World of Experts

Chapter 965: Win without fighting

"Okay!" The old man smiled slightly, "I'm coming up here." The old man jumped and flew into the ring.

"Come on! The game between us should also begin." Qingyezhu shouted immediately. And immediately I saw the two men and began to compete. It's just that there is not much difference between the strength of the two people. The two played against each other, and they did not quickly decide a victory or defeat. The two people struggled for a long time. In the end, it was the old man who won a difficult victory by virtue of his calmness.

"Acceptance!" Not an old man surpassed Qingyezhu, and said with a slight smile, very proud.

"Huh! Old man! You are lucky this time." Qingyezhu looked a little unconvinced, turned his head and ran away, not knowing where he went. However, when the old man saw Qingyezhu just run away, he didn't give himself any face, and he was not angry. Instead, he smiled.

"Winner! Boss!" and immediately after seeing the competition organization staff next to the ring suddenly stepped onto the ring and announced loudly: "Please leave the ring for the time being, the next game, both players..." Under the organization of this staff, the game continued one after another.

Obviously, Luo Chao had specially arranged it, and Shi Hao's game was deliberately left behind. Luo Chao probably feels that the game behind it is not easy to be taken seriously, and in order to make people feel that Shi Hao's strength has a lot of water, Luo Chao also made special arrangements.

At this moment, it was finally Shi Hao's turn to participate in the competition.

Suddenly there was a voice from the staff: "Next! Please come to the first-tier team, Ye Feng, and the Panthers." After hearing this, Shi Hao should have waited too long, from the morning until It's already afternoon, and he is dozing off in his seat. Han Li, who was still on the side, quickly woke up Shi Hao.

"Mr. Ye Feng! It's time for you to play." Han Li pulled Shihao.

"Huh? It's finally me?" Shi Hao yawned, stretched, opened his eyes, and rubbed.

"Okay!" Shi Hao looked at the arena again, "I'll be there, I will go back." He smiled, got up and walked towards the arena. And soon Shi Hao came to the ring, but he stood on the ring but didn't see any shadow of his opponent, and after waiting for a while, he still didn't see the shadow of his opponent.

"Hey! What happened? Where is my opponent?" Shi Hao waited again, still a little irritable, and asked the staff next to the ring, "What the **** is my opponent? Who is it? What about the others? What the **** is this going to do? I was let go?"

"This..." The staff was also stunned for a while, and said: "Player Ye Feng! Please wait a moment, if the skill of a stick of incense does not appear after being called out according to the rules, it will even be abstained." And the skill of a stick of incense It passed quickly, and still didn't see Shi Hao's opponent show up.

"According to the rules! The Panthers abstained. Ye Feng won." The staff checked the time, and after repeated confirmations, they announced loudly. Only after hearing this, Shi Hao sighed, shook his head, jumped off the ring and ran back to doze off. Shi Hao knew that he still had a second-tier match, so he didn't leave this place immediately, and had to wait a little longer.

"What the hell?" But most of the spectators on the side were stunned at the time, "What the hell! Why does this Ye Feng win? I can bet for the Black Panther. I know the Black Panther. , The strength in the first-tier group is powerful, and even I think some people in the second-tier group may not be the opponents of the Panthers. I also made a heavy bet on the Panthers, but this time I lost miserably. What the **** is this! Why doesn't this black panther see anyone? It's really a shame to lose." Someone suddenly said.

"Who said no! I also lost a lot of money! What a bad luck!" Another spectator said suddenly. Although these people lost this time because of Shi Hao, they didn't seem to feel that it was someone behind the scenes. I just feel that this is my bad luck. But in fact, the Panthers had been dealt with in advance by Luo Chao, and the Panthers did not appear on purpose, just to make people feel that Shi Hao was incapable of victory and continued to underestimate Shi Hao.

And time gradually passed for a while, and it was Shi Hao's turn to play again. And Shi Hao immediately jumped onto the ring first, but this time, as soon as Shi Hao came on the court, he received a boo from the audience next to the ring. Someone among them shouted: "What's going on! Why did this Ye Feng join the first-order group and the second-order group again! What's this? Is it cheating?" The voice became louder and louder.

"Quiet! Quiet!" The staff who organized the competition suddenly explained: "Ye Feng is special! He was originally in the first-order group, but he happened to break through to the second-order during the competition. The exception allowed him to cross-group competitions and can participate at the same time. Two levels of competition. Don’t make noise.” After hearing this explanation, although the audience still obviously disdainful or hostile towards Shi Hao, they calmed down and watched quietly. Things in the ring. However, after a while, the audience found that the arena seemed to be exactly the same as before. Shi Hao had been standing alone for a while, but they did not see Shi Hao's opponent appear.

"Hey!" And Shi Hao was standing on the ring at the moment. Since he had always seen his opponent appear, Shi Hao thought to his heart, if it was luck that time, why didn't he see his opponent this time? Shi Hao immediately understood that, in all likelihood, Luo Chao arranged for ghost operations to make people underestimate his own strength, so that Shi Hao could pit Luo Chao more money from the itchy audience.

"Hey!" When Shi Hao thought about it this way, he immediately quit. He quickly looked at the staff next to the ring and asked loudly, "What are you doing? You counted the number of players before the game started. Don’t tell me that the person is missing, go and find someone for me."

"Yes!" The audience on the side apparently made a bet this time at the start of the match. They also bet that Shi Hao would lose the game. They were very anxious, and they were afraid that Shi Hao would do so because his opponent did not show up. They won the game directly, and they said anxiously: "How do you host the game? You can't let the players go out of sight again and again. You have to see people when you live, and you have to see corpses when you die. If someone finds it out, it can’t be counted as abstention directly. Otherwise! We won’t watch the game anymore.”

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