Working Prophet

Chapter 762 The Forgotten Tradition

The first thing Solomon did after returning to Cornucopia was to find a wizard to check Lanita's body.

As a result, no wounds were found on the Wing Clan girl's body, and according to Lanita's own account, she did not suffer any severe beatings or torture during her imprisonment.

She just seemed a little lethargic, her temperature was high, and she yawned a lot.

The wizards said that she might have contracted some cold, and prescribed a pair of herbal medicines for her, and also told her to get more rest.

After Solomon settled Lanita, he went to see the Storm Lord and the Red Death.

Compared with the girl from the Wing Tribe, the condition of the two dragons was obviously much worse.

The body was covered with large and small wounds, especially the red dragon. The blood hole on its neck looked very scary. Several Wing tribe members filled it with some herbs, but they were all washed away by the blood.

And under the stimulation of severe pain, the red dragon is now very irritable and does not allow anyone to get close. Previously, an unlucky guy was scratched by the bone spurs on its wings, and half of his body was cut open. He screamed from the sky. He fell down.

The Wing Clan members responsible for feeding it are considering chaining it up so that it can be medicated and bandaged.

Solomon was mentally prepared before he came, but he still frowned after seeing the tragic situation of the two dragons.

This ambush was not accidental, but planned.

When Redio went to see him, he had already revealed that Li Yu was going to use Lanita to make a deal with him.

Solomon guessed at that time that Li Yu would probably ride a dragon to see him, so after arriving at Cape Plenty, he only left the Storm Lord in the city, but let the Red Death secretly hide in the woods not far away.

The purpose is to double-team Li Yu and Queen Bai when they appear.

If he could get rid of the Shuangxiu Sect's prophet and the rebellious White Dragon in one fell swoop, then there would be no obstacle to his conquest of the Western Region. In addition, he would save Lanita in advance and there would be no need to make a deal with the Shuangxiu Sect.

Of course Solomon also considered the possibility of failure.

At that time, he could also say that the attack was a spontaneous act by the two giant dragons. Anyway, the dragons could not speak, and no members of the Wing Tribe appeared during the attack.

When they met Li Yu later, they really didn't waste any time arguing with him about the matter.

But what Solomon didn't expect was that the Storm Lord and the Red Death would be defeated so quickly and so miserably.

These three giant dragons were all brought to Bratis by the Wing Tribe. They had played a significant role in previous battles, and Solomon was familiar with them.

In order of strength, the Red Death is the well-deserved boss, followed by the White Queen. The Storm Lord is the weakest among the three-headed dragons because of its smallest size, but it is not much different from the other two dragons.

It stands to reason that any two of the three dragons can easily defeat the third one if they join forces, not to mention that the strongest Red Death is still on their side.

However, the result was that the White Queen fought one against two, killing the other two dragons and retreating steadily. It could be said that she was almost unable to fight back.

This also caught Solomon off guard, and he had to order the army to take off immediately to rescue him.

Otherwise, the Wing Clan commander might not have caught one dragon in this ambush, and would have to lose two more.

What Solomon couldn't understand the most was that the Queen was still the White Queen, but she had been missing for more than a month, so why did her strength increase so horribly when she came back.

Not to mention compared to the red dragon and the blue dragon, even on the Hadland continent where they originally lived, Solomon rarely saw such an outrageously strong dragon.

He still didn't believe in the divine punishment predicted by the guy named Merlin, but the latter's endless methods did arouse his considerable vigilance.

Although he didn't want to admit it, Solomon felt a hint of threat, and the most effective way to deal with a threat was to nip it in the bud.

Therefore, even though the allies had not yet completed their assembly, Solomon immediately made a decision and asked the troops who had arrived at Cape Plenty to complete their preparations early tomorrow morning and set off for the Western Territory.

However, not long after the order was issued, Lanita came to the door.

The girl from the Wing Clan had already laid down on the bed and drank the wine that she had been craving for. Under the influence of the alcohol, she felt that her body seemed to feel better.

She was about to close her eyes and take a nap, but was awakened by the movement outside the door. The girl from the wing tribe called the wizard who was taking care of her, and only after asking did she know what happened.

So she put on her clothes again and came to Solomon.

Lanita said without any nonsense, "Take back your order and attack the Western Region again in seven days."

Solomon was cleaning his dagger, but he didn't raise his head when he heard the words, but asked, "Why?"

"Because this is one of the conditions in exchange for me, you promised Merlin in that small village." Lanita said angrily.

"Since when have you ever cared about promises?" Solomon stopped what he was doing and looked at the girl from the Wing Tribe, "Besides, it's a promise to the enemy."

Lanita was speechless for a moment.

"Or is there something I don't know about, did you make any other deals with Merlin behind my back?"

Although Solomon asked, he didn't seem to care about the answer, and then waved his hand.

"You are the daughter of Zebulun, sent by the wizards to review... how do you call it, investment, you are the one sent by the wizards to review investments.

"I will not interfere with your work, I hope you can also respect my work, and don't interfere in the next war."

"I don't intend to dictate how you lead the troops in battle, but please don't underestimate your opponent this time, Lord Solomon." Lanita said.

"Are the Arias family and Shuangxiujiao?"

"Especially the latter."

"I have also experienced Merlin's methods today. They are indeed extraordinary. No wonder you failed in front of him before."

"So we also need to proceed with caution."

Solomon put the short blade back into its sheath, "I agree with what you said, which is why I asked the army to leave immediately.

"Although I don't know why Merlin postponed the war for seven days, since this is what he expected, then we cannot let him get his wish."

"But both the Storm Lord and the Red Death are clearly in need of recuperation now."

However, the Wing Clan commander remained unmoved, "The Red Death is too seriously injured and can be left behind. The Storm Lord is only slightly injured and will set off with us.

"It is enough to deal with ordinary armies and the stone fortresses of the Western Lords. It doesn't matter if the White Queen doesn't show up. If it dares to show up again, it will be solved by our warriors.

"Our ancestors were already very good at hunting dragons. It's time to pick up those traditions that have been almost forgotten."

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