Working Prophet

Chapter 765: Playing a triumphant song

Solomon didn't know what was happening in the Cape of Plenty yet, and even if he knew, he probably wouldn't care much.

From his personal point of view, he actually hopes that Lanita can survive, so that it will be easier for him to explain to Zebulun and the Wizarding Society.

But he thought he had done everything he could. Lanita was captured because of his own mistakes, and it had nothing to do with him.

But as the coach, he put himself at risk and went to exchange the captured Yi clan girl back in person.

If this step can be achieved, even if Lanita really dies in the end, it will be difficult for Zebron to use this matter to make trouble and remove him as the commander of the expeditionary force.

As for the Wizards' Association, it's a little more troublesome, but those wizards are also a group of very realistic and cold-blooded guys. If Lanita is still alive, they may come to trouble him.

But after death, there is no need for conflict between the two parties.

Solomon no longer wanted to think about this matter anymore, but instead focused on the current war.

As soon as they entered the Western Territory, they encountered the enemy.

The raiders hid in woods and swamps, and attacked the army as they passed.

However, once the attacker reacts, they will quickly withdraw, taking advantage of the complex surrounding environment to avoid pursuit and detection.

Of course, their hiding place was not flawless. Solomon sent Wing Clan warriors to cooperate with the dwarves and imperial noble allies in the sky. They searched bit by bit and finally found all the twenty-five sneak attackers in the woods. .

They were driven out into the open space and knelt in a row.

The Wing Clan warriors used them to compete in archery. With the trembling sound of the bowstrings, the prisoners fell to the ground one by one.

Most of the people were shot to death on the spot, and those who were still alive had their heads cut off by the people who came to check.

The Wing Tribe people were very excited about doing this. They even stripped the knight leading the team naked, gave him a wooden sword and forced him to choose an opponent for a duel according to knight tradition.

There is no doubt that those Wing Clan warriors had the absolute upper hand in this funny duel.

However, they were not in a hurry to kill their opponent. In the end, the knight was hit by more than a dozen arrows before he died in pain.

Solomon was not very satisfied with this. It was not that his soldiers were too cruel, but that it took too long to capture and execute these twenty-five people.

It wasn't until dusk that the army set off again, and it didn't go far before it encountered another sneak attack.

So everyone used their old tricks to search on the spot. However, this time the sky had darkened halfway through the search, so they had to give up temporarily and surrounded the swamp, preparing to search again tomorrow.

But Solomon frowned at this time.

These enemies are all in small groups. Their actions are mainly harassment. They appear suddenly with the help of terrain. They will disappear quickly regardless of whether they succeed or not. The damage they can cause each time is actually very limited.

But in order to capture their army, it takes a lot of energy and time.

The commander of the Wing Tribe was vaguely aware that the purpose of these people's appearance might just be to slow down their march.

So early the next morning, Solomon changed his strategy and ordered the noble lords to send out cavalry to roam near the army. If they encountered sneak attackers, they did not need to annihilate them, but just drove them away.

This move quickly took effect, and the army's marching speed was increased.

Arriving outside the first town the next morning, the lord of that town opened the city gate himself and led his two sons out of the city to greet him as a sign of surrender.

They prepared six boxes of gold, two boxes of jewelry, and three hundred young virgins.

But they failed to see Solomon. Only a dwarf named Willy came forward to accept their gifts.

Then he led his men and sacked their town without hesitation.

The lord and his two sons stood awkwardly outside the city, watching the dwarves move various belongings from the city, and listening to the crying and wailing coming from the other side of the city wall.

It wasn't until the goods were piled up like a hill that the dwarf named Willy came back and found the lord, asking the latter to send people and carriages to deliver the goods to the Corner of Plenty first.

After hearing what Willy said, the lord's face turned green.

This doesn't matter. His territory has been looted, and he still has to help the bandits carry the loot.

Perhaps the only good thing is that the dwarf named Willy also said that they only took away half of the goods this time, leaving him some wealth.

However, before the lord had time to be happy, another member of the Winged Tribe found him and asked him to take a good look at the remaining half of the treasures. After Solomon conquered the Western Territory, he would send people to count them and take them away.

After hearing this, the lord felt like he wanted to die. He couldn't help but regret not listening to Ilea and choosing to resist.

However, after seeing the army in front of him, he felt that resistance would not end well. Although surrendering was shameful, at least he could save his life anyway.

In short, Solomon captured the first town in the west without any bloodshed. He also sent people to collect most of the food in the city, effectively alleviating the army's food shortage problem.

Solomon took little rest after that and chose to move on.

But this time they finally encountered some trouble. The attackers still emerged from the woods, but this time they were particularly large, with a total of three hundred people.

The cavalry patrolling nearby were captured by them as soon as they met, and then they set fire to some of the food and grass.

Not much, but enough to be annoying.

The main reason is that the number of attackers in the previous few waves was not too large, which made everyone relax their vigilance, but unexpectedly, the opposite side suddenly suppressed a large wave.

This time Solomon didn't choose to forget it. Even from a rational point of view, this kind of people can't cause more harm. If it's just for the purpose of quickly conquering the Western Region, it's more appropriate to leave it alone.

However, not everyone can think about the problem from a rational point of view. If they really leave it alone, it will undoubtedly affect the morale of the army.

So Solomon could only spend another half a day, but this time he only found less than a hundred people.

Since this army was dispersed, the people who were arrested did not know where the remaining two hundred people went.

Solomon only learned from their mouths that most of them were from Hongta City and belonged to the Treiles family, and the rest were fighters from some small noble families.

Solomon asked people to record all the families behind them, and planned to slaughter them all at that time.

He left a thousand dwarves to go on looking for someone, and the rest went on their way.

In the next two days, they passed through three towns without encountering any decent resistance. The lords there either went out of the city to surrender, or ran away early.

The 10,000 Winged Warriors brought by Solomon had done a little bit of work in finding someone before, but they hadn't made a move until now, and they even felt a little bored.

The only attrition was actually death.

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