Working Prophet

Chapter 891 Carnival Night

Ten minutes have passed, but there are still less than five lines of code on the screen.

Sweat broke out on the middle-aged man's forehead, and his back was soaked with cold sweat.

Wang Guowei on the side crossed his legs and said with a straight face while continuing to drink beer.

"Write. You can't write such a simple requirement. Is the company paying you to hire you just to make a living? I'll see if you can't write it in five minutes. Don't leave tonight."

"No, no, no, don't be like this, Xiao Wang... I admit that my attitude towards you was a little bad before."

"Do you think this is a personal grudge?" Wang Guowei raised his voice, slammed the table, and said sadly.

"Tan Yonglin, how can you think so? I am criticizing you for your own good and to urge you to improve. Don't tell me that you can't do it. This is a valuable training opportunity given to you by the company. You must seize it. I When you were your age, you were scrambling to do any job."

After finishing speaking, Wang Guowei turned to Li Yu and others and explained, "This is how he usually talks. He always looks like a human being, as if he is really thinking about you. I was so impressed by him when I first left college. The crowd was buzzing.

"And this guy also has a special skill. If he wants to mess with you, he won't do it in an obvious way. He will wait for you to make a mistake, even if it is a very small, very small mistake. Once he is caught, he will immediately exploit it. , the above outline is online.

"I still remember that I used the wrong honorific in an internal email. He criticized me for about ten minutes in front of everyone, saying that only in this way can my memory be deep enough."

"Ah, there are many people like this in the workplace." Hao Xiaoxiao and Zhang Yanlin nodded in agreement.

Tan Yonglin sweated even more, "You, you are all still young, don't go down the wrong path because of impulse..."

"Did I let you speak?" Wang Guowei said, "You have no workplace courtesy at all."

"I am willing to apologize to you for what I did before," Tan Yonglin said as he put his hand into his trouser pocket and hurriedly took out his wallet.

"Here, let's do this. I'll compensate you. Just tell me how much you want. If it's not enough, I can go to the bank."

"What do you think I am, a robbery?" Wang Guowei sneered, "It's okay if you don't want to write code, then go play ball."

"Ah, what?" Tan Yonglin was a little confused.

But Wang Guowei stood up unsteadily, "Let's go to the stadium. As long as you can beat me, I will let you go."

After saying that, he walked towards the door.

Tan Yonglin glanced at the two men in black wearing black suits and black sunglasses with expressionless faces.

Although he was reluctant, he went to put on his sneakers.

Li Yu, Hao Xiaoxiao and others followed behind. When they went downstairs, Zhang Yanlin leaned into Li Yu's ear.

"Hey, have we gone too far? What if Tan Yonglin calls the police later?"

"It doesn't matter, they will take care of it." Li Yu pointed at the two expressionless public relations employees in front of him and said.

He just spent an employee's wish to realize tonight's team building.

An Yixin was concerned about another thing. She and Wang Guowei were walking together, "Ha, you're so drunk, is it okay to play ball?"

"You don't understand." Wang Guowei shook his head and said, "I am not confident in myself, I am confident in Lao Tan. Even if I drink until I am unconscious, he is not my opponent."

Tan Yonglin obviously did not agree with Wang Guowei's statement. When he stepped onto the court, scenes of him single-handedly defeating powerful opponents to win the championship in past games appeared in his mind, which greatly increased his confidence in himself.

However, because he was worried that Wang Guowei would regret it, Tan Yonglin carefully hid his joy and continued to show weakness, "Oh, I am already old, how can I beat you young people?"

Everyone came to the court in a nearby park, but there were no empty basketball hoops here. A man in black from the public relations department came forward and negotiated with a group of teenagers who were playing basketball, buying their basketball and the court for 3,000 yuan. right.

Wang Guowei then threw the basketball to Tan Yonglin, "You attack first."

Tan Yonglin picked up the ball and swatted it twice, "We actually don't need to..."

"Where did you get all this nonsense? Break quickly!" Wang Guowei urged.

"Okay." Tan Yonglin shook his head, looking like a master, and then simply dribbled the ball from his crotch, and the ball hit his ankle and flew out.

"Ah, this doesn't count." Tan Yonglin shouted hurriedly, "I just want to try it first."

"It doesn't count, let me attack instead." Wang Guowei didn't tolerate him. This was not a company game, so he said it wouldn't count.

Next, it was Wang Guowei who held the ball, but he did drink a little too much and was not very agile with his feet. He simply leaned directly against Tan Yonglin and started to hit with his back and drive towards the basket.

Tan Yonglin is full of confidence. At the last company sports meeting, he could even carry a two-meter-long center, but he would not be able to carry Wang Guowei, who is less than 1.8 meters tall.

As a result, after the confrontation, Tan Yonglin's body trembled, and he was forced to take three or four steps back.

Without waiting for him to stand firm, Wang Guowei leaned forward again, causing Tan Yonglin to stagger forward again.

Wang Guowei followed his old leader all the way to the basket and easily scored the ball.

Tan Yonglin held his knees and gasped for air. After just a few rounds of defense, he felt more tired than before in the entire game.

And Wang Guowei had already grabbed the basketball and moved outside the three-point line, ready to start the second wave of one-on-ones.

He scored 8-0 in one breath, and it was not until the ninth ball that he failed to throw it in because his wrist shook, and he changed the ball again.

After waiting for so long, Tan Yonglin felt that he had finally caught the opportunity. At this time, he also realized that he might not be able to beat Wang Guowei. He just wanted to score a goal and at least the loss would not be so ugly.

After catching the ball, Tan Yonglin didn't make any adjustments and took action directly. The avenging ball that he had high hopes for was slapped away by a big hand as soon as it flew out of his fingertips.

"Damn it, I've wanted to risk you for a long time. Every time I take action, I prepare it for so long. My movements are slow. It's not easy to coordinate with your performance."

After Wang Guowei's blood came out, he felt refreshed and shouted again, "Come again!"

Tan Yonglin looked dull, as if he still couldn't understand why his skills suddenly deteriorated so much. He could still play 1v5 easily on the court before.

Li Yu waited until Wang Guowei was satisfied with the fight before driving to find Zhang Yanlin and his former boss.

The group of people drove quickly through the night city, causing trouble everywhere and causing chaos everywhere they passed.

After working hard until dawn, he visited everyone's boss. Then Li Yu drove everyone home and told them they didn't have to go to work tomorrow, and then he returned to his residence.

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