Working Prophet

Chapter 764

Hannah's back was soaked with cold sweat in an instant.

She opened her mouth to say something else, but Solomon didn't give her a chance to speak.

“The only reason why I didn’t ask you to return to Hadran immediately was because I still needed you to take care of Lady Lanita.

"But I don't want what happened today to happen again, so if Lady Lanita has any new ideas in the future, I want you to stop her. If you can't stop her, tell me as soon as possible. Can you do it? "

Hannah swallowed and stammered, "I...I, I think I should be able to."

"Very good. According to the plan, we will launch an attack on the Western Territory early tomorrow morning. You and Lady Lanita will stay here then. I will leave another hundred people to ensure your safety."


"No buts," Solomon said calmly, "This is an order."

"Okay, okay." Hannah could only swallow back the words that came to her mouth.

When exiting the room, the wizard's legs felt weak.

She finally realized what it felt like to be on the opposite side of Solomon.

Hannah secretly swore in her heart that she would never be an enemy of the Wing Clan commander from now on.

If Solomon's other enemies knew what she was thinking at this moment, they would probably think so, but most of them had no chance to regret it.

Early the next morning, the Wing Clan commander summoned everyone in the city, not only the 10,000 Wing Clan army, but also the dwarves and the imperial nobles who had surrendered.

In front of everyone, a Yi tribe translator repeated the warning that Li Yu had brought to Solomon in different languages.

"——You can only stop here, otherwise, you will be burned to death by the wrath of the true God."

Before he finished speaking, the Wings clan members burst into laughter, and someone lifted up a scarecrow dressed in black. The latter had a noose around his neck and was full of swords.

And there is a dead rabbit hanging at the feet of the scarecrow.

After the laughter subsided, Solomon said, "This is the message sent to us by the guy who calls himself a prophet.

"His brother threatened us and called his Saturday the true god in front of me. This is disrespectful to us and to Gaiya.

"This is also the reason why I decided to send troops to the Western Region, not to mention that he and that Ilea also killed Sharjah, imprisoned Lanita, and stole a giant dragon from us.

"Kill them!"

"Kill all their relatives and friends, kill everyone they know!!!"

The crowd roared again, and the scarecrow's head was cut off.

"Very good." Solomon was satisfied with the morale of the army. "We will set off today. You will join me in taking over the Western Region and make Merlin and Ilea pay the price for their arrogance."

Amidst huge cheers, the dwarves and imperial nobles who were summoned to go on the expedition looked at each other in shock.

After a while, a dwarf general spoke boldly, "But I... we are not ready for the expedition yet. Conquering the Western Territory will not happen overnight. The food and grass currently stored in the Corner of Plenty are only enough to sustain the army for less than ten days." .

"I'm not saying this because Lady Lanita has come to see us, but from a military point of view, we should wait for food from other places to arrive before setting out on the expedition."

"What's your name?" Solomon asked.

"I am Willy, good-tempered Willy, because I have a good temper that is rare among dwarves." The dwarf officer said.

"Okay, good-natured Willy. Lift your head, look around you, and if I let my translator translate your words, tell those who are celebrating loudly that you are now a There's a dead body."

The dwarf officer was dumbfounded.

After a pause, Solomon said again, "Don't worry about food and grass. Just collect them locally. You can let go of looting during this expedition. You can kill all the people in any town that attempts to resist."

"And if Kaicheng surrenders, you can also take away half of the wealth in the city."

His words made many people's eyes light up.

Why do you guys risk your lives and fight so hard? Isn't it just to make a fortune?

In their opinion, with so many people dispatched this time, and Solomon and his 10,000 Wing Clan army personally setting out to conquer the West, it was only a matter of time before they occupied the Western Territory.

With Solomon's promise, they could make a fortune in this war.

Everyone was smiling, and no one mentioned the matter of food and grass anymore.


When Lanita opened her eyes from the bed, Solomon and his army had already left the Cape of Plenty.

After hearing the news, the girl from the Wing tribe felt like she was struck by lightning. She could feel that her body was deteriorating rapidly. This was obviously not something that could be explained by the cold or the fatigue of the journey.

It's probably related to the curse Li Yu left on her.

Solomon broke the contract despite her dissuasion, causing the curse to take effect.

Lanita was so angry that she was itching her teeth, but she also knew that she could not defeat Solomon now. Even if she was not cursed, she might not be a match for the winged tribe commander.

And with her current physical and mental state, it was even more impossible to defeat Solomon. In fact, Lanita also realized afterwards that she was too anxious yesterday, and she was totally sick and rushed to the doctor.

Solomon's control over the army was simply not something she could challenge.

Lanita was still reflecting on the strategies she had adopted before, but Hannah, who was taking care of her, looked at her in panic.

The Yi clan girl lowered her head and found that her saliva flowed down the corner of her mouth at some point, but she didn't notice it.

Ranita wiped it with her hand, and found that the saliva was gray with a foul smell, and then she couldn't help but spit it out again.

Hannah did not dislike her, and was still taking care of her attentively, bringing her herbs and water, but Ranita waved her over.

"The medicine you gave me is of no use at all," the wing girl said angrily, "Merlin's curse has been integrated into my blood. If I want to survive, I have to change my blood!"

"Blood exchange? But that is just a legendary method... No one has succeeded in thousands of years. Even the blood exchange ceremony hosted by your teacher, Gaiya's most devout servant, failed, and no one survived." Hannah hesitated.

"I don't care," Lanita grabbed her arm and yelled, "I want you to prepare the things needed for the ceremony for me immediately, and then select ten, no, thirty people to exchange blood with me."

"But according to the records in the "Witchcraft Collection", only people from the same tribe can complete the ceremony, but there are not so many warriors from the Golden Eagle tribe here."

"Then use people from other tribes. Tell them this is the decision of the Wizarding Council, and they will be fine." Ranita gasped.

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