Working Prophet

Chapter 892 The Final Test

Li Yu slept until four o'clock in the afternoon before getting up from the bed. Then he went to the kitchen and heated up some leftovers from last night for dinner.

Then he drove and followed Taylor's instructions to Red Leaf Villa.

This time the bodyguards outside the villa did not stop him and opened the door when they saw his BMW 3 Series from a distance.

Li Yu drove into the villa and was soon greeted by a demon doll.

"Mr. Li Yu, please come with me. The directors have arrived and are waiting for you."

Li Yu followed the demon doll and found that the other party did not walk towards the main building where the annual meeting had been held. Instead, he led him through a series of pavilions, water pavilions, rockeries and ponds.

Then an extremely huge ash tree came into Li Yu's sight.

The ash tree was nearly a hundred meters tall, about as tall as a forty-story building. It was so huge that six or seven people were needed to encircle it, and its canopy covered half of the manor.

Such giant trees usually only appear in myths and legends.

Under the giant tree, there were five people sitting, namely the five directors of the company.

They were dressed in suits, sitting upright, with solemn expressions.

"You're here." Taylor nodded towards Li Yu.

Li Yu bowed and saluted, "I'm here."

"I heard you had a great time last night."

Li Yu said, "I can explain."

"You don't need to explain. As our chosen captain, the savior of mankind, you still have this privilege." Taylor smiled.

"Actually, you acted too calmly before, which actually made some of us doubt you.

"While we want the people we pick to remain as calm as possible, venting your emotions obviously also helps bring out your human side.

"This shows that you really care about the people around you, your friends and relatives."

Taylor paused, "I hope you can understand the caution of the board of directors. We must be very sure that you are on our side before we can leave the fate of mankind to your control.

"Those assessments, those stress tests ... everything, so far, supports that, which is very comforting to us."

“But statistics, to put it bluntly, is a means of predicting the future through the past. It has natural limitations. If the ‘past’ data is inherently wrong, then we naturally cannot use it to return to the correct future.

"In comparison, 'now' is more reliable."

While Taylor was speaking, two demon dolls carried the [Mouth of Truth] to Li Yu.

"You know what it is, even the best liar can't fool it."

As Taylor finished speaking, the devil came over with another person, and the look on that person's face seemed a little confused.

"Aren't we going to talk about investment? Where is Mr. Qin?"

"I'm here, Mr. Zhen." Mr. Qin said.

The man also saw Mr. Qin at this time, and his expression suddenly became happy. Then he saw other people, "Ah, you still have guests here, right? Let's talk about it later."

"It doesn't matter, they are all my friends and are very interested in your project. If there are no problems, we will decide to invest together.

"Your company's current valuation is 15 billion. We can offer you 3 billion in exchange for 20% of your shares."

Mr. Zhen was a little embarrassed when he heard this, "Ah, but I only plan to raise 1 billion. GG will definitely exceed 15 billion in the future. We are ready to expand production capacity and can start delivery next year."

"I'm just short of funds right now. I heard from my friends that you are a big brother in the venture capital circle in City B, so I came here to make friends. Let's do this. I can take out 15% of the shares at most, and no more."

"Is that so?" Mr. Qin said without changing his expression, "Then put your hand into the stone statue's mouth and say what you just said again."

"What?" Mr. Zhen felt that the stone statue in front of him was a bit suspicious, and the atmosphere in the villa tonight was also a bit strange.

But he was reluctant to part with the billions he was about to get. After hesitating for a moment, he still put his right hand up and repeated what he had said before.

And when he finished speaking the last word, the stone statue suddenly closed its mouth, and Mr. Zhen let out a shrill scream, and then the whole person rolled on the ground.

There was nothing on his right wrist, blood was scattered all over the floor, and Mr. Zhen fainted from the pain.

The two demon dolls from before appeared again and carried Mr. Zhen away who was unconscious on the ground.

After another demon doll cleared the ground, Taylor spoke to Li Yu again.

"It's too late for you to regret it now. Although you have [Reborn] to resurrect, believe me, a broken hand really hurts."

"I will not back down," Li Yu said, "because I believe I am loyal enough to the board of directors and to humanity."

"I like your answer," Taylor said, "but... you still need to prove it to us."

Li Yu did not hesitate and walked to the [Mouth of Truth]. The stone statue had now opened its mouth again, and the severed hand inside had disappeared.

Only the blood stains on the stone statue still reminded everyone of what had just happened.

Li Yu put his right hand into the mouth of the stone statue and, witnessed by the five directors, said, "I swear that I will remain loyal to the company, the board of directors, and my compatriots.

"I am ready to become the savior of mankind and lead 20 million survivors to another dimension to continue and rebuild human civilization there."

"How do you plan to treat the natives of that plane?" Mr. Qin asked.

"I will kill them, let them become believers of Shuangxiu Cult first, and then offer their bodies to Shuangxiu Cult."

"Wouldn't this embarrass you?" Bernard stared into Li Yu's eyes.

"Yes, but in order for my tribe to survive, I must make a difficult choice."

"It's admirable," Windsor praised. She paused and continued, "We force you to make such a choice, will you hate us?"

This time Li Yu was silent for a while, and then said, "I hate you, but this does not prevent me from carrying out your orders and saving my tribe."

Taylor smiled when she heard this. She seemed very satisfied with Li Yu's answer, and then looked at Sergey, "Do you have any questions to ask?"

Sergey scratched his chin and suddenly said, "That idiot named Robertson who passed by some time ago, is he still alive?"

"Yeah, but he was imprisoned in the dungeon by us not long ago, and now he only has one breath left." Li Yu said, "Does the company want to punish me for this?"

Sergey shrugged, "No, I'm just curious. That kid looks like he's capable of causing trouble, and he's fine in prison. Our plan has reached its most critical stage and cannot be ruined by one person. "

Li Yu has answered all the questions, but the [Mouth of Truth] remains motionless, maintaining its original opening and closing posture.

"Congratulations, you passed the final test."

Mr. Qin also showed a smile to Li Yu for the first time.

"From this moment on, you are the savior of all mankind. Do what you should do and let the fire of our civilization continue to burn."

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