Working Prophet

Chapter 753 Merlin’s Promise

Li Yu actually arrived last night, but he took the time to go back to the territory where he taught during the weekend, mainly to inspect the production progress of the gun factory and the preparations for the new pharmaceutical factory.

The war is about to begin, and casualties will certainly increase accordingly, so it becomes necessary to start production and stockpile medicines in advance.

And assuming that only one drug can be selected for large-scale production, it is undoubtedly antibiotics.

Antibiotics were once called panaceas. In 2011, the clinical usage rate of antibiotics in my country reached 70%. There is undoubtedly a large amount of abuse, and preventive use is a typical example.

At the same time, the misuse of antibiotics will also cause a series of harms, but it is undeniable that antibiotics are indeed very useful, especially during World War II, they saved the lives of countless soldiers.

Without it, thousands of soldiers would have died from the infection.

Not to mention that the medical condition is far inferior to that of the continent of Bratis in the twentieth century.

Li Yu had already pointed out glass technology before and built a glass factory. The glassware produced was wildly sought after by the nobles and has become the new flagship product of the Fortune Society.

However, just a week ago, the glass factory stopped producing glasses and glass jugs and switched to producing glass lenses and petri dishes.

The former is used to make telescopes, while the latter is sent to a pharmaceutical factory that is still under construction.

In another universe, people have been using spoiled food to treat wounds as early as 3,000 BC (although today, this is no different from committing suicide)

But it was not until 1929 that British bacteriologist Alexander Fleming first discovered penicillin, which is now the most widely used antibiotic in the world.

Fortunately for Li Yu, he didn't have to repeat the discovery again, and he didn't have to start from scratch, extracting antibiotics from rotten food or boogers.

He can directly spend money to buy penicillin, bring it over, produce and purify it in culture medium, and then use it.

Moreover, the penicillins on the market today are carefully selected by pharmaceutical companies and mutated by radiation.

It is more than a thousand times higher than the original strain discovered by Alexander Fleming.

When Li Yu returned to Teacup Castle, the rally had already been going on for a while.

However, the prophet of Shuangxiu Sect came back just in time, catching up with everyone talking about the Yi tribe army.

Upon hearing his answer, many nobles showed astonishment on their faces.

Even the current main ally of the Arias family, Galin, the housekeeper of the Emmanuel family, is skeptical.

After a moment, Kamzi, who was always upright, took the lead and said, "I have witnessed you performing miracles, lighting up the dark night, summoning rats, and still playing grand music without musicians...

"If it weren't for you, we wouldn't be able to defeat the dwarf army that is several times our size.

"So if you plan to perform any miracles this time, our army will fully cooperate with you, but we don't have wings. Even if we defeat those Wing Tribe people, we may not be able to keep them."

The head of the Trelles family expressed everyone's concerns.

Li Yu nodded at him, "I am very grateful for your generous help, but this time you do not need to send out troops. Your troops should mainly be reserved to deal with the followers of the Yi tribe on land.

"As for those Yi people, my lord will do it himself on Saturday."

The discussion in the hall became louder. In the history of the Bratis continent, although there were precedents of gods personally taking action, those were tens of thousands of years ago.

It only exists in the vague legends of the ancestors, and there is no even written record.

Therefore, when Ilea said before that she would personally take action on Saturday, so many people expressed doubts. However, this time they were confirmed by Li Yu.

"In that case, why didn't we take action earlier on Saturday?" someone couldn't help but ask.

"Because the divine punishment is not without price. If it is not a last resort, I will not take action on Saturday."

"And what's the price?"

"The divine punishment will not only fall on the heads of those Yi clan people, but it may also affect many birds." Li Yu did not hide it.

Many nobles breathed a sigh of relief when they heard this. Seeing the solemn tone of the prophet who had stopped teaching, they thought that some of them would have to bear the price.

But now it seems that it is just a few more birds dying. Well, at most the farmers below will lose some more chickens and the eggs laid by those chickens.

All the nobles in the hall thought they could bear such a price.

And Li Yu didn't explain anymore. Only when you see many things with your own eyes can you know how terrible the consequences will be.

If it weren't for the fact that Li Yu didn't want to reach this point, as long as he was given some more time to produce more guns, he might be able to slowly wear out the Yi clan members.

However, the sudden visit of Lanita and Bailong forced Li Yu to play the most terrifying card.

However, for the nobles who participated in the gathering, when they heard that Saturday was willing to personally deal with the Wing Tribe people, their faces showed excitement.

If it were another cleric who said this, even if the Silver Moon Church they believed in made a similar promise, most of them would not believe it.

But the one who spoke now was Li Yu, a prophet known as the miracle spreader. He had created countless miracles and had never disappointed his believers and followers.

Although most of the nobles in the Western Region are not Saturday believers, they have all heard of the famous Merlin and his deeds.

Even if there are still doubts in their hearts, as long as they come to the window and take a look at the white dragon lying outside, they will have nothing to say.

"If we only deal with enemies on land, then none of us are afraid." Kamzi said, patting his chest.

"Very good, I will give you another gift. The new holy weapon from Shuangxiu Sect. With it, I believe you will be even more powerful when commanding battles."

Li Yu took out a long-tube telescope newly developed by the glass factory and handed it to a noble next to him.

This is a combination of convex and concave lenses.

After the latter took it, he didn't know how to use this short stick that didn't look very strong.

Until I heard Li Yu say again, "Go to the window and put it under your eyes. No, it's not the thick end, that end is facing outward. The thin end is for viewing, that's right."

The noble quickly exclaimed after doing so, "Oh my god, how could I see so far! I saw the woods outside the city, and I saw a deer there!"

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