Working Prophet

Chapter 761 Seven-day appointment

"To be precise, I am not from this world." Li Yu said.

Solomon snorted, "You should use your rhetoric that it comes from the kingdom of God to deceive your believers."

"Don't you believe it?"

"Let's all be honest." The commander of the Yi clan said.

"You and I have the same purpose of coming to this continent, to conquer, but you want the people here to believe in your gods, and I not only want them to believe in my gods, but I also want them to become my ethnic group. slaves and servants."

"It sounds like the difference between us is quite big." Li Yu said, "I really want people here to become Saturday believers, but in return I have brought the seeds of civilization and precious cultural heritage to this continent. Weekend, and all you bring is killing and destruction."

"All order is born from killing and destruction. Even when you found out that you were about to lose to me, didn't you bring up some kind of divine punishment to scare me?"

Solomon said disapprovingly.

"This is not a threat. If you don't intend to stop here, then I can only bring destruction to you." Li Yu said seriously.

"Really, let's give it a try."

Solomon seemed to lose interest in the conversation for a moment, waved his hand, and asked the interpreter to bring Redio over, "Where's Lanita?"

Li Yu didn't answer right away, but first asked the young Hugh, "Is your health okay, have they abused you?"

Redio looked a little weak and needed help to stay standing. Hearing this, he grinned.

"It's just a minor injury. I'll do as you say. They know they have to keep me alive and they don't dare to kill me. In fact, I quite appreciate how much they hate me, but they can't kill me. like."

Li Yu said, "Thank you for your hard work this time. Your mission has been completed. Take a good rest after you go back. Mary will give you rewards."

After saying this, the prophet of Shuangxiu Cult also waved his hand, and Zhu Zhigang escorted the girl from the Wing Tribe out of the barn.

"Lord Solomon." Lanita didn't need help, but her face wasn't very pretty. The three-headed dragons were jolted so hard just now that she vomited again.

"Lady Lanita, you have suffered." The translator hurriedly came to greet him, "Sir Solomon personally led the army to the West for you. This time he will definitely vent his anger on your behalf."

Solomon said, "Swap your people for mine, do it quickly, and then we can meet on the battlefield."

"Have you forgotten something? If you want the deal to be concluded, there is another condition. You must not launch an attack on the Western Territory within seven days."

The commander of the Wing Clan frowned, "Why do you make such a meaningless request? Even if I give you seven more days, your fate will not change in any way."

"This is Saturday's will."

"This is not fair," Solomon said. "We already have someone we both want, so why should I accept your additional demands?"

"Because our chip weights are not the same, and... you are still afraid of Zebulon."

The commander of the Yi clan looked at Li Yu deeply when he heard this, "It seems that you have also put a lot of effort into understanding us, so let's do this, I will add two more people here.

"Kieran and Silver Hand, those two bards should be yours too, please return Lanita to me, and I can promise not to chop off their heads when I return.

"How about, three for one, you have earned enough."

In fact, Solomon wasn't sure whether Kieran and Yin Hand were spies of Shuangxiujiao. He threw the two out at this time to see Li Yu's reaction.

As a result, the prophet of Shuangxiujiao remained calm and said, "You can have people go back and chop off their heads now, but you still have to agree to my conditions."

Solomon's eyes flashed with murderous intent, and he was about to say something, but was interrupted by a voice, "Promise him."

"What?" The Wing Clan commander turned to look at Lanita.

The latter repeated again, "Promise him, Solomon, if you don't want to face the wrath of my father and the Wizarding Council. All you have to do is postpone the attack for seven days, and we have nothing to lose."

Solomon was silent for a moment after hearing this, and then looked up at Li Yu, "You will get what you want. But in seven days, I will lead an army to conquer the west."

After speaking, he signaled the translator on the side to let go of Redio's arm. The latter staggered and was about to fall to the ground, but Zhu Zhigang's quick eyesight and quick hands helped him up again.

At the same time, the carriage driver and translator on the other side also brought Lanita back, and they carefully escorted the Wing Clan girl into the carriage.

Solomon did not board the carriage, as he did not want to ride in the same carriage with the Wing Clan girl, fearing that he would be harassed again when he returned.

So he spread his wings and flew directly to the Corner of Plenty. The carriage followed him and soon left.

It wasn't until their figures disappeared at the entrance of the village that Miss Rabbit put away the duel pistol in her hand and got out of the barn.

"Do you think they will keep their promise?" the girl asked Li Yu.

The prophet of Shuangxiu Cult shook his head, "I don't know, but for the sake of her own life, Lanita should try her best to prevent Solomon from sending troops. After all, she still has a curse from me."

The main reason why Li Yu wanted to delay those Yi tribe members for another seven days was to give time for the virus to spread.

Of course, the longer this time is, the better, but Solomon is not a fool. If large-scale deaths really begin, he will definitely notice it.

So seven days is about right.

Li Yu had previously conducted experiments on those Yi tribe people, mainly to find diseases that could spread over a large area among the Yi tribe people, have high lethality, and at the same time be difficult to infect humans.

The first thing he thought of was bird flu, but he tried many subtypes of influenza virus, but the effect was not very good.

Fortunately, Li Yu later discovered that those Yi people were quite susceptible to Newcastle disease.

This is an acute, febrile, septic and highly contagious infectious disease of poultry. Also known as chicken plague and Asian avian influenza.

The virus usually invades through the digestive tract, respiratory tract, conjunctiva, wounds and cloacal mucosa, and spreads throughout the body with the blood. It is known for its high morbidity and mortality rates.

One of the Yi tribesmen Li Yu used for experiments was infected with Newcastle disease. Later, three other Yi tribesmen who were imprisoned in the same place as him were also infected one after another, and all four died without exception.

Of course, this does not mean that Newcastle Disease has a 100% fatality rate for the Yi people. After all, Li Yu's sample size is too small.

But at least it can be seen that the lethality of Newcastle disease to the people of the Wing tribe is indeed amazing, and there is currently no news of humans being infected with Newcastle disease. As long as there are no mutations during the spread, then people on the Bratis continent will not be affected for the time being. dangerous.

Thanks to Vanilla Sword Fairy and other classmates for the reward... In addition, the issue of why viruses and bacteria can be brought to the past has been discussed in this book before, and the example of the indigenous people of the American continent was also cited. It may be too long for everyone. I forgot, book friends who have doubts can turn to the front, mainly because Li Yu can't go there, the probiotics are gone.

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