Working Prophet

Chapter 890 Team building after dinner

"If the company is dissolved, what are you going to do?" Li Yu asked.

"I don't know, maybe find a community to work as a security guard, or a delivery person." Zhang Haidao, "The delivery person should have more freedom in his time."

"Is the company really going to be dissolved?" Hao Xiaoxiao's eyes widened.

"No, the company will not be dissolved." Li Yu said, "It was you who said the company was going to be dissolved. I just followed your words and asked casually."

"That's good." Hao Xiaoxiao breathed a sigh of relief, "Actually, working overtime is secondary. It's really difficult to find a place where you can work with your chest upright and your head up these days."

Zhang Hai actually nodded and agreed, "Yeah, the company I worked for sold camel milk powder, and the boss actually asked me to sell these extremely expensive things to the elderly in nearby communities at high prices. I went directly to the company to sell camel milk powder. The handle of the fist broke just the bridge of his nose."

"Yes, yes, isn't there an old saying that has been popular in society now," Wang Guowei said while eating, "Be a person first before doing things. Our team leader has always kept it on his lips. He is very good at being a person and doing things well." The big boss’s flattery is so loud.”

Zhang Yanlin said at this time, "Hey, do you have to talk about this? There are still children here."

"Ah, I'm sorry." Wang Guowei scratched his head, "Actually, there are more good people in the world, but it's difficult for good people to be bosses. Isn't there a saying that kindness does not command soldiers?"

"It doesn't matter. I've known for a long time that the world is terrible. You don't need to deliberately beautify it." An Yixin said.

"You are still young and you still have a chance to change your destiny." Hao Xiaoxiao said, "As long as you don't follow my wrong path."

"Then what is the right way?" An Yixin raised her head.

"Study hard, find a stable job, keep in step with most people, try to speak the same voice as them, and accept the rules of society. No matter whether they are fair or not, ordinary people cannot change them.

Wang Guowei also added, "For ordinary people, there is only one thing that is most important, which is to live your own life well. The rest of the things are just minutiae. In the adult world, right and wrong are not that important. "

"But wouldn't it be boring to live like that?"

"That's true, but for most people just living is not easy. They have to exert all their strength, so why bother to consider whether it is interesting or not."

Li Yu put a piece of yellow croaker meat into An Yixin's bowl, "It's time to eat, don't listen to their nonsense."

Wang Guowei drank a bottle of beer and said, "Yes, this is just the wailing sound of a social animal who works overtime every day until he is delirious. There is no need to take it to heart. To express my apology, I will get you a bottle of juice." go."

After saying that, he stood up and staggered towards the refrigerator.

Hao Xiaoxiao took the pure student handed over from Zhang Hai, "Speaking of overtime work, I remember that when I was in college, a company came to our school to hold a job fair. I was just a sophomore at the time, so I went to attend it out of curiosity.

“Part of the female HR’s ppt is about outstanding employees, who seems to be a senior in our school.

"It is said that the senior has been living in the office, his mobile phone is on 24 hours a day, and everything assigned by the leader will be completed immediately.

“Then he seemed to have set the company’s longest overtime record. He didn’t go home for the Chinese New Year for two consecutive years, and he became the general manager in just four years.

"When HR introduced this matter, he probably wanted to prove that the promotion channels for our company were very smooth, but at that time I kept thinking, can these things be discussed? Isn't this illegal?

"That must have been the first time I heard the mournful sound of the so-called social animals." Hao Xiaoxiao took a sip of beer and said, "As a student, I was deeply shocked."

"I was being harassed by my boss," Zhang Yanlin said. "One day I worked overtime late and everyone in the company had almost left. Then my boss asked me to send a document to his office.

"Then he asked me if I wanted to get promoted or raise my salary. He also taught me that everything has a price and that if you want to climb up, you have to let go. Then he started to grab me and use his hands and feet. Fortunately, Li Yu was there that night.

"Later, Li Yu reported it to the company for me, but that guy was the backbone of the business, and the big boss valued him very much. I had no evidence, and he and Li Yu later resigned together."

"After that I didn't work for a year and went to counseling for a while."

"What's that guy's name? I'm going to teach him a lesson!" Zhang Hai became more and more angry as he listened and shouted.

"It's not necessary. It's over." Zhang Yanlin said hurriedly, "You beat him and you still have to go to jail. It's totally not worth the gain."

Seeing that Li Yu hadn't spoken, An Yixin asked, "What about you, uncle? Didn't you encounter any big incidents when you were at work, except for Sister Yanlin's time?"

"This is how work is, just get used to it." Li Yu said.

"Thank you for your helpless comfort."

"Have you finished your homework?" Li Yu asked.

"Not yet, but it will be soon. What's the matter? Are there any other activities after dinner?"

"It doesn't matter what kind of activities you have. You have to go back and do your homework."

"Ha," An Yixin rolled her eyes, "You have just described to me a future that I am extremely looking forward to and full of motivation for. Do you think I will still be in the mood to continue doing my homework after I go back?"

Wang Guowei also said, "It's quite early now. What should we do next after dinner? Should we go sing or play cards?"

"Let's go for a drive." Li Yu said, "Go and say hello to old friends."

"Old friend? What old friend," Hao Xiaoxiao asked curiously, "I don't have many friends in this city."

"Your former bosses," Li Yu said, "let's go drink them and say hello."

The room was quiet for a few seconds before Wang Guowei said, "Are you drunk too much..."

"No, I'll be driving later, so I didn't drink just now." Li Yu pointed to the beer in front of him, and the tab on it was indeed still intact.

"So we drank too much and just had auditory hallucinations?" Hao Xiaoxiao said, "You said before that you were going to take us to find our former boss?"

Li Yu nodded, "You can tell them face to face that they are bastards."

Wang Guowei was really drunk at this moment. He slapped the table and said, "Okay, let's go find my boss first, but I don't know where that bastard lives. That bastard never discloses his address to us. Maybe I also know that I have done a lot of immoral things, and I will be easily criticized."

"It doesn't matter. I'll have someone check it for you. What do you want to do with him after you find him?" Li Yu said

Wang Guowei's eyes went straight, "I, I will force... force him to write code day and night, and then scold him in front of everyone for what he wrote is a piece of shit. By the way, I will also fight him. Basketball, he won the championship last time, but that was because everyone gave in to him.

"I want him to realize what competitive sports is, cruel and cruel."

"No problem." Li Yu said.

An Yixin's eyes lit up, "Okay, I have to admit that the adult world has fascinating places. Take me with you."

"Hey, hey, are you serious?" Zhang Yanlin's eyes widened.

"I'm serious." Li Yu said, "Just think of it as a team building after dinner."

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