Working Prophet

Chapter 763 Lanita's little trick

Lanita frowned as she left Solomon's room.

She knew the commander of the Wing Clan very well. The latter was flexible in politics, but when it came to military affairs, he would not compromise or make concessions at all.

Before, Sharjah provoked and threatened him, asking him to use troops against the Western Territory, but he refused without hesitation. Now the girl from the Wing Clan wants him to delay the war for a few days, but Solomon will not agree.

But Lanita didn't intend to give up. It was about her own life, and the Wing Clan girl didn't want to take risks.

Moreover, she witnessed the White Queen defeat the Storm Lord and the Red Death one against two, which also gave Lanita a deeper understanding of Li Yu's methods.

She now believes more and more that the prophets of the Shuangxiu Cult have placed a curse on her body, and the even more terrible wizards are helpless against this invisible curse.

When Lanita returned to the room, she suddenly felt dizzy, and then it became difficult to breathe.

The Wing Clan girl had to reach out to support the table to prevent herself from falling. Seeing this, the wizard Hana quickly stepped forward and helped her.

"Lord Ranita, are you alright?"

"It's okay." The Wing Clan girl calmed down a little, feeling that the breath that had been clogged in her chest came out again.

Hannah worriedly asked, "Why don't you tell Lord Solomon the truth, tell him that you have been cursed by that evil prophet, and ask him to stop sending troops immediately."

Lanita shook her head, "I can't prove the relationship between the two, and since I came to Brasti, although Solomon has been very cooperative, he actually doesn't like me being with him all the time. .

"Let his every move be under the surveillance of the Wizards' Association, so once I confess to him that I have a curse, he will definitely leave me here to recuperate and prevent me from participating in the next war."

"You do need to recuperate." Hannah said.

"It's not the time yet." Lanita took a deep breath, "I have to find a way to make Solomon stay with me for another seven days."

The Wing Clan girl murmured, "Solomon doesn't want to listen to me, but maybe I can find a way from the people below.

"Wizard Hana, I need you to do me a favor. Help me find the leaders of each tribe. I want to talk to them in private... Oh, by the way, there are also the dwarves and the noble lords. If you can If you find it, let’s find it together.”

"But your body..."

"I can still hold on." After Lanita said, her calf suddenly twitched, her face showed pain, and her head and lower limbs bent backwards unconsciously.

Hannah was stunned by this strange scene.

Until the voice of the Yi clan girl sounded again, "Have you seen enough?"

Her tone was heavy and cold, and Hannah came back to her senses, bowed quickly, and left the wing girl's room.

At this time, Hannah was in a state of disarray, and once Solomon knew what Lanita had told her, it would definitely make the latter furious.

Hannah followed Solomon to the continent of Bratis, and watched him win one battle after another, conquering one town after another.

I am full of admiration for the commander of the Wing Clan, but the wizard association behind Lanita manages all wizards.

If you offend Solomon, the most you can do is to be sent back to the Hadland continent by Solomon, but if you offend the wizarding society, you may completely lose your identity as a wizard, and you may even face the threat of death.

So it's not a difficult choice.

Hannah quickly found a few officers she was usually familiar with. She didn't reveal her intention at the beginning, but said that Lord Ranita wanted to see them.

Like all the Yi people, these officers also respected the wizard society, and they didn't think too much after hearing the words, and were quickly brought back by Hana.

According to the etiquette of the Wing Clan, after meeting, they first stepped forward and rubbed Lanita's neck, said hello to the girl of the Wing Clan, and then stepped aside.

Then Ranita looked at Hannah, who understood, silently exited the room, and closed the door before leaving.

In just one afternoon, Lanita met a total of forty or fifty people, most of whom were Wing tribesmen, but also some dwarves, orcs and humans.

But at night, the Wing Clan girl was extremely tired. When Hannah brought someone over again, she knocked on the door, but there was no movement inside.

Hannah was shocked and couldn't care less. She quickly opened the door and saw Lanita lying on the ground, her eyes closed and her body still twitching.

Hannah took out the knife she carried with her and immediately began to bleed the girl from the Wing Tribe.

After receiving half a bowl of blood, she took out the herbs she carried with her, picked out a few types, chewed them in her mouth, spit them out, and applied them to the wound.

At the same time, he was still mumbling words and performing witchcraft.

She danced for a while, during which time she even leaned in front of Lanita and blew into the latter's nostrils.

After a while, the twitching of the Wing Clan girl finally stopped. Lanita opened her eyes again and said with a confused expression, "I...where am I?"

"You are in your room, Lady Lanita."

The girl from the wing tribe shook her head, and it took her a while to come back to her senses, "I...where have I gone? Who else is next? By the way, what's the name of the guy in charge of raising dragons, David? Or Yin Nuo?”

"I have asked Master Ino to go back, and you must stop visiting guests. You have met many people today, and what you need most now is to rest."

Hannah picked up Lanita and carefully placed her on the bed.

But the girl from the Wing Clan shook her head and said, "No, I have to meet everyone before Solomon reacts, otherwise..."

"With all due respect, if this continues, I'm afraid you won't be able to see the sun tomorrow."

"It doesn't make any difference, it's all death anyway." Lanita said and yawned again, feeling her eyelids getting heavier and heavier, "I...I must stop the army, within days..."

She closed her mouth halfway through her words.

Hannah stretched out her hand and probed under her nose. Fortunately, the Wing Clan girl was still breathing. It looked like she had just fallen asleep.

Hannah breathed a sigh of relief. She walked around the house a few times, and finally made up her mind, got up and came outside Solomon's bedroom.

Solomon is probably the only one who can save Lanita now.

The commander of the Wing Clan happened to have not fallen asleep yet. His room was still lit so late. When the guard guarding the door saw that it was the wizard Hannah, he immediately went in to report.

Solomon's voice came directly from inside, "Come in."

Hannah walked into the room and couldn't help but look surprised, because she saw many familiar faces inside, all of which were officers she had taken to visit Lanita not long ago.

Solomon seemed to be examining the expression on Hannah's face at this time, and after a moment he said, "Why, are you weird?"

"Ah, I don't know what you are talking about." Hannah was a little panicked.

"This is my army. Do you and Lanita really think you can hide those little tricks from me under my nose?" Solomon said calmly.

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