should I go down? It's not me who is going to die." But Shi Hao smiled when facing Luo Chao at the moment.

"Ye Feng! You... stop making trouble." Luo Chao quickly winked at Shi Hao.

"Mr. Ye Feng! Take the opportunity to get down! This is not your game. Everyone is waiting to watch the game. You should come down. Stop making trouble." Han Li also hurriedly stood up and shouted. . And her tone was very anxious.

"Forget it! Boring! Give girl Han Li a face." Shi Hao sighed and slowly stepped off the stage.

"Forget it? Still boring? At the end, you have to pretend to be in front of your concubine. If I hadn't given the face of Luo Chao, you Ye Feng's head would have moved." Qing Yezhu saw Shi Hao step down the ring. , But he muttered to himself a little uncomfortably, but then he turned his head and said to the non-aged man who was still waiting in the audience: "Old man! Come back on stage quickly, or we are qualified to compete with each other. Fan."

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