World of Experts

Chapter 963: Provocative war

"Ye Feng's strength! I have seen it with my own eyes, how can I lie to you." Luo Chao smiled awkwardly. Then time gradually passed for a while, and on the other side of the ring, under the guidance of the staff organizing the competition, the other players on the ring finally retreated, and the players each received a number plate. As long as someone shouts the number of the number plate in his hand, it is his turn to take the stage.

"I'm... No. 1001 in the first-order group, No. 1001 in the second-order group..." And Shi Hao now retreated to the position where he was assigned to rest and watch the battle, Han Li was also by the side. However, Shi Hao is different from others. He has participated in two sets of competitions, so he has two number plates. Shi Hao looked at the number plate and said with a smile: "This Luo Chao... deliberately gave me a late number plate."

"Mr. Ye Feng!" Han Li suddenly said: "Look! The arena is about to start fighting. Look at the two people walking on the stage now, how about it? This seems to be a heavyweight match." Han Li said. Afterwards, it points to the top of the ring. At this moment, there are two men on the ring, one looks older and the other looks young and strong. And these two men are both in the third-order group. Let's just say that the highest level in Panshui City is only the third-tier competition, and the relatively small number of higher-level people is that they went directly to a larger place to compete.

"So so!" Shi Hao glanced at the two men, swaying his head casually, and then said: "Although these two men have reached the third level of cultivation, they are already at their end. They walked between them. The breath gathers but does not condense, and it fails to form a sublimation of strength, but it is just an empty and weak cultivation base."

"Ah?" Han Li was shocked, she quickly looked at Shi Hao softly and said: "Mr. Ye Feng! Are you serious? I probably recognize these two people too. If they are right, they can They are all the people of the three ranks on the Blood God List. They are all within a hundred. Among them, the older one, nicknamed the Troll, is a human poison mage, who is very good at voodoo. Great. And that young man, nicknamed Qingyezhu, is a dark shadow of the demon clan, and his posture is very weird. I heard it is difficult to deal with."

"Hey! Girl Han Li! Those of you must have read other people's writings. They are all false. These two are nothing but you. What kind of masters in the three ranks of the Blood God List are among the top 100, turned out to be such a parallel import. "Shi Hao said with some disdain. And Shi Hao's voice is not small. Although there is no small noise near the ring, it seems that the two people on the ring have heard Shi Hao's words.

Speaking of which, Han Li did not admit his mistakes of these two people. One is a veteran and the other is Qingyezhu. And the strength of these two people is indeed outside the third rank of the Blood God List, the next fifty, and within a hundred, they are considered the backbone of this rank.

Whether it is an old man or Qingyezhu, both of them are very proud people. As soon as they heard someone say this in the audience, they immediately looked for the sound, and looked directly at Shi Hao.

"Mr. Ye Feng! It's not good!" Seeing this, Han Li was shocked, and quickly lowered his head, pulled the corner of Shi Hao next to him, and said: "What we said earlier, the two of them must have heard Mr. Ye Feng, you are too careless when you speak."

"What are you afraid of!" At this moment, Shi Hao met the gaze of the old man and Qing Yezhu, laughing: "Girl Han Li! Have you forgotten, that is the King of Weird Power, who is also a famous expert on the Blood God list, It seems to be a hundred famous people, isn't it? That strange power king was slapped to death by the palm of me, what are we afraid of." Shi Hao spoke very confidently, and his voice was not lowered either.

"Mr. Ye Feng..." Han Li tugged at Shi Hao's clothes again, "Don't say anything."

"Huh!" Suddenly on the ring, the young man, Qing Yezhu, pointed at Shi Hao suddenly, and then yelled: "You kid! What a arrogant! I remember you just now, everyone looked at Luo Chao When the city lord came on stage, he gave way, but you are still standing still. I see! If it weren’t for the generosity of the city lord Luo Chao and didn’t want to get angry at this good time today, you would have gone away. And your kid turned his head. I didn't know how to converge when I came here, and I just uttered a madman, did you want to go crazy?" Qingyezhu looked furious.

"Haha!" Shi Hao stood up immediately and responded unceremoniously, "You said I want to die, right? Haha! I just said you, your nickname Qingyezhu? If you apologize to me now, say If you are not good at learning, and you have no eyes, I will assume that I have not heard what you said just now."

"Haha!" Qing Yezhu's heart became even more angry, and he immediately walked a few steps towards Shi Hao, from the center of the ring where he was originally standing, to the edge of the ring, and it was about ten minutes away from Shi Hao. Mi's appearance, he continued to point to Shi Hao, and said: "Ye Feng! Good you Ye Feng! You are just a nameless person. I have never heard of your name, and he said without shame that you killed King Wei Li ."

"Can you kill King Guai Li? I don't believe it! What's more, even if King Guai Li is standing here facing me at this moment, he will never dare to speak so arrogantly." Qingyezhu said with anger, "Know it! At which level of the blood **** list, there is a gap between the hundred people and the hundred people, and it is a watershed. The king of strange power is only close to the one hundred people, but it is still a person outside the hundred people. And I am within the hundred people, to be precise, I am the 93rd in the third rank of the Blood God List. People within a hundred are far better than those outside a hundred."

After speaking, Qingyezhu showed a very proud look. But the old man was standing behind Qing Yezhu. Although the old man was also angry, he didn't show much hostility to Shi Hao. At least it seems that this non-elder seems to want to simply Qing Yezhu, this guy ran off the ring to quarrel with Shi Hao, and as long as Qing Yezhu ran off the ring and made a mess, and returned after being distracted, it would definitely be beneficial to the non-elder of.

"If you don't believe that I killed the King of Weird, it's okay. If the old man behind you doesn't mind, I can come on stage to play with you now and let you see if I can kill the King of Weird." Shi Hao At this moment, he said such a sentence with a sneer.

"Okay! Come to the ring if you have a seed!" Qingyezhu laughed immediately. He turned around and looked at the stern-faced old man standing behind him, and said, "Old man! Do you mind, do you? I plan to teach this guy named Ye Feng a lesson, and let's start the game when we turn around. How?

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